The latest chapter of the rise of the rise, the first six or four chapters of the dragon will break! Floating astronomy
At the moment when the taboo attack came, Luo Yunyang had escaped arrish ten miles away, but his speed was fast, but it was faster than the taboo.

What’s more, this taboo is not a one!

At the moment when Luo Yunyang stopped, the force of a space tearing was centered on the wind and rain and spread around.

This speed, far supersonic!

At this speed, Luo Yunyang knew that he could not escape at all. He had already rushed into the rolling river, and he did not hesitate to directly add all his attributes points to his own power.

Power: 1000

Speed: 2

Spirit: 3

Constitution: 18

Among the dragons and dragons in the sky, there is one of the most defensive means, called the hurdle fire shield, which can use the ice source to form a shield outside the body.

Because the power of ice and fire is opposite each other, the strength of this ice-fire hood will be ten times stronger than the power of ice or fire alone.

Luo Yunyang After breaking through the Grandmaster, he paid attention to the arbitration technique, but it has not been used all the time, but now, it seems that it will not be used!

It is more reliable than the golden body.

The source of the golden fire and the white ice, in the body of Luo Yunyang, formed a gold and silver shield. The shield looks a bit weak, but it’s actually looping, but it’s tough.

Even if the two dragons join hands, they can’t break their defenses.

At the moment when Luo Yunyang completed this defense, it seemed that the power of destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth had already surged.

Under the powerful force of this mountain, the river that originally enveloped Luo Yunyang was turned into countless water droplets and scattered in all directions.

The long river that winds and rains is also between the next and disappears.

At the moment when this force came into contact with the ice fire cover, Luo Yunyang felt a strong force and took him to fly out.

However, this kind of flying out is not the whole body flying together, but the power of violent, tearing him directly into powder, and then throwing it down.

Sinking down!

Luo Yunyang controls the hurdles from the ice, and wants to fall into the mud, but unfortunately, the soil is splashed in all directions with the river under the power of the taboo.

Can’t move! I am afraid that I will die here.


It is also a moment, there are countless cracks on the hood of the ice, Luo Yunyang desperately transports the source, but unfortunately, although his source is many, although the transmission is fast, but after all, it is still not able to The speed at which the hood is broken from the ice flame.

If you can’t fix it quickly, then when the ice cover is broken, it is the moment of your own life.

At this time, Luo Yunyang has no choice. He is desperately urging his own source. At this moment, he can only desperately!

I have already communicated with the acupoints of the heavens and the earth. At this time, I am desperately trying to absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth. However, this is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket.

The power of the Grand Grandmaster is endless, but this is only relative. For example, in this case, the speed of Luo Yunyang’s absorption of power has not increased, but the source of his use has far exceeded the speed of his use.

No source!

In the judgment of Luo Yunyang, this crazy bursting power is strong, but the time is very short.

At most, in Luo Yunyang’s view, it is only a minute at most, but his time is only ten seconds.

In other words, he still needs to resist fifty seconds.

Put all the power, using the property adjuster, into a golden body, but in this way, Luo Yunyang feels that he only has one percent chance of survival.

The detached ice fire hood must not be broken!

This thought appeared quickly in the heart of Luo Yunyang. In his eyes, he suddenly gave birth to a firm, almost no hesitation. Luo Yunyang quickly took his own two pockets from the Zulong Mausoleum. The stone was taken out.

From the trace of the spar, in Luo Yunyang’s calculation, as long as he slowly absorbs the two spar, he can become the Grand Master.

But now, he has no time to absorb it, the crazy power is tearing the shield quickly.

“Dragons fight the sky, swallow gold fossils!”

Nowadays, in the case of Luo Yunyang, it is difficult for him to absorb the power of the spar all at once, but he can’t wait!

At the moment when the two spar entered the body, Luo Yunyang relied on the source of his own with the body to shatter all the two spar, the power of ice and fire, the majestic tide, in his within The body crazy collision.

A stock feels like a tear, but it makes his entire body explode.

But all these pains, Luo Yunyang have been taken care of, he is now desperately urging the source, complementing the hurdle off the ice fire hood.

The power of tearing the void is still going on. The bonnet that is shrouded in the body of Luo Yunyang is constantly changing its shape under the power of tearing everything.

Every change, for Luo Yunyang, is a kind of squeezing, but this kind of squeezing, but let Luo Yunyang because of the violent ice source, almost no explosive body, repeatedly suppressed.

Distorted body changes make Luo Yunyang painful, and the body is like a group of worms coming in, constantly squirming, itching and numb.

However, the depth of the bone marrow is itchy and numb, but it can’t be scratched. This kind of torture like a purgatory, Luo Yunyang is hard to bite, desperately resisted!

In his heart, there is a voice snarling, let him give up, as long as he can give up, as long as he closes his eyes, all these tortures will disappear without a trace.

Can not give up!

I can’t give up! Luo Yunyang clenched his fists tightly. He still had many unfulfilled wishes that he had not realized. He didn’t want to die, he couldn’t die. He has a hard-working mother, his simple and lovely sister, who needs him!

This time, the killing of the ring, I do not know how many people hate their own bones, if it is said that Professor Qin and others can shelter their loved ones, then now, I am afraid that only the ones who live, the loved ones he loves can be sheltered.

Can’t die, never die!

The huge, more painful than the Shura field, Luo Yunyang endured hard, and in this endure, he did not feel it, his fine divine power in this incomparable pain, is crazy Soaring.


As time went by, the majestic, huge power slowly diminished, but Luo Yunyang within the body, the two crystals that turned madly formed the power of the sun, but the more powerful Both in Luo Yunyang’s with the the body, formed a balance, a balance that makes Luo Yunyang extremely uncomfortable.

If this balance continues, Luo Yunyang will probably be suffocated under this power, so he made the most crazy move at this time.

A powerful source of ice and fire, rushing to the two acupoints of the sun, not breaking, the result is death.

It is also a moment, in the invisible light ring, the two acupoints of the Taiyin Sun suddenly penetrated, and the sixth factor of a strong stock is like the ice that disintegrates like the temptation of warm current, toward Luo Yunyang. Within the body, rushing in!

Originally, because of the engulfing of two spar, the body full of tearing feeling, when these two forces entered the body, became extremely comfortable.


In the practice of the dragon fighting map, the realm that would have taken a year to reach, in this extremely dangerous situation, was broken by Luo Yunyang!

猿龙斗天图, promoted Grandmaster!

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