Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1142

The latest chapter of the rise of the supremacy, Chapter 142, Hong Meng Longshu, floating astronomy
The existence of Yuanzun realm is generally not on the ground, because their strength is too strong, and between the gestures, it is enough to break the mountain.

But now, Luo Yunyang and the Star King are not so restrictive. As the existence of the Yuanwang realm, they have been able to completely control their breath and strength.

It can be said that their take action, in the eyes of ordinary warriors, has a feeling that power is not obvious.

As the top king of Taixu Xuanmen, the Star King is a great pride. This time, Luo Yunyang grabbed the white, and his heart was filled with a kind of resentment.

A very uncomfortable resentment!

Therefore, at the moment of hands-on, Xingyuan Yuanwang took the lead in taking action, and the first move of Xingyuan Yuanwang was just a punch.

A punch of all the Heavenly Dao rules that he controls!

The attack of this punch is very simple, make a fist, and then blast this punch!

Some of the Nanda City waiters standing around, they all looked at the punch with a horrified look, because this boxing was somewhat unexpected.

In the past, they have had an impression of the existence of the Yuanwang in books or in legends. When they want to come, Yuan Wang ranked hands-on, at least to sway through Changhong, earth-shattering.

But now, in the hands of this bullish star king, they actually feel no power.

The top-level hands-on, is not able to illuminate the sky, not to make the color change, can make sun and moon no light!

This up, it suppresses the King of the City Lord, which is like the Spiritual God, which is difficult to resist. The take action is so ordinary.

Nothing wrong, it is ordinary!

In the eyes of everyone, the take action of the star source king can only be described as ordinary.

However, in the eyes of the two people, Hui Yuanzun and Yue Yao Yuan Zun, the take action of the star king, they made them feel fear.

Although they also claim to be able to compete against the innate Taiyi Yuanzun, but they saw the take action of the Star King, they only realized their gap.

Cultivation base arrived to the point of the star king, their attack, do not need to evoke any changes in the sky, do not need any moves to change.

Because they are actually days, they are actually the Tao!

All the common means are basically useless for the existence of the king.

Although the Star King of this time just blasted a punch, but this punch, it implies the power to crush everything.

Luo Yunyang also feels the implied power in the boxing of the Star King, and understands the idea of ​​the Star King.

This star Yuanwang is not without means to display. His punching punches actually imply the meaning of Layer 1, which is to directly smash the meaning of Luo Yunyang’s resistance in this boxing.

For this idea of ​​Xingyuan Yuanwang, Luo Yunyang pointed to the past. At this time, one finger implies the power that Luo Yunyang is now comprehending, and the sixth one is shattered.

The sixth heavy shattered, now Luo Yunyang has fully realized, and Xingyuan Yuanwang is only the first person to teach Luo Yunyang.

Fingers and fists collide in the void!

From the perspective of the two forms, Luo Yunyang suffered a loss in this collision, but for the existence of the Yuan Wang class, no matter whether it is a fist or a finger, there is no difference.

Because in this boxing and this finger, the most powerful forces of Luo Yunyang and the Star King are gathered.

Fist and finger, collide in the void!

Luo Yunyang felt a strong and strong force, coming from the fist to himself. At this time, he felt that he was facing a world where people gathered together and implied infinite power.

The look of Xingyuan Yuanwang is also not easy. The reason why he takes a take action is to use the simplest, but also the most direct way, to crush this new Yuanwang!

Once he was able to feel the dripping pressure, but with the two men’s hands, the palm of the star Yuan Wang, there was a crack.

Although the Heavenly Dao rule he controls is very powerful, the ruin that rushes out of Luo Yunyang’s fingers is even more majestic, more fierce, and more crazy.

A crack in the road appeared on his fist, giving him a feeling that his arm would be broken if he did not withdraw his fist now.

Yuan Wang’s arm can be said that as long as they are willing, they can be endless in general, but in fact, even if the king is ranked, there is no cherish for his body.

In order to improve his combat effectiveness, Yuan Wang generally uses a lot of energy to exercise his body, in order to keep the body in the strongest state. The new body is functionally the same, but it has been spent with the Yuanwang. Compared with the polished body, it is still a lot worse.

“Open!” Perceived the bad star Yuanwang, quickly urging the strength of the body, and it was a punch, rushing toward Luo Yunyang.

But at the moment when this power blasted, his fist was quickly recovered.

Luo Yunyang didn’t want to take the opportunity to expand the battle, and gave the star king a heavy blow, but the star king did not disappoint his own name. The second wave of the surging power was blocked by Luo. Yunyang shattered the power of one finger.

Looking at the retreating star Yuanwang, Luo Yunyang did not take the action again, but looked at the star source king faintly!

“You are really beyond my expectations!” Star Yuan Wang solemnly looked at Luo Yunyang and said: “This battle, do not have to continue.”

Having said that, he waved to the dwarf Yuan Zun who followed him: “Go!”

Let’s go, it’s very common, but this sentence makes the short and thin face look ugly.

He followed the star king and waited like a grandson. The picture is not trying to take back everything he lost, but now it is good, the star king has to leave.

“Yuan Wang, we can’t go, Hongmeng Longshu!”

If it is not that this difficult city is too important for the skinny Yuanzun, then what he regards as a secret, he will never speak out in front of so many people. And his snoring made the face of Xingyuan Yuanwang change.

It’s just a confrontation. He has already realized that he has lost the Star King. He is not a good-tempered person. Now he just said that he wants to leave. His subordinates shouted loudly with themselves. The act of calling is simply not giving him face.

Between the thoughts, he said coldly: “If you don’t leave, you can stay.”

Having said that, his eyes fell on Luo Yunyang’s body: “Nantuo City is not something you can keep, listen to me, immediately take the Natto City Lord to leave here, maybe you can keep you safe. .”

“If not, if you are a king, you may die without a place of burial!”

After saying this, the Star King has turned and left, although the short and thin King is extremely reluctant in his heart, but he is still in the direction of the two gods. Rushed over the past.

Rihui Yuanzun and Yueyao Yuanzun are two, and now they are still in the midst of shock. Luo Yunyang’s finger makes them feel the enormous pressure of the arrived. They feel that if they have a conflict with Luo Yunyang, then it is definitely a dead end. .

That one, they can’t get together.

And other Alliance Yuanzun who followed Luo Yunyang, at this time, in addition to horror, more admiration and fear.

If Luo Yunyang’s cultivation base is just the same as that of Rihui Yuanzun, for Luo Yunyang, who has become the Alliance Lord, they are more of a moral obedience, but now, Luo Yunyang shows the strength and makes them feel fear.

A fear from the heart!

“Thank you for the Alliance Lord, I saved the city of Nanda. If it wasn’t for the arrival of the Alliance Lord, I don’t know what it would be like. After the Alliance Lord needs it, I’m going to do my best.”

The City Lord respectfully came to Luo Yunyang and admired it. He said to Luo Yunyang in a respectful manner.

Luo Yunyang gently leaned toward the City Lord. “The City Lord doesn’t have to be so polite. As an ally, I should be in the same league, and it is necessary to rescue allies.”

Speaking of this, he smiled at the City Lord, “Don’t just listen to the tone of the Star King, the hardships of the city, not only did not end, just started!”

The face of the City Lord’s face is changing rapidly. From his heart, he is unwilling to tell about the Hongmen Dragon Tree.

After all, this secret is not only of great importance, but if he gets it himself, then his strength will skyrocket, not to mention the Yuan Wang, even the Yuan Sheng, is not a big problem for him.

However, the words of Xingyuan Yuanwang made him recognize the fact that the matter of Hongmeng Longshu has led to the existence of the Star King, and even surpassed the importance of the existence of the Star King level. He wants It is impossible to monopolize this Hongmeng Dragon Tree.

At this time, because this Hongmeng Longshu provokes Luo Yunyang to be unhappy, it is better to tell things out honestly.

So I was a little addicted to the moment, and the City Lord was screaming: “Alliance Lord, you are the Yuanzun, this is not the place to talk, let’s go inside, I will give you a good talk.”

Under the leadership of the City Lord, Luo Yunyang and others entered a relatively small palace. The palace is full of various restrictive seals, apparently to prevent people from eavesdropping at this time.

“Fellow Daoist is basically starting from scratch. Only my hard city is inheritance.” After the people were seated, the City Lord said: “It’s just that the time of the city is too long. So long that many people have forgotten its origins.”

“Even even my City Lord, I have forgotten some of the reasons why I am in the city.”

“It’s just some old existence, still remembering the hardships of me, especially when this robbery is about to come.”

“Alliance Lord, everyone, the reason why I am difficult to remember, the main reason is because of the Hongmen Dragon Tree.”


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . :m.

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