Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1130

The latest chapter of the rise of the rise, the first one of the first chapter of the third chapter of the Heavenly God crystal, floating astronomy

Mixed hole four-beast: Power: 16234 speed: 17521 spirit: 16954 physique: 18121

The property adjuster, the number of chaotic colors flashing in the heart of Luo Yunyang, these figures are all the values ​​of Luo Yunyang and the four-hole beast.

It is also relying on the change of these values, let him take the cultivation base of the Taiyuan Yuanzun, and the imprisoned imperial concubine is like a dog.

After looking at his own values, Luo Yunyang’s gaze fell on the various values ​​of the Emperor.

No Prisoner: Power: 21464 Speed: 20458 Spirit: 31045 Physique: 24562

Compared with the average value of Luo Yunyang, this is not a mess.

Especially in terms of spirit, the spirit of the imprisoned emperor is almost twice that of the refined Luo Yunyang, and for the powerhouses like Luo Yunyang, the strength of the fine divine power is related to their control of the Great Dao rule. .

Without any hesitation, Luo Yunyang began to motivate the property regulator, but this time, his property adjuster began to reduce the spirit of the imprisoned emperor after bringing together his various values.

The fine divine power of the imprisoned emperor is quickly weakened, that is, an instant, the spiritual value of the imprisoned emperor has changed from more than 30,000 to more than three hundred, and Luo Yunyang’s fine divine power, It is still close to 30,000.

It’s not Luo Yunyang’s mercy, and I don’t want to cut down the fine divine power that is left in the prison, but when there are only three hundred in the fine divine power of the imprisoned emperor, the number on the property adjuster is now It is hard to weaken.

Although the property adjuster followed the rise of Luo Yunyang, Luo Yunyang still did not fully understand some of the property regulators.

But at this time, he didn’t have much energy on it! Fine divine power reduces the more than three hundred of the imprisoned emperors, for the control of this eternal prison map, should be reduced to a limit.

When Luo Yunyang’s gaze looked toward the imprisoned imperial concubine, the eyes of the imprisoned emperor were full of horror. The white bone chains that had been rushing toward Luo Yunyang disappeared silently.

It was originally imposing, and it seemed that the bone dragon that was rushing toward Luo Yunyang at any time was in the void and silently collapsed.

In addition to these, other attacks, which were provoked by the imprisoned prisoners, also collapsed silently. It can even be said that these attacks did not even play their role, and disappeared into the void.

“What did you do?” Without the imprisonment of the imprisoned, at this time, it is difficult for him to maintain his own calm, and his voice is full of anger.

Luo Yunyang looked at the imprisoned emperor, a bad smile: “You guess!”

Although the prisoner feels that his strength is still there, he feels that he can’t control the power of the majesty. His freely controlled Heavenly Dao rule seems to have a feeling of being difficult to control.

This made him feel a very bad feeling for the whole person. Luo Yunyang’s words, although let his gas seven smoke, but he also understands that this time is not the time with Luo Yunyang battle qi.

I am in a huge danger. The best choice now is to quickly escape and wait for myself to restore the cultivation base of Taiyi Yuanzun, and then seek revenge from Luo Yunyang.

As for the restoration of the cultivation base of Taiyi Yuanzun, it is too difficult, even without the foundation of the prisoner’s family, it is difficult for him to revert to the Taiyi Yuanzun. He is not too concerned. Because now, he wants to escape from the entanglement with Luo Yunyang.

If it was before, he wanted to banish Luo Yunyang, it would be a simple matter, as long as it is to spur the sacred prison map, you can throw Luo Yunyang how far.

But now, the tens of thousands of people have been urging him, and it is extremely laborious. It can even be said that at this time, he already has a feeling that he can’t push the eternal map.

My own treasure, but I can’t push it, this feeling really makes the imprisoned imperial uncomfortable. The imprisoned imperial concubine was once too easy for Yuan Zun, and he realized that things were tough. Almost the first time, he made a punch in the position of Luo Yunyang.

Although his fine divine power is falling, the power is still there. However, without the blessing of the Heavenly Dao rule, his shot is very thin.

“Don’t waste time!” Luo Yunyang easily escaped the attack, and the majestic fine divine power instantly poured into the space of the eternal prison map.

If there is no problem with the fine divine power of the imprisoned king, Luo Yunyang uses his own fine divine power to enter other people’s treasures, it is simply looking for death, but now, it is like entering the backyard.

That is, the time of several fingers, Luo Yunyang has been in a lot of space, leaving his own brand.

With the increase of these brandings, the entire eternal sacred prison map will be the palm of Luo Yunyang’s palm.

Although the imprisoned emperor understands all this, he feels that it is difficult to stop. In the past, it was a very light and simple method. At this time, it has become extremely difficult.

Even some of the ways in which Famen was used, he felt that he could not remember. This feeling made him feel depressed, and made him more afraid of Luo Yunyang’s fear from his heart.

No prisoner has no more to speak, he is very clear, this time has occupied the full advantage of Luo Yunyang, will never let him easily.

Instead of asking for mercy and throwing out his face, it is better to wait for an opportunity, hoping that Luo Yunyang can make mistakes and then escape from birth.

After all, this eternal prison map is not so easy to refining.

Luo Yunyang couldn’t feel the flow of time in the map of Wanxuan Prison, but with his control of the eternal prison map, he began to sense the world outside.

It can be said that as long as he is willing, just a thought, you can leave this eternal prison map. But now, the benefits are currently, how can Luo Yunyang be willing to make such a bad choice for himself?

His fine divine power step by step, step by step to swallow the control of the eternal prison map. If at this time someone looks at the current situation with a gaze away from the sacred prison map, it will be found that the sacred prison map at this time is showing two kinds of luster.

One is the color of Zijin formed by Luo Yunyang’s fine divine power; the other is the red color of the divine power.

The color of Zijin has occupied more than 90% of the range, and the reddish color occupies only a small red circle in the center of the sacred prison.

The scope of the small circle is still being swallowed up, that is, a quarter of an hour, and the scope of the small circle is only one third of the original.

“Luo Yunyang, this time the fight, I admit that I lost a mess, now you can tell me, where did I lose?” The imprisoned emperor was filled with unwilling voice, and sounded again.

Luo Yunyang From the words of the imperial prisoner, he can feel his sincerity, but sincerely belongs to sincerity, Luo Yunyang does not have the idea of ​​taking his own secret.

So he just shook the head, still quickly swallowed the imprint of the imprisoned emperor to stay in the map.

“Good, Luo Yunyang, since you let me go with regret, then I have to give you some trouble.”

“Don’t you want to destroy the Holomonogram? Then I will give you this eternal prison map, but if you can get Heavenly God Crystal, you have to look at your skills!”

At the moment when the words of the imprisoned emperor came out, his huge body was broken in the map of the sacred prison.

The sleek spirits turned into a long rainbow in the void, moving toward the top of the nine days.

With the power of the imprisoned emperor, the essence of his spirit can be imagined. If Luo Yunyang is in control of this eternal sacred prison map at this time, it is natural to take the rolling spirit and make it difficult for him to escape.

However, it is a pity that Luo Yunyang has not yet mastered the core part of the sacred prison map. Naturally, it can’t be talked about, and it is impossible to talk about the imperial prisoner’s spirit.

However, what really attracts Luo Yunyang is not the essence, but the parcel in the essence. Although it is only the size of the fist, it contains a piece of spar with infinite mystery.

A spar with only the size of a palm.

The Heavenly God crystal, this should be the foundation of the imperial prisoner’s breakthrough Taiyi Yuanzun. Now the reason why the imprisoned emperor sent this Heavenly God crystal is that he does not want Luo Yunyang to get this Heavenly God crystal.

Cultivation base arrived without the imprisonment, they calculated that things are extremely accurate, when Luo Yunyang step by step to swallow the sacred prison map, knowing that it is difficult to change the situation of the imprisoned, choose Jade is burning.

He knows that once Luo Yunyang controls the eternal prison map, he basically has no difficulty in resisting. Instead of being slow, Luo Yunyang step by step to die, it is better to break himself in one fell swoop, and send his own Heavenly God crystal out of the map.

As for whoever Heavenly God Crystal finally falls into, it is not the decision of the Infernal King. What he has to do is not to let the Heavenly God crystal, and easily fall into the hands of Luo Yunyang.

The Heavenly God crystal is not big, but at the moment of rushing out, it instantly shines brightly, and the infinite light passes through countless universes, shining between nine days and ten places.

It is like a shining sun, shining through the endless thousands.

Luo Yunyang looks at the light of Heavenly God, and he also guessed the idea of ​​the imprisoned emperor. In his heart, Luo Yunyang’s heart has a heartfelt admiration for the imprisoned emperor who directly broke himself.

He didn’t have the first time to chase the Heavenly God crystal, although he is the closest person to the Heavenly God, but at the speed of the Heavenly God, he is desperately chasing, and he has to wait for Heavenly. God can catch up after the crystal speed drops.

After all, urging the Heavenly God to fly, it is the full power of the supreme prisoner self-destruct. This power is really too strong.

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