The latest chapter of the rise of the supremacy, the first 32 chapters of a spear (the bottom of the second), floating astronomy
Luo Yunyang’s gaze and the greedy wolf’s gaze gathered together, the waves around it are still lingering, and in the moment when the eyes converge, Luo Yunyang has already sensed the different arrived wolves.

Big Grandmaster, although his breath is still somewhat unstable, but this greedy wolf, indeed, has become a big Grandmaster.

The wolf did not hide his breath. At this time, he was like a hunter ready to hunt his prey, ready to give his prey, the most insane blow.

He smiled and smiled at Luo Yunyang.

Their distance is only a hundred meters. Among the distances of 100 meters, the greedy wolf is sure to kill Luo Yunyang in one fell swoop!

Therefore, he smiled and smiled brilliantly, because he felt that everything is now in his grasp.

However, just at the moment of his laugh, Luo Yunyang took the action, and the spear he held in his hand, almost instantly, was cast out by him.

A spear is like electricity!

At the moment when the ancient iron spear was thrown out, the two forces of ice and fire met, and the ancient spear was like a lightning bolt that cut through the sky, and cast it toward the greedy wolf.

At the moment when Luo Yunyang cast the spear, the face of the greedy wolf remained the same, and the smug sarcasm was still on the lips, but when the spear ran away, the face of the greedy wolf changed. !

There was a deep fear in his face, and he barely hesitated. He lifted the long knife in his hand and greeted him with the fast spear.

However, the moment when this spear was thrown out, it seemed to have an invincible charm. With this strange charm, the spear of the wolf had no time to come into contact with the spear thrown by Luo Yunyang.


The spear enters the body, the greedy wolf throws away the long knife in his hand, and uses his own hand to hold the spear of the spear tightly. His eyes are wide open, and he can’t believe it at all. all.

why? Why, under this spear, there is no resistance at all, why the power hidden in the spear rushes into the moment of owning the body, and then shatters its own source.

This should not be!

A spear flies out, that is, a third of the finger, it is over, Alice standing on the top of the mountain, watching the spear that is like a long-lasting blow, the whole person is shaking, this spear, he picks up Got it?

Le Manto is stunned, and he can’t believe it all. The greedy wolf, the head of the Tenth Mercenary Corps in the world, even if he is, he has to look up.

Moreover, this person is still a new Grandmaster, so invincible existence, even because of a spear of Luo Yunyang, was directly nailed to the big ship.

He will be on the life of Peak, he will go to the position he dreamed of, he came with endless hope, but when his heart is filled with endless hope, the spear comes across!

Like a yak-like man, Santo, the body trembled in madness. Just now, he felt like he was being swept directly by something like a heaven’s might.

In front of this power, he feels that he is so weak, like that…

What about ants?

“Boom!” Just in the heart of Santo’s horror, the body of the wolf, like a boulder, hehely fell in the sea.

The greedy wolf is dead. This singularity, through the eastern Wanli Huangsha, finally broke through the existence of the Grand Grandmaster and died under a spear.

The ship still came to the coast under the influence of inertia, but at this moment, the whole world, like the spear, fell into silence.

Luo Yunyang stands on the beach like a Supreme God, welcoming the arrival of the ship!

Luo Yunyang stood straight at the moment, but only himself, can really feel his current state.

He did not dare to move, or said that at this time, he did not have the power to move. That Qiankun’s attack can be said to be an instant, and the power in his body has been cleaned up.

There is no more energy at all, no strength at all!

At this time, Luo Yunyang felt that the whole person had completely collapsed there, but his last will was still trying to keep him from falling.

The yacht is still close, and Luo Yunyang has already seen the dark, full of brutal face on the yacht.

For this flying spear, Luo Yunyang has not only been for a long time, but also just thrown out the moment, it is to adjust its various attributes directly to the highest.

The power of ice and fire, all reached the award fifty!

Return to normal!

Luo Yunyang has a lot of understanding about the property adjuster. He knows that the best choice now is that all kinds of attributes are returned.

In this case, although there is still no strength in strength, his spiritual attributes can be used.

Sure enough, strength, physical strength, etc., are very bad, and even can not be used at all, but in terms of spirit, they are extremely full.

Spirit sixty five!

My own spirit has actually raised more than a dozen values ​​at a time. Are these improvements all due to the spear?

“You killed… Killed the boss?” Tossan looked at Luo Yunyang, and there was a trembling in his voice. At this time, Luo Yunyang was like a demon in his eyes.

The red-haired woman’s two fists were tight, and the whole body revealed a murderous aura. The other warriors of the greedy wolf mercenary group also rushed over, and they all used one to see. Looking at the devil’s eyes, look at Luo Yunyang.

“You are all people who are greedy wolf mercenaries?” Luo Yunyang looked at Tosang and others, faintly said.

“Chong up, kill him, just he killed the boss, must have exhausted his mind, we are now rushing up, will be able to kill him, revenge for the boss.”

The red-haired woman’s face is stunned, with a pair of blood-red eyes. It looks almost crazy, and people look chilling and full of sorrowful swearing: “As long as we work together to kill him, this time the reward is enough for us to spend the rest of our lives. And even some rewards, let us break through the current realm.”


As soon as the woman’s words were exported, several other mercenaries began to move. What are the mercenaries? They certainly have the ingredients to bully and fear hard, but they are more, but they are forgotten.

As long as they give them enough benefits, they can sell themselves to the devil.

This is the mercenary, almost at the moment of the woman’s yelling, all the mercenaries rushed in the direction of Luo Yunyang.

However, at the moment of the red-haired woman’s shackles, a flying knife rushed past Luo Yunyang and smashed toward the red-haired woman.

The flying knife is lightning fast. Although the red-haired woman can’t avoid it quickly, in front of this flying knife, it is difficult to make any response.

In an instant, the flying knife directly smashed the woman’s head into two segments. 8)

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