The latest chapter of the rise of the supremacy, the first four chapters of the chapter he came from the glare, floating astronomy
The lively dance is crowded with red men and women. Nie Xin sat in a corner and looked at the men and women who were handsome.

Many of these people know him, and whenever his eyes look at the past, those who feel it will pay tribute to him.

Nie Xin, faintly nodded to those people.

This time the party, he is not the main character, the main character is the person who returned this time. Originally, the family told him that he would not attend this big party.

He understands why those people let him not want to participate, but for those who demand, Nie Xin does not care, he still came.

Old Ancestor has told him that things are here, then this thing can only be here.

Although he failed, he still has to come over. He wants to let those people know that his Nie heart is not rushing. What’s more, this thing, apart from the death of several subordinates, he did not eat anything big. deficit.

That night, the most dazzling figure has not come yet!

Nie Xin is not going to provoke the person. Of course, this is only a face-to-face provocation. In fact, he himself comes here to be a provocation.

However, what about it? As a national priest of the 13th city in the East, how can he be himself?

I think he sees himself, but can’t help but feel that he doesn’t see himself. Nie has a feeling of wanting to laugh.

My second brother, I can’t figure it out. After hearing the news of that person, I still practice hard at home. It is really…

Thinking of the second brother Nie Yunxin, Nie Xin shook the head, he shakes the wine in his cup and walks toward a young man who is smashing a red girl.

The man was well-dressed, and the clothes and dresses were of superior quality. I didn’t know what to say to the woman, and the girl tickles and smirked.

“Xiaolong, are you here too?” Nie Xin’s mouth floated a little smile, faintly said to the man.

When the man saw Nie Xin, the first thing was a glimpse, and his face was filled with a smile: “It’s Nie Ge, I didn’t want to come, but my father must ask me to come, haha!”

That is called Xiaolong. Listening to Nie Xin’s call to him as a dragon, I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. Many people have seen him and he is happy to call him a young Master, but he himself prefers to be called Dragon.

But every time, Nie Xin saw him and called him Xiaolong. If he didn’t do anything else, he would always rush at him. His face was arrogant. He Nie Xin had the obligation to knock him on the side and hit it. The guy at the top is stepping on the ground, his mother, there is Laozi, the world, and it’s not like you to be a junior!

“Little dragon, why didn’t you see our main character?” Nie asked faintly.

The little dragon smiled softly: “I heard that I went out. It will be a bit of a willfulness to come back after a while. However, people are now just right. My father said, let me not provoke Luo Yunyang anyway.” ”

“You know, the things that my family’s father arranged, I never dare to say half a word, hahaha!”

Xiaolong’s words changed Nie’s face and followed Haha’s words: “Yes, the wind and water are turning, now it’s home! It’s the spring breeze when it’s a horse’s hoof! It’s inevitable…”

“However, after this paragraph, hehe…”

The little dragon smiled and didn’t speak. He understood Nie Xin’s mind, and he also heard about Nie Xin’s things. Some of the faint gloating in his heart.

For this matter, in addition to lamenting that the strength of the Nie family is really strong, there is nothing to say.

“You, this time the resource allocation, let us sulking in the thirteenth city of the East for a long time, come and let us raise a cup together to celebrate this victory!” Talking is a middle-aged man, dressed in an ordinary, But in this ordinary, it carries a kind of majesty.

“哐Dāng! ”

Just in the hall, when countless people lifted the wine cup in their hands, the huge iron door was pushed open by the force, and countless lights, at this moment, shine on the door.

From the gate, a young man came in. The young man’s clothes were very casual. It seemed to be a bit out of place with the scene here, but what really caught everyone’s attention was the young man’s arms, holding a ragged clothes. little girl.

What is even more bizarre is that behind the man, he is followed by a tall man, but the clothes of this man are even more uncoordinated with this welcome.

Nie Xin looked at the accident and gently browed his brow. He knew the man who came in, the guy who made him hate the roots.

“Below, let us welcome our biggest hero, Luo Yunyang Guoshi!” The host was surprised when he saw Luo Yunyang coming in, but his literacy still made him quickly make the best choice.

Like the thunderous applause, with the applause, there are countless joys!

“Luo Yunyang , Luo Yunyang !”

Walking in the channel of cheering, Luo Yunyang stepped forward, and his eyes were in the blink of an eye, and he looked for the object that was arrived.

He did not hesitate, and strode toward the man’s position. All the people who came toward him felt that he had exuded a force from him and pushed them away.

Nie Xin suddenly felt a little flustered. He felt inexplicably that Luo Yunyang, who was raised by this bitch, seemed to be coming to him. Grandma’s, the hero did not eat before the loss, the first reaction in his mind was to hurry up!

Just, think about the consequences of his own evasion, Nie Xin calmed his mind, his father has said, this thing ends here, then he still does not believe, Luo Yunyang can still be how?

The little girl with me should be the little girl who was interrupted by her own orders. What can I do? Ask yourself? If you ask questions, he will not be stupid to promise anything, at most, it is a violation of his own heart.

If you look at yourself, what will his face look like, will it be violently thundering, will not be angry…

Just when Nie Xinzhen was uneasy, Luo Yunyang had already walked around the side of Nie Xin, and he said coldly: “Are you Nie Xin?”

“Haha, I didn’t expect Luo Guoshi to have heard of me. Yes, I am Nie Xin. I am very happy to meet Luo Guoshi!”

Nie Xinshuang laughed quickly, he made a very enthusiastic look, even he extended his palm to Luo Yunyang.

However, when he took a take action and had a handshake with Luo Yunyang, Luo Yunyang had already politely shouted: “Scum!”

In this sentence, Luo Yunyang did not hide it at all, and it was straightforward and has all the weight!

At the moment of being shackled, Nie Xin only felt that the blood was pouring up. When he had been insulted in the past few years, he was still in full view!

“Luo Yunyang, what do you say, what are you, how dare you talk to me like this, you… don’t think…”

Under the anger, Nie was so angry that he was red-faced. He pointed his finger at Luo Yunyang, and he had to take him to the blood of the dog!

However, before he finished speaking, Luo Yunyang had already taken action, and his fist was vigorously blasted, that is, in an instant, Nie Xin’s whole person had already flown out.


Nie Xin, who flew out, the whole person was like a bag, and he fell to the ground. Around, it became extremely silent, countless eyes, at this moment, they all looked at Luo Yunyang.

They can’t believe that all this is true, but Nie Xin has already flown out!

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