Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1161

The latest chapter of the rise of the rise, the first chapter of the chapter of Heavenly Dao is not used in the Daoyuan, floating astronomy
The reason why Shaofan is able to become a Shaofan master, in addition to his cultivation base, is because he has extraordinary perception.

This time, the disciples were sent to the innumerable Taixu market. The lesser Vatican thought that they should pay attention to the most is the Taixu Xuanmen鈥檚 鑽€ too cautious!

After all, this is the same existence as his own cultivation base, but what he never imagined was that at the moment he greeted him, there was a teenager who raised his heart with a hint of fear.

Who is this boy? Even let him have a feeling of fear in his heart!

We must know that the minds of the less Brahman, the exercise is no longer comparable to ordinary people, even if it is the top powerhouse, it is difficult to let the lesser van Gogh give birth to a little fear.

The teenager who was in front of him actually let him feel fear from his heart.

Therefore, he first looked at Luo Yunyang and asked in a loud voice toward Luo Yunyang: “How do you call it?”

The Shaofan master found himself. In this case, Luo Yunyang鈥檚 heart had already prepared for him. He was unwilling to make extra-budgets. He deliberately pretended to be a kind-hearted look: 鈥淢y name is Luo Yunyang, then what, I am Luo nine days!”

The Shaofan master stunned, and there was a trace of doubt in his heart. He did not meet anyone who saw him when he saw him.

But this young boy in front of him is really the kind of person who quickly reports who his old man is when he sees him?

One by one, the thoughts are flashing, and the lesser van Gogh is screaming: “Have we met?”

Looking at the cool-faced Shaofan master, Luo Yunyang secretly lamented that this little van Gogh was like a dog’s nose. He felt so keen, but on the surface, he pretended to be nothing, and smiled and said: “Like your lord. This existence, if I have seen it, will definitely leave a very deep impression on me.”

“It’s visible, I really haven’t seen you.”

Although the Shaofan master also felt that he had not seen Luo Yunyang, but the dangerous feeling, but still let him rest assured, step by step and asked: “But how do I feel, I have seen you where.”

“Not only have you seen you, but you also give me a dangerous feeling!”

Luo Yunyang naturally knows that Shaofan is not a lie, but at this time he is absolutely unwilling to admit it.

Although it is admitted that there is no problem, but in this heavenly environment, the more people underestimate the strength, the more they can be safe and live, the better.

“Zhu Shibo, I really haven’t seen this predecessor!” Luo Yunyang shouted at the one-armed scorpion god in a moment of hesitation.

Although the god of Taishen is not too fond of Luo Yunyang, even for Luo Yunyang to come up, it is a deep hateful feeling to report his father鈥檚 name.

How can he be a disciple of his Taixu Xuanmen? !

But I don’t like to like it. He is the elder of Taixu Xuanmen. How can I let my disciples under the door of my own, let the Shaofan of the big empty van Gogh swear like this.

Therefore, between the thoughts, he said with a deep voice: “Small Brahman, are you a little too late, he is only a younger generation, and he is still a younger generation without a Tao.”

“What’s more, Luo Jiu Tian is not a good idea!”

In the eyes of the less Vatican, there is a trace of doubts, and those who can make him feel dangerous will never be a person without a Tao.

But why is his own sensible divine consciousness, why does it create a dangerous feeling for him?

“Are you sure that he has no morals? How can I feel a dangerous feeling on his body?” The lesser van Gogh indulged for a moment and said to the god of the gods.

On the quaint face of Sui Taishen, there is no slight expression. He said faintly: “It seems that you were scared by Naluo for nine days.”

This sentence does not seem to be ridiculing the Shaofan Lord, but it is like telling a fact. However, this statement made the Shaofan Lord feel that he was very uncomfortable.

Oh, it鈥檚 awful!

Knowing that I was entangled again, there was no use for the lesser van Gogh. When I sneered, I stepped back. At this time, another group of people Ma Haohao appeared in the void.

However, although there are many people in this group, they are only three young people who are in the early days. When these three young Taiyuan martial artists saw Zheng Rulai and others, they also showed obvious hostility.

But the old man who led the team and looked very powerful, but laughed happily: “I have seen Mr. Yu from the millennium, I have seen Shaofan Master!”

“Yeah!” Hey, God nodded slightly, and said hello to Mr. Yu, and the Shaofan Lord said with a smile: “Mr. Mo, is this the elite of St. Emperor Palace?” 鈥?/p>

鈥淗ey, St. Emperor Palace is really a generation less than a generation!鈥?/p>

St. Emperor Palace dominates the world, but is the owner of the nominal heavenly sanctuary, but the cultivation base of the Holy Emperor is much worse than his two Senior Brothers, so his St. Emperor Palace seems to be somewhat a.

Although there was a faint sorrow in the eyelids of the autumn, there was no snoring in the end. Only one of the three young Taiyuan Yuanzuns glared at the Shaofan Lord.

Shaofan said with a smile: “Young people, you don’t want to be angry. I am just telling the truth. Oh, I remember when we entered this vast expanse, St. Emperor Palace could still occupy seven places.”

“Now, there are only three places that have been suppressed. It is really…”

The meaning of Shaofan鈥檚 discourse is obvious, and his words have changed the look of Qianqiu.

In the end, it was a few words from the young and powerful martial arts voice transmission, and the young powerhouse did not look at the lesser.

However, when his gaze fell on Luo Yunyang’s body, there was a glimmer of joy in his eyes. Then he said, “You two big Sects, it seems that no one is there. It is a waste of such a good opportunity in a Yuan Zun. They are not people.”

The eyes of Qian Qiuqiu also fell on Luo Yunyang’s body, but in his look, there was a trace of anger.

The object of his anger is naturally a young enemy.

The sarcasm of them is the Shaofan master, but now they are confronted with the Taixu Xuanmen. Although their Saint Emperor Palace is extraordinary, it is difficult to establish two such opponents.

Luo Yunyang had some good feelings about the young Taiyuan Yuanzun who dared to confront the Shaofan. However, at this time he heard such words and could not help but sigh.

This young man is really not using his head.

He is not vocal. If he is another disciple, he will never let him go. He must give the boy a lesson, but this person is Luo Yunyang, and he decides to ignore it.

After all, Luo Yunyang is not an authentic disciple of Taixu Xuanmen in his eyes. His relationship with St. Emperor Palace is closer than that of Taixu Xuanmen.

“Rou Junior Brother, it is time to report your name!” The tall, thin man standing next to Zheng Rulai suddenly opened his mouth.

Luo Yunyang knows that this guy is making a bad, but now, at this time, he doesn’t want to make extra-budgets, so there is no buzz.

And Mo Qianqiu already wanted to be arrived, and nodded to Luo Yunyang: “Ro Young Master, everyone is their own, and the 19 Young Master is reckless this time.”

It was also when some people talked about Qianqiu, and some people started to come, but those who came here were scattered, and most of them came alone.

However, although these people do not have the dazzling brilliance of Taixu Xuanmen and Dakong Fanmen, each of them has an extraordinary temperament.

At this time, the colorful infinite land of Taixu began to appear with a small vortex, which began to be the size of the baby’s fist, and with each rotation of the vortex, the vortex became bigger.

It is also a quarter of an hour, this vortex has become three feet in size.

The Shaofan master looked at the already formed whirlpool and said with emotion: “There is no amount of Taixu open again, but unfortunately I have not been able to enter.”

In this sentence, he said to the god of the gods. In the same year, he and the god of the gods were the same people who entered this immortal Taixu market.

He did not have much feelings. He looked at the whirlpool quietly, and said: “This time, it should be our Taixu Xuanmen first entered.”

During the speech, he did not look at the Shaofan master and waved to Zheng Rulai and others: “If you come, let’s go in!”

Said here, he indulged in an instant: “Remember, after entering this, you have to remember one sentence!”

“Heavenly Dao is not there, what is the use of the Tao!”

This sentence, 鑽€澶 did not explain, but fell into the ears of Luo Yunyang, but let Luo Yunyang feel like it was beaten by the morning bell.

This is too God, ten times stronger than the Golden Bell Yuanzun, although the two people’s cultivation base realm is the same, but the same realm does not mean the same power.

The Shaofan Lord also said to the ten disciples behind him: “Mr. Yu, you all remember, it is good for you.”

Zheng Rulai first vacated toward the whirlpool, and at the moment when Zheng Rulai fell, the other powerhouses of Taixu Xuanmen rushed down one by one.

It is the blink of an eye, the ten disciples of Taixu Xuanmen, there are already nine flying down, the last one is Luo Yunyang.

When Luo Yunyang rushed to the whirlpool, the eyes of Shaofan鈥檚 lord fell on one of the ten warriors he brought, although the Shaofan did not speak, but in fact, he already The meaning of oneself was conveyed to the warrior.

Can become the person who entered the immortal Taixu market, the warrior naturally does not need to remind, after nodding to the Shaofan master, he followed Liu Yunyang and rushed in.

Luo Yunyang has strong confidence in his cultivation base, but after he has devoted himself to this void, Luo Yunyang has a feeling of turning around.

The world around you can’t call them heaven and earth at all. They are like countless voids. They are spliced 鈥嬧€媡ogether.

I don’t know how long it took. Luo Yunyang found that the world around him had calmed down, and when he stood firm, he found that he had a tall, powerful and powerful sky. Van Gogh disciple.

“Rou Junior Brother, hello!” The disciple of the big empty Fanmen, full of smiles toward Luo Yunyang.

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