The latest chapter of the rise of the supremacy, the first thirty-eight chapters of the god of blood, floating astronomy
. Sirius step!

Luo Yunyang looked through it and sent the wolf step and the movie movement technique that he got. It seems to have the same effect.

But in terms of subtlety, this wolf step seems to be a little higher than its own move technique.

Luo Yunyang, who has researched the dragon movement technique, has quickly turned the wolf’s step over it and put it aside.

The mystery inside, he has already realized that as long as a good practice, this day he can use it.

In the end, Luo Yunyang took out a piece of blue stone, which was placed in the innermost part of the package, and was also held in a beautiful box. It can be seen how the stone is the owner of the greedy wolf.

The blue stone is only the size of a fist, but this stone seems to have multiple weights. This is the top warrior of Luo Yunyang. If it is an ordinary person, such a stone can crush people.

When he touched the stone, Luo Yunyang felt that there was not much speciality in the stone, but when he felt the stone with fine divine power, he felt that there was an endless vitality in the stone.

This kind of vitality is as majestic as the ocean.

According to Tossan’s memory, this thing should be the key to the glory of becoming a Grandmaster, and what they got from a wolf in a Jedi adventure.

Where was the Jedi, Tossan didn’t know, because he didn’t participate in that expedition. Among the greedy wolf mercenaries, all the people who participated in the expedition, only the greedy wolf came back alone.

At that time, the wolf seemed to have been seriously injured. For that adventure, the wolf did not talk about it, but Tossan and others suspected that those companions might have been strangled by the greedy wolf.

It was from that time that the wolf became stronger and stronger. Until this trip to the 13th city of the East, he became the Grandmaster.

If you use it to absorb practice, there is a huge benefit to the practitioner. When Luo Yunyang feels the pound, he uses the wood source of the body and starts to beat fast. .

It’s like a hungry child, encountering his favorite food in general.

Suddenly indulged in a moment, Luo Yunyang continued to invade his fine divine power towards the blue stone. In the process of this invasion, Luo Yunyang had a feeling that he seemed to invade the sea of ​​energy.

Endless vital energy!

A minute later, Luo Yunyang felt that his divine sense had been difficult to move forward. He felt that the blue stone was not ordinary, and he did not hesitate to use his property adjuster to continue to improve his fine divine power.

Fine divine power two hundred, fine divine power 260, fine divine power three hundred!

Three hundred fine divine power, can be said to have been the limit of the ancient Luo Yunyang, in this fine divine power reached three hundred moments, Luo Yunyang felt his heart, forming a whirlpool.

Among these whirlpools, there is something that can’t be said clearly, and it is slowly condensing, but it is a pity that Luo Yun can’t condense now.

Because he was exploring the blue stone, Luo Yunyang didn’t have much time to put it in the condensed vortex. His mind continued to explore the stone.


Luo Yunyang, who broke through the layers of obstacles, suddenly opened his eyes, because in his heart, a picture appeared.

The picture is a drop of blue blood. This blood falls to the earth. When the blood falls, it breaks into the depths of a hundred meters on the earth. Then, there is no more.

Cyan blood, endless vitality!

Although Luo Yunyang still couldn’t figure out the origin of the blood, he quickly moved to the blue stone to run Azure Emperor.

I don’t know if the attributes are the same. With the operation of Luo Yunyang, the power of a blue cyan is madly moving toward Luo Yunyang within the body.

These forces are full of vitality, seemingly more powerful and more energetic than the source of Azure Emperor.

The source core of cyan, under the enthusiasm of this force, has begun to grow bigger, that is, a blink of an eye, the source of the cyan has more than doubled.

The spirit of Luo Yunyang can be described as a high degree of tension when it absorbs the hidden power in the blue stone. The blood formed by this blood is very special. Although Luo Yunyang checks it with spiritual exploration, it seems to be energy, but this does not mean There can be no other things in it.

Therefore, in order to prevent myself from stealing chickens and not eclipsing the rice, Luo Yunyang’s spirit is extremely concerned, and there is a problem with fear.

Fortunately, Azure Emperor grew up and practiced, and there was no accident, and the incomparable energy made Luo Yunyang the whole person full of great vitality.

The blue stone is just a small circle, and Luo Yunyang’s blue wood vitality core, in Luo Yunyang’s internal vision, even before the practice, suddenly rose more than ten times.

Compared with the dragon fighting dragon map, Azure Emperor has a lot of life, and Luo Yunyang has always regarded the dragon fighting dragon map as the heavy points of his practice, so on the Azure Emperor The practice is not enough, the strength of the wood source nuclear, the progress is very small.

Now, this blue stone, let Luo Yunyang cyan source nuclear, suddenly swollen so much.

Power: 175 (Fire: 46, Ice: 45, Wood: 75)

Speed: 19

Spirit: 65

Constitution: 121 (gold body: 22, fire: 5; ice: 5)

Open the property adjuster, Luo Yunyang was suddenly shocked by the changes in the properties inside.

Only the energy of less than one tenth of the cyan stone was absorbed, and the nuclear source of the wood was increased so much. No wonder that the wolf could use the blue stone to become the Grandmaster ranked.

However, this is the blood of what, why is it a drop of blood, you can make yourself such a big progress

One thought, flashing in the heart of Luo Yunyang, he has always felt that the god-level powerhouse, such as the Valkyrie, has reached the newspaper of the adopted practice, but now, Luo Yunyang feels that he is really sitting on the ground. .

Three days later, Luo Yunyang got on the plane back to the 13th city in the East!

Compared with the time of coming, this time the escort planes are more, and most of the people on the plane are in joy.

Luo Yunyang, who has eyes closed, thinks about the moves of the Dragon Fighting Dragon, but Xue Lil’ Fatty and Ling Yubing are constantly pointing at him.

“One billion yuan, just for one night!”

Xue Lil’ Fatty When Luo Yunyang took the juice from the waiter, he finally couldn’t help but ridiculed: “Give me, you know, you have been named the world’s most expensive man!”

Luo Yunyang’s face turned black, and in his heart, there was a scene before boarding.

There are 10,000 people. In the parking lot outside the airport, eight large characters are made up of clothes. These eight characters make Luo Yunyang want to kill.

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