Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1170

The latest chapter of the rise of the supremacy, the first one of the seventy-seventh chapter of the bow open Quartet, floating astronomy
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One, two, three…

With the same door in front of him, the empty net lord feels that his subconscious mind trembles.

Being able to follow this empty net lord to enter the infinite ruins is the top of the big emptiness. Although their cultivation base is still not as good as the net, the gap is limited.

Now, these same door not only lost the Tianfu jade dish in their hands, but also was knocked on the big bag on the head, and they could not disappear for a while.

Looking at the distance, a pair of calm Luo Yunyang, empty net yuan first is angry, but after the anger, it is the bottom of my heart.

If he snatched the Tianfu jade dish from a door, he could do it, but from so many hands in the same door, he snatched the Tianfu jade dish and threw everyone away with a sigh of relief. He can’t do it.

What kind of temperament does this guy have to do so without fear?

Although this matter cannot be stopped, it is not appropriate to act rashly.

Thinking of this, the eyes of Kong Jingyuan respected Zheng Rulai: “Zheng Rulai, this thing, you Taixu Xuanmen, you must give me a big empty van Gogh, give an explanation to the present.”

“Otherwise, we don’t agree!”

The 19th Young Master from St. Emperor Palace, at this time, can’t wait to tear Luo Yunyang away. He heard the words of empty net yuan respect, although he felt that the empty net yuan is really a bit too soft, but still followed: “My Saint Emperor Palace, don’t agree!”

“We don’t agree!”

Luo Yunyang robbed the Tianfu jade dish, although most of them are the people of the big sky, but many of them are solitary warriors like the St. Emperor Palace.

Although many of them can’t enter the infinite Tianfu, most of them have been integrated into the sequence of the big sky.

Otherwise, Zheng Rulai will not be defeated like that!

Listening to this angry protest, Zheng Rulai’s eyes raised a strange excitement. For these people’s protests, Zheng Rulai can say that there is no such thing as a heart.

He laughed happily: “What about not agreeing? Are you still ready to do it?”

Said here, he pointed to the nineteen Young Master and others: “Tell you, Luo Junior Brother is already merciful.”

“If you don’t, do you think you can still live?”

As soon as this sentence came out, the nineteen Young Master and others who had been screaming for a moment stunned, and their originally angry mind calmed down in an instant.

Luo Yunyang can knock them out one by one, and they can kill them even more. If Luo Yunyang really hurts Assassin at the time, then even when they enter this infinite martial art, there is a hidden means of Sect in their hands, and they will lose a lot. .

It is even more difficult to re-enter the infinite amount of Tai Market!

“Senior Brother!” Kong Wuyuan quickly rushed over. After he glanced at Luo Yunyang, he sank towards the empty net and said: “Luo Yunyang, should be our strength. Most powerhouse.”

“At this time, it is best not to succumb to him, or else we will have a great trip to the market this time, I am afraid that the whole army will be destroyed.”

When the empty net Yuanzun arrived at the arrival of Kong Wuyuan, there was a hint of joy in his eyes, but when he heard the empty consciousness, he realized that things were far worse than he thought.

“This Luo Yunyang, is it really so strong?” In the words of the empty net Yuanzun, with a trace of doubt.

“The younger brother didn’t believe it at the time, but when he tried it, he didn’t know how he was defeated, and the Tianfu jade dish in the hands of the younger brother fell into his hands.” Kong Wuyuan’s face showed a bitter smile. .

Looking at the face of the empty emptiness of Yuan Zun, the empty net Yuan Zun completely calmed down, he looked at Zheng Rulai, a sneer, looking at the same door, the look of change.

“Luo Yunyang is too deceiving. Let’s do it together and steal them from our Tianfu jade dish!” The 19th Young Master has been observing the empty net lord, seeing that he has retired, now the big martyrdom .

He told Luo Yunyang that he would knock him out, and even more people who snatched his Tianfu jade dish, can be described as hateful, how can he retreat at this time?

But when he was yelling, a deep fear suddenly rose in his heart. This kind of fear, oppressed him, was a little breathless.

He looked in the direction of the oppression, and saw a stone bow on the stone stick in the hands of Luo Yunyang. At that moment, the bowstring has been slowly opened by Luo Yunyang.

On the bow string that was pulled to the half open, a six-color long arrow and a long arrow that stalked the soul had appeared.

And the sense of oppression that makes the 19 Young Master feel chilling comes from the long arrow.

Not only the 19 Young Master, but others also felt the strong pressure of arrival, and for a time, the people present were quiet.

There are even a few people who are just clamoring for revenge for Luo Yunyang, and they are careful to take their body back one step further.

“There is the treasure of the power of the six Heavenly Dao.” The empty net lord looked at the six-long shot of the Japanese bow, with a hint of dryness in his voice.

If he just said that he still hesitated to take action against Luo Yunyang, then now he realized that he did not have the qualification to move toward Luo Yunyang.

If you really do, then the worst death must be yourself.

When he entered the Immortal Market, his body was not without treasure, but Sect gave him the treasure, which is the self-defense treasure with four Heavenly Dao rules.

This kind of treasure is far too far from the long bow of Liu Yunyang with six rules.

What’s more, Luo Yunyang’s momentum in urging the long bow of these six Heavenly Dao rules makes the empty net yuan feel that there is no small gap between Luo Yunyang and the cultivation base.

The convergence of these gaps made his last fight in his heart disappear.

“Nineteen Young Master, how about picking me up?” Luo Yunyang’s six dragons shot more and more tightly, and the majestic chilling is to lock the 19 Young Master tightly.

The face of the nineteen Young Master changed from red to black and eventually became white.

He knows that Luo Yunyang wants to crush him on the momentum at this time, and he also thinks in his heart that he can’t be overwhelmed by the momentum anyway.

But the thoughts in my heart are good, but Luo Yunyang’s long arrow, which implies six Heavenly Dao rules, really makes him fear.

Although the Heavenly Dao rule was greatly discounted in this infinitely large market, the power of the six dragons shooting the Japanese bow still made him breathless.

“No, I will plant it!” The 19th Young Master felt a deep sense of humiliation at the moment he said this sentence, and rose up in his own heart.

At the moment when his sentence was exported, a long arrow flashing six colors shot him toward him.

This arrow is like lightning!

Under this arrow, the 19th Young Master felt his heart tremble, and even said that at this time, his heart was shaking!

He didn’t want to resist, but at the moment of the arrival of this arrow, all his thoughts seemed to solidify. If you want to resist, you can’t do any resistance at all.

It was also an instant, the long arrow rushed to the front of the 19 Young Master, and the two 19 Young Master’s companions all widened their eyes.

The empty net Yuan looked quietly at the arrow. When the arrow was about to rush to the side of the 19th Young Master, he had already made a judgment. Although the arrow was as fast as a thunder, it was not right. The 19 Young Master caused too much damage.

Even so, his look has become extremely dignified, because he found that he could not pick up this arrow.

The arrow light cut through the void, disappearing without a trace! It didn’t hurt the 19 Young Master points, but it made the 19 Young Master daring, and the whole person was terrified.

Those who were clamoring for the trouble of finding Luo Yunyang, all of them closed their mouths, and they were also shocked by this arrow.

“you you you!”

Nineteen Young Master looked at Luo Yunyang, stuttering and unable to speak, his 19 Young Master is also a very face-to-face person, but at this moment, he can’t control himself at all, he has to let himself be in public. Loss.

Kong Wuyuan respected the empty net yuan and then headed to Luo Yunyang: “Roe Senior Brother, this time I waited for it!”

Although the empty consciousness is not empty, but he also represents the entire empty space. Although the first empty man of the Great Air Fanmen did not come out at this time, in fact, the representative of the empty consciousness Yuanzun is the empty net yuan.

Luo Yunyang glanced at the empty Wu Yuanzun and nodded, but at this time, the boundless Tianfu portal, which was closed, slowly revealed a gap.

The infinite amount of Tianfu is open, and many people’s attention has turned to the portal of the infinite Tianfu. Looking at the fast-opening portal, many people feel that their heart has eased a lot.

Luo Yunyang Just one arrow gave them too much pressure.

Zheng Rulai also looked at Luo Yunyang with a dignified gaze. Originally, he felt that with the appearance of the 19 Young Master and others, they had to go through a big battle before they could settle the matter, but they did not expect Luo Yunyang to use only One arrow shocked the big empty door, shocking all the powerhouses that are ready to go.

This kind of shock, also shocked Zheng Rulai!

If Luo Yunyang took out a bunch of Tianfu jade plates, he was only shocked, so now, Luo Yunyang feels that he is afraid.

Without the Heavenly Dao rule, he is so powerful!

“Yunyang Senior Brother, you please first!” Just as Zheng Rulai’s thoughts surged, the empty net yuan suddenly came out and said to the door of the open, infinite Tianfu.

“Yunyang Senior Brother, please first!” Kong Wuyuan also walked out and walked out of Luo Yunyang with a gesture of asking.

“Yunyang Senior Brother, you please!” A man from St. Emperor Palace, looks solemnly toward Luo Yunyang.

“Yunyang Senior Brother, please first!” Speaking is from the Senior Brother!


Listening to the first call, Zheng Rulai also slowly came out; “Yunyang Senior Brother, you please first!”

Luo Yunyang glanced at Zheng Rulai and others, and then strode into the infinite Tianfu who had already opened the door!

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