Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1192

The latest chapter of the rise of the supreme, I am not available to you in the first chapter of the 1192 chapter, floating astronomy
The arrival of Luo Yunyang, the disciples of many Human Race ancestors, just in the eyes of the dead, rekindled the light of hope. Their incomparable expectations, their own opportunities, are finally coming!

At the same time, they secretly made up their minds. Regardless of the requirements of Luo Yunyang’s request, or how to make them suffer humiliation, they will bear the burden of humiliation. Anyway, please ask Luo Yunyang again.

After all, it’s about whether they can become Taiyi Yuanzun.

But now, Luo Yunyang’s words are like a good one, and they hit it hard on their heads, Luo Yunyang, not because of them.

When Tiandingjie just appeared between heaven and earth, they did not put Luo Yunyang in their eyes, but now? Luo Yunyang has become a presence they can only look up to.

It can even be said that the gap between them and Luo Yunyang is getting bigger and bigger, so that when they face Luo Yunyang, there is no room for bargaining.

“My Majesty the Emperor, I waited for a moment of ignorance, and I was murdered by the traitor. I also asked the Emperor to be merciful and give us a chance to rehabilitate.” After a brief stunned, the first one stood up for the Taiyuan Yuanzun I really said it.

The traitor is harmed!

These four words are so infinitely determined by the Yuan Yuan, and the traitor in his words is naturally Heavenly Emperor.

The face of Heavenly Emperor has changed. He bit his teeth, but he still didn’t stand up and retort. He knew that even if he couldn’t listen to Luo Yunyang, he couldn’t break the path of others.

Otherwise, in the Tianding world, he really became a street mouse.

Human Race For the guilt between his disciples, although his heart is very uncomfortable, he does not speak. He also understands that at this time, it is really unreasonable.

Xuan Shui Heavenly Emperor This pot can’t be ruined. There is only one reason, that is, the most beautiful of Heavenly Emperor.

Luo Yunyang looked at the Taiyuan Yuanzun, a faint saying: “I have already said, I am coming this time, not for this matter.”

“This is a small matter. You feel that you have offended me. After that, you can’t sin me. You can’t be so sad.”

Luo Yunyang said that there is a hint of light in the voice: “You can rest assured that I am not a narrow-minded person. If this kind of thing has passed, let it pass!”

How did it work in the past? Listening to Luo Yunyang, such an understatement, even the tone is lazy, everyone’s heart is in the eyes of the blind!

If you do not accept our apology, how can we please tell you the scriptures, do not ask you to talk, how do we become too easy to respect.

However, it was too early to know that when he came out again, there was no effect, so his eyes looked at the five Heavenly Emperors.

Or, he focused on the mysterious Heavenly Emperor.

Xuan Shui Heavenly Emperor is proud, but at this time he has to look down, he still has to bow his head, in the moment of indulging, he slammed on the ground: “The Emperor, my heart is the gentleman’s belly , made the kind of ridiculous thing.”

“I also ask the Emperor to drop a large number of adults, forgive me this time, tell us about the way of Taiyi Yuanzun.”

This choice of Xuan Shui Heavenly Emperor, there is no way o

It can even be said that if he does not make a decision now, his ethnic group will be hostile.

Luo Yunyang looked at the sacred Heavenly Emperor, frowned, and then faintly said: “Xuanshui Heavenly Emperor, I have already said, this matter has passed.”

“I won’t hold you anything, but I won’t talk about it again.”

“How do you want to have nothing to do with me, I don’t want to know about things about you.”

This sentence makes the face of Xuan Shui Heavenly Emperor very ugly, he was angry first, but in the end, his look turned into a loss.

Although Luo Yunyang’s words are very simple, they actually tell him that he does not have the qualifications that Luo Yunyang values, or that these people do not have the qualifications that Luo Yunyang values.

“People, we are all too early Yuanzun, I believe that as long as we listen to your lectures, we can also break through Taiyi Yuanzun.” In the words with a trace of unwilling Kun thick Heavenly Emperor said: “This way, I Human Race can add some strength.”

“Human Race needs the core strength.” Luo Yunyang smiled at Kun thick Heavenly Emperor, plainly said.

At the moment Luo Yunyang spoke, standing on the side of the king of heaven, the majestic Heavenly Dao rule rose to the sky.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the Tianling King is not inferior to Luo Yunyang. The power he showed at this time is even more capable of crushing the Human Race.

Human Race The sacred eagle stared at the breath from the King of Heaven, and he finally made a long sigh.

This long sigh represents the existence of this Supreme, a feeling of his own strength, an uproar.

Luo Yunyang can feel the feeling of Human Race. From the point of view, Luo Yunyang is not malicious to Human Race, but he has to do something, but he has to do it.

Not only do it, but also do these things well.

The eyes of Kunly Heavenly Emperor and others were transferred from the body of the King of Heaven to the bodies of his subordinates. From the breath of these people, they felt a huge gap in their own.

“They are the Corps of God.” Luo Yunyang did not hide. He looked at the Human Race. “Now, they belong to our Human Race.”

Human Race Sheng Sheng said: “The Emperor can surrender the Corps of God. It can be said that it is a good thing for our entire Human Race. I have a lot of confidence in this catastrophe.”

Luo Yunyang smiled and said: “The Holy Father, I am here this time, in addition to discussing with the Holy Father the future to deal with the annihilation of the world, there are some things about the Tianding world, you need to discuss with the Holy Father.”

The look of the already bleak Kun thick Heavenly Emperor and others, heard Luo Yunyang said that Tian Dingjie, suddenly understand the idea of ​​Luo Yunyang.

In this day, Dingjie, in their eyes, has always been their imprisonment. Even after Luo Yunyang became the emperor, they did not allow Luo Yunyang to touch the Tianding world.

But now, Luo Yunyang, in front of them, raised the question of Tianding in the Human Race, and their hearts, despite their infinite anger, did not dare to say it.

The gap in strength has left them with no ability to speak up. So they all looked at their own masters, and they hoped that the Human Race at this time could raise objections.

After all, Tiandingjie was founded by Human Race. In this day, Human Race Sanzu should have an absolute say.

“Tian Dingjie is part of the Human Race. There are plans for the Emperor, and the old man completely agrees.” Human Race did not hesitate to say anything, and said to Luo Yunyang.

Luo Yunyang had some concerns about persuading Human Race. Although he had made up his mind in his heart, he was still reluctant to completely rip his face with Human Race.

“Since the ancestors say so, then I will not bend around. This day is more suitable for practice than the thirty-sixth universe, so I hope to build a college that trains top powerhouses in Tianding.”

Luo Yunyang looked at Human Race, and solemnly said: “Take the resources of Tianding to give me more powerhouses for Human Race.”

The Tianding world is vast and boundless. A college should not occupy much. Xuan Shui Heavenly Emperor and others have a feeling of sigh of relief at this time.

But before they were lucky, they listened to Luo Yunyang and said: “The practice of genius characters often requires a lot of resources. The resources of this day are unified into the college for deployment.”

“I don’t know what the Holy Father is doing?”

Human Race knows the purpose of Luo Yunyang, which is an extrajudicial place that does not allow Tianding to become the emperor of others. For the case of Luo Yunyang, Human Race did not feel that something was wrong.

If he is in the position of Luo Yunyang, there is no such power. If there is such strength in his hand, he will surely comb all the strengths of the variables.

“I agree.” Human Race said here, pointing to Xuan Shui Heavenly Emperor and others: “I am a disciple, I hope that the Emperor can give them a proper placement.”

“This nature, their people can still live in Tianding world, and the resources of Tianding world can also give them one-tenth.” Luo Yunyang said with a firm statement: “In the college to recruit disciples, More will be treated equally.”

“That’s good!” Human Race smiled and said: “Is there anything else besides this thing?”

Luo Yunyang ignored the fact that Heavenly Emperor and others, who were looking at themselves with fear and anger, said with a deep voice: “There are some important things to discuss with the Holy Father. Let’s find a place to talk about it. .”

Human Race Look at Luo Yunyang’s serious appearance, knowing that Luo Yunyang and his own things are absolutely different, or Luo Yunyang will not be so serious.

“Please come with me,” said Human Race.

Luo Yunyang and Human Race After the saints came to a palace, the red moon boy went to the palace with respect and devotion. Luo Yunyang immediately asked the spirit king to tell everything he knew to the Human Race. Only said: “Sanzu, do you know the origin of our world?”

Human Race Indulge in the moment, this is the way: “Our source of this world, I have been in contact once, but it is difficult to protect itself, it is difficult to provide us with any help.”

“To be honest, he can support this piece of heaven and earth, it is not easy.”

In the case of the world’s natural will, Luo Yunyang had some speculations in his heart. At this time, he heard that Human Race Sanzu actually used the words of support. Luo Yunyang felt that the situation of the origin will not be too good.

“The Holy Father, what is the origin of this heaven and earth, what is it now? Where is it?”

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