Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1195

The latest chapter of the rise of the supremacy, the first one of the 195th chapter of the ancestral blood of the sword refers to the stone man, floating astronomy
One, two, three…

Human Race’s face slowly became lost. Although he was extremely unwilling in his heart, but with no reason, it was entirely because of the support decision made by Luo Yunyang, and there was an unpleasantness in his heart.

It seems that the first person of Human Race, Luo Yunyang’s status, is not something that he can shake. Don’t say that you are the top powerhouses of the big world that were destroyed in the past, and it is difficult to have any influence on the status of Luo Yunyang.

Because he is Luo Yunyang, his achievements have affected too many people.

When one of my thoughts surged, I heard someone say: “Eighty-three people agree, twenty-seven people object, and the emperor’s proposal passes.”

This announcement restored the look of Human Race’s face. He looked at Luo Yunyang and said: “The emperor, for this result, I should be frustrated from the heart.”

“But in our current Human Race, I am very grateful to have such a person who can control the overall situation.”

Speaking of this, Human Race’s ancestors solemnly said: “But, one thing I still have to say is that it is a great risk to destroy the will of the source.”

“When you are doing this thing, you must think twice before you go!”

Luo Yunyang looked at the face of the Human Race, the sacred voice: “The Holy Father said, I understand!”

“There is no one that can support our original will. Our chances of winning are really very small.”

“We have been waiting for it, and ultimately we are not as good as we are, so we can have a chance to win.”

Luo Yunyang’s words, let Human Race Sanzu no longer speak, he slowly sat back in his position, indicating his attitude.

Luo Yunyang is also not ready to debate anything with the Human Race. Looking at the Human Race, Luo Yunyang smiled and said: “Now you are starting to receive the items that you can refine, and that day, it’s up to me. Come to refining.”

Yuan Zi and others know that things matter, so no one is lazy, that is, in an instant, they will be able to refine the item and quickly allocate it.

However, at the end of the arrival, it was found that there are several items that are difficult to refine.

Human Race looks at a few items and says: “Broken can be replaced by the bracelet of the three-headed stone man of the ancient six.”

“As for the other pieces, some treasures of the starry sky can also be used; as for the Thunder Pond that day, as far as I know, there are a group of people named Four Heavens, which are from the billions of light years away. Thunder Pond.”

“If you can borrow the Thunder Pond, then you can refine the Thunder Pond.”

Luo Yunyang was also a bit of a headache for these items. At this time, listening to the Human Race, the heart was suddenly a lot easier.

He smiled softly: “The ancient six surnames and my Human Race are right, it is a traitor in my Human Race, they will give it to me!”

“The last time I failed to kill the ancient six surnames, this time must let them fly away.”

If the people present and the six surnames of the ancients have the most grievances, then this person is absolutely not Luo Yunyang.

It is no exaggeration to say that the last time the ancient six surnames were annihilated, Luo Yunyang was also determined to make a decision, but in the end, because of the appearance of the trinocular stone man, he almost let the ancient six surnames directly give them the Great God Temple.

If it weren’t for the Human Race ancestors, Luo Yunyang would have to escape the catastrophe, and I would have to cultivation base.

But now it is different!

Not to mention that Luo Yunyang’s cultivation base has reached the point of the arrival of the innate Taiyi Yuanzun, and his embarrassing Taiyi Yuanzun is more than a hundred, not to mention the gods who are best at killing.

“There is a king taking action, the ancient six surnames are shattered, that is, the thing between the fingers.” Human Race is also full of confidence in Luo Yunyang, he indulged in a moment: “I and the patriarch of the four heavens, once Have a relationship, let me give you the Thunder Pond.”

Human Race’s statement made Luo Yunyang very satisfied. Under the leadership of two people, the distribution of all kinds of things needed was quickly completed.

“Human Emperor, do you know where the ancient six surnames are now?” When everyone started to work, Yuan Zi came to the side of Luo Yunyang.

For Yuan Zi, Luo Yunyang was very appreciative. He smiled and said: “When the god corps treads the sky came, I saw the activities of the ancient six surnames.”

“I believe that as long as I go there to find, they can’t go.”

Yuan Zi naturally would not doubt Luo Yunyang’s ability. After he had indulged in an instant, he finally said: “I have one thing, I don’t know if my Majesty can help?”

“What is the matter, despite the opening, we are friends.” Luo Yunyang looked at Yuan Zi, very generous.

“The ancient six surnames destroyed them, but they deserved their sins, but not all of them were sinners. The Feng Feifei in the six surnames of the ancient times was old and invited the emperor to let her once.”

Yuan Zi and Feng Feifei are old, although Luo Yunyang does not know what is between the two people, but can let Yuan Zi open her grievances. Luo Yunyang knows that the relationship between the two people is not simple.

He smiled softly: “This is a small matter, not to mention Feng Feifei. I also dealt with it. She and those of the ancient six surnames are indeed not all the way.”

“Thank you for your enthusiasm, I wish you a successful success.” Yuan Zi went to Luo Yunyang and then floated away.

Luo Yunyang After Yuan Zi left, he summoned Tianling Wang. Tianling Wang and others reported the location of the ancient six surnames, but Luo Yunyang and others had to consolidate their cultivation base some time ago, and did not have time to pay attention to them.

But now, whether it is the bracelet or something else, he will destroy the ancient six surnames.

Some time ago, the ancient six surnames were destroyed. Luo Yunyang organized five Great God temples, which can be said to be vast, but now he only brought the Corps of God.

Divine Mountain, the ancestor of the ancient six surnames, still floats in the cracks of the starry sky, but the atmosphere of the ancestral Divine Mountain is extremely dignified.

“Under the adult, not only a subordinate of the Corps of God, it is extinct, there must be invincible soldiers, why not deal with Luo Yunyang, but watched Human Race, under his eyes Prosperous!”

The old Ancestor stood in the hall of Divine Mountain and shouted loudly toward his companion. His voice even had a hint of madness.

Old Ancestor is the head of the old Ancestor. He is dissatisfied with the performance of the old Ancestor, but he has not stopped it.

In fact, the old Ancestor of the family also said his heart, the gods of the regiment can not, why the existence of the world, not take the action.

If the existence of the demise takes action in person, then the threat to Human Race does not exist. Every time I think of Human Race’s threat to them, there is a kind of uncomfortable feeling in their hearts.

Or, they are afraid!

As the Human Race and Luo Yunyang continued to grow stronger, they began to become more and more uneasy, more and more fearful, and more and more have a feeling of fear.

If Human Race continues to be stronger, then do they still have a place to live?

The old An Antortor, who likes the old Ancestor family, does not have the meaning of opening. For the old Ancestor, the current situation, although he is not willing to cater to the old Ancestor, it is difficult to say anything. Rebut the words.

In a difficult silence, the old Anunctor looked up and he was just about to say something. He found that the spiritual card of the six surnames who were enshrined in the middle of the temple had a blood mark.

“You look at it, what’s wrong with this?” Old Ancestor, when he saw the bloody moment, shouted in panic.

As the six surnames Old Ancestor, although they did not become Taiyi Yuanzun, they also stood in the Taiyuan Yuanzun’s Peak.

In the past, they were almost killed and killed in the 30 major universes, but they are all in their hands, but now, this state has undergone tremendous changes.

Human Race has been powerfully arriated to the point where they are horrible. Although they are hiding in this stable place, they are like a frightened bird.

A gaze of sight, they all looked at the spiritual card of the ancestors of the six surnames. They found that the moment of blood marks on this spiritual card, the faces became very ugly.

“The ancestor’s spiritual card has never been seen in this situation. Could it be that there is a big change?” In the voice of the old Ancestor, there is a hint of fear.

The old Ancestor is the head of everyone. He knows that the most important thing he should do at this time is to stabilize the hearts of all people.

But at this time, he himself is very flustered. Where can he still care for the hearts of others? After the brain was spinning for a moment, he screamed: “We… let us ask the ancestors.”

This method, the home of Old Ancestor and others also want to be angry, in this crisis, the three-eyed stone people, they became their only backing.

After a quarter of an hour, they have come to the retreat of the trinocular stone man. Originally, according to the status of the trinocular stone man, each of the six surnames of the ancients was prepared to send their own core disciples to serve, but they were rejected. .

“Do you have anything to do here?” The three-eye stone man’s voice was blunt, but he heard the ears of the six old Ancestor of the ancient six surnames, but it was like the heaven and earth.

“The founder, the ancestor of the Divine Mountain Hall of the ancestors, there was a blood mark!” Old Ancestor also refused to take care of the fact that he should not take the limelight of the old Ancestor, and said directly to the trinocular stone man.

At the same time, Old Ancestor didn’t have the heart to think about it. His eyes were fixed on the trinocular stone, waiting for his answer.

After the Sanmu stone man was indulged in a moment, his fingers quickly twitched, that is, in an instant, his third eyelid flashed a trace of blood.

“There is a big disaster, this is a big disaster!” The voice of the trinocular stone man with a trace of panic: “Someone wants to destroy my ancient six surnames!”

“Zu Shi, what should we do?” asked Old Ancestor in a hurry.

The Sanmu stone man faces the old Ancestor and others, shook the head: “This robbery, it is impossible to avoid it. Now we can only put hope on the life-saving means left by the ancestors.”

“I hope this means can be useful!”


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . :m.

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