Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1166

The latest chapter of the rise of the supremacy, the first chapter of the six hundred and six chapters of the difference between the world, the astronomical
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Zheng Rulai is very annoyed!

Immaculate Tianfu is his destination to enter the Immortal Taixu, and he does not feel any difficulty in entering this infinite Tianfu.

When he wanted to come, he got Tianfu Jade, it was too simple. Although there are not many Tianfu jade dishes, there is absolutely no shortage of him.

It was this strong self-confidence that made him suffer a lot. And the person who gave him this kind of loss is the leader of the big empty van Gogh this time.

Compared with the name of the first person of Zheng Rulai Taixu Xuanmen, this empty net yuan is not very big, and it can even be said that there is still no name. However, this time, the empty net yuan respected a take action, let Zheng Rulai suffer a loss.

It is not that Zheng Rulai’s cultivation base is not as good as the empty net. If two people are on the cultivation base, they should be half a catty. After all, the full strength of Taixu Xuanmen, Zheng Rulai is not a wine bag.

The reason why this happens, not only because of the empty net yuan respect has a good helper, a emptiness in the big empty van Gogh door called the speed of Wu Wu Yuan Zun, but also because this empty net yuan long sleeves dance, draw a lot like St. Emperor Palace is such a lone expert.

Their purpose is obvious, that is, to prevent Zheng Rulai from entering the infinite Tianfu.

Zheng Rulai was very proud. At the beginning, he was not too able to afford these lone expert, but as the piece of Tianfu jade was taken away from his hands, he realized that he had made a fatal mistake.

Unfortunately, when he realized this, it was a bit late!

“You have to have a few pieces of Tianfu jade dish?” Zheng Rulai looked at the phoenix key Yuan Zun, and asked quietly.

Although Huang Yuanyuan respects what Zheng Rulai is going to do next, she is honestly saying: “Zheng Senior Brother, we have to be two two!”

Two Tianfu jade discs, this can be said that the Taixu Xuanmen can get at least six or seven blocks. However, although Zheng Rulai was disappointed in his heart, there was no way to blame Huang Yuanyuan and others.

After all, he himself did not get a piece.

The core disciple of the Taixu Xuanmen holding a Tianfu jade in his hand, the mood has become extremely bleak, Zheng Rulai did not get anything, then they must at least contribute a piece of Tianfu jade.

Whose Tianfu jade dish is suitable?

Naturally, it is not a phoenix key. After all, the phoenix key is not only lower than the cultivation base, but also has many powerhouse support behind the phoenix key.

Even Zheng Rulai, it is not easy to seize her chance.

Zheng Rulai’s gaze is naturally looking at the core disciple. In the end, the core disciple gnawed his teeth: “Since Eldest Senior Brother does not have a Tianfu jade dish, then this piece is sent to Eldest Senior Brother.”

To put it bluntly, Zheng Rulai is also a very face-to-face person. It is so casual to take away the chances of his own Senior Brother. He really does not want to do it.

However, he is even less willing to give up the opportunity to enter the infinite Tianfu, after all, this is related to his future achievements.

Just as he hesitated, a man following him screamed: “Zheng Senior Brother, you can’t deny this time.”

“If Qin Qin Brother enters the Immaculate Heaven, he is likely to be killed because of the shameless guys in the big empty van Gogh. If you don’t know what to do, you may have to stay in the Immaculate.”

“And the Senior Brother, if you go in, even if it is empty, don’t dare to provoke the Senior Brother. You may be better than the empty net, and the Senior Brother will get the chance to compensate the Qin Junior Brother. .”

When the man’s words came out, the Qin Junior Brother, despite his grievances in his heart, did not dare to insist on it. He said in a loud voice: “It’s right from Senior Brother, you don’t want to resign Eldest Senior Brother. ”

Zheng Rulai took over the Tianfu jade dish that he handed, and the other people who followed Zheng Rulai’s eyes fell on the key of Huang Yuanyuan.

If it was in the past, they naturally did not dare to play the idea of ​​the phoenix key, but now they are in the forefront, they will inevitably have some heart. Although the phoenix key is not easy to provoke, sometimes it has to be provoked for the sake of profit.

Huang Yuanyuan also noticed the arrival of those who looked at themselves, but she was not the Qin Junior Brother, so she wanted to let her go hand in hand, it was simply delusional!

So for these eyes, she did not care, did not care, a pair of you do not want to provoke me. In the past, her approach was still useful, but it is different now.

The man, who was called the Senior Brother, said with a soft cough, “This time the trip to the Taishui is related to the reputation of our Taixu Xuanmen, outside the boundless Tianfu, we Because I didn’t pay attention to the calculation of the empty net yuan, I ate a big loss.”

“The more we are in this situation, the more we have to send our most powerful force into the innumerable Tianfu. I just felt that the Qin Junior Brother gave the jade disc to Zheng Senior Brother. I feel very good.”

Having said that, the eyes of the Senior Brother fall on the phoenix key Yuan Zun: “Junior Sister, do you think I am right or not?”

The key to the cherished key of the phoenix key is that it is a big banner of the righteousness, and wants to take away the Tianfu jade dish in his hand. What is it, why bother to set up a memorial for yourself!

She is not the Qin Junior Brother, so after hearing the words from the Senior Brother, she smiled lightly: “I completely agree with the Senior Brother.”

“So, this Tianfu jade dish, I will do my best!”

He said so much to the Senior Brother that what he finally got was a result of his unwillingness, which made him feel very angry.

He visually observed this phoenix key, and said: “Yu key, do you really think that you are the strongest of us?”

“Even if I am not the strongest of us, but you are not the strongest of us except for the Senior Senior Brother.” Phoenix Key Yuan knows that his strength is not as good as that of Senior Brother, so simply introduce the topic. open.

Zheng Rulai did not speak, although he knew that such a situation would not be good for their small team. However, he has already forcibly obtained a quota, so it is embarrassing to suppress others. This is not a bright and straightforward move. He still can’t forcefully take away other people’s things, but he can also put on a sense of righteousness.

Compared with the phoenix key, Zheng Rulai is still the most valued, still away from the Senior Brother, because the Senior Brother is able to help him more in the immortal.

“Oh, Junior Sister said that I am not the strongest among us. Does Phoenix Sister think that there are people in other Junior Brothers who are better than me?” From the eyes of Senior Brother, there was a sarcasm. Smile.

He did not look at Qin Junior Brother and others because it was not pleasing, but he would not be too offended.

“I’m better off from the Senior Brother.” Among the crowd, a handsome man in the third place in the cultivation base, said quietly.

He really didn’t want to leave the Senior Brother, so he chose to retreat when he filed a battle with the Senior Brother for the Tianfu jade. Now that the phoenix key Yuan Zun wants to blame the water, he naturally wants to clear himself first.

For this person, I am very satisfied with the Senior Brother, and I am more satisfied with the Senior Brother. Several other Junior Brothers have also stood up and said that they are better off from the Senior Brother.

The Senior Brother, who looked away from the Senior Brother and looked back, showed a faint smile in his eyes: “Junior Sister, what else do you have to say.”

Luo Yunyang feels the eyes of the arrived phoenix key. For this kind of dispute, Luo Yunyang does not want to participate, but it is clear that Huang Yuanyuan will pull him into the water.

“Yunyang Junior Brother is stronger than you.” Huang Yuanyuan looked at Luo Yunyang and said to the Senior Brother word by word, the voice was full of firmness.

“hahaha!” Laughed from the Senior Brother, he pointed to Luo Yunyang and said, “Junior Sister, if you say that the person who is stronger than me is you, I might have one or two, but you said Luo Junior Brother. This is not to provoke my relationship with Luo Junior Brother.”

“Rou Junior Brother He came here just to find a matching Heavenly Dao rule fragment, and use it as a Taoist. You said that he is better than me, hahaha, it is so funny.”

The three disciples of Taixu Xuanmen who followed Zheng Rulai also laughed. In their view, Huang Yuanyuan really opened a big joke.

Luo Yunyang is who, it is relying on his father’s prestige, hard to take away a quota of relationship households, if everyone is not willing to offend him, this is an indisputable fact, but to say his How strong is it stronger than the Senior Brother?

But this laughter didn’t last long, and it stopped because they found that such a funny joke, not only did the phoenix key sage not laugh, followed several ancestors who came from the phoenix key, and did not laugh.

Even their look, with a trace of solemnity.

Naturally, the Senior Brother also noticed the arrival of this points. His eyes fell on Luo Yunyang’s body: “Rou Junior Brother, is your real cultivation base enhanced, can you be longer and shorter with me?”

Luo Yunyang hasn’t spoken yet, and Huang Yuanyuan respects the voice: “Rou Junior Brother is very strong. It is because we don’t have a Tao, so we are suppressed by the heavens and the earth. Now here. In the vast amount of Taixu, there is no suppression of the power of the Heavenly Dao, and the cultivation base of the Luo Junior Brother can be fully displayed.”

“Juneor Sister, since I have such confidence in the Luo Junior Brother, it is better to compare with the Junior Brother of Luo. If Luo Junior Brother loses, the jade disc will be returned to me.”

Speaking to Senior Brother, I saw the key of the phoenix key: “You can’t be afraid of the Junior Sister!”

“I don’t dare to do anything. Since you said it to Senior Brother, please ask Junior Brother and one more than Senior Brother.” Phoenix Key looked away from the Senior Brother according to his own plan, and said quietly. .

Luo Yunyang looked at the sneer from the Senior Brother, faintly said: “There are a lot of Tianfu jade discs outside, we have the ability to grab someone else’s Tianfu jade dish, here to grab their own Tianfu jade dish, nest fight, counted What is the ability?”

From the face of Senior Brother, it suddenly became red, even the look of Zheng Rulai was incomparably ugly, although on the surface, Zheng Rulai’s Tianfu jade dish was voluntarily offered by Qin Junior Brother, but in fact, it was still forcibly robbed. Come.

“Rou Junior Brother, you are less here to talk about the cool words, if you can really grab a piece of Tianfu jade from the outside, then I am really serving you!”

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