Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1123

The latest chapter of the rise of the supremacy, the first one or two chapters of the stone, a starry sky Supreme, floating astronomy
In the town of the prison, the intersection of Human Race and the Hells, at this time, all the elites of Human Race are gathered. It can be said that as long as the Human Race level powerhouse, they have gathered outside the prison city.

The big thousand controlers looked down on the city of the prison, and the flashing eyes were unprecedentedly heavy.

Although the joint attack between the Hells and the Stars has not yet begun, Luo Yunyang has entered the Hells, but this still makes him feel that the pressure on his shoulders is too heavy.

He has a feeling that he can’t bear the pressure.

Even from his heart, he is not willing to let himself bear this pressure.

“The big masters, you don’t have to take everything to yourself. The key is not in us.” The speaker is the Lord of the Xuanzang Temple. She looks at the serious look of the great master, soft comfort. Road.

In the eyes of the Daqian master, there was a heavy flash, and he said quietly: “I don’t understand why, the key to this matter is not here.”

“But the Emperor’s majesty gave me the responsibility of guarding this place, and I can’t sit back and ignore it!”

Speaking of this, Daqian’s controller said: “Although the powerhouses of the 36 universes and the Tianding world are now able to listen to my orders, I am afraid of it once there is a crisis…”

Afraid of what, the Daqian master did not say it, but the owner of the Xuanzang Temple understood his meaning.

Although the masters of Daqian are very extraordinary, and in many respects, they are almost outstanding, but compared with Luo Yunyang, there are no small gaps between the leaders and the other parties.

Although those returnees are now obeying the orders of the great masters, this obedience is based on the majesty of Luo Yunyang.

Without the instructions of Luo Yunyang, the Daqian masters would never be the leader among them. If the war situation is unfavorable, then what kind of situation will arise, and it is really unsure that Daqian is in charge of himself.

In a period of indulging, I listened to the main road of the Xuanzang Temple: “Now we have to do only one point, that is to do everything, listen to the fate.”

Just when two people spoke, there was a voice in the void that said: “A good person, listen to the fate.”

“But this kind of words is not a bit too decadent, but it is not what the Lord of the House should say!”

The look of the Lord of the Xuanzang Temple is changed. Two people are highly educated bases. Now, when talking, people are silently coming to their side, but they are unaware that this makes They are extremely shocked.

If this person wants to attack them, although he can’t say 100% success, the chance of success is definitely over 70%.

“Who is it?” Da Qian’s controller took a deep breath and strolled forward.

“Da Qianzhang, who has not seen it for many days, has forgotten his old friend so quickly?” In the soft voice, a silhouette hidden in the five-colored light came out.

The owner of the Xuanzang Temple recognized the coming person at a glance. She was very surprised: “Feng Old Ancestor, it is really amazing!”

The coming man is just after the battle of the ancient six surnames, the disappearance of the phoenix Old Ancestor, her appearance, let the Daqian masters instantly think of the top powerhouse in the ancient six surnames.

Can exist with the Human Race ancestors, they are in front of that person, even the power of resistance is not there.

When you think about it, in his heart, there is a hint of instinctual fear.

“Feng Old Ancestor, are you here? Is there something?” After a deep breath, Daqian took control of Shen Sheng.

“I know that you are in danger right now, so come over and give you an idea. As far as it doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter to me.”

Feng Old Ancestor said that there is already a stone in his hand that is only the size of a human finger. She gently throws it away: “This small stone fell from the fingers of our ancestors. of.”

“I, Luck is good, just arrived.”

Feng Old Ancestor Who is the ancestor in the mouth, how can the master of the Daqian master and the Xuanzang temple do not know. After listening to the words of Phoenix Old Ancestor, the two people showed a strange color in their eyes.

After all, the cultivation base arrived at the level, what happened to the body, I don’t know, is it that the person deliberately helped himself?

However, under their strange eyes, the look of the phoenix Old Ancestor flashed a trace of embarrassment, but then she adjusted her mind.

“You can motivate it to play the role of a fox and a tiger. Of course, if you can lie to someone, it has nothing to do with me.”

Between the words, the silhouette of the phoenix Old Ancestor turned into a five-color divine light, disappearing without a trace.

Looking at the small stones floating in the void, the Daqian masters grabbed them. But at the moment when the small stone started, there was a glimpse of horror in the eyes of the Daqian master.

He is too small to see this stone, although the stone is only a small piece, but in the moment of falling into his hands, it has formed a strong sense of oppression for his mind.

Under this pressure, he even felt that his spirit had an urge to collapse. However, the face of the Daqian controller not only showed no fear, but also revealed the color of surprise.

This small stone exudes the momentum, belonging to the Taiyi Yuanzun level, although it is not used to attack the enemy, but the fox is a tiger, but it can be used.

“hahaha, I will use it now to fake the tiger.” After a moment of indulging, the thousand masters quickly spurred the small stone.

In the blink of an eye, a majestic atmosphere rises to the sky.

One hundred light years outside the town of the prison, the warriors of the prisoners of the gods are staring at the direction of the town of the prison, but what they think at this time is not to break through the prison city, but Luo Yunyang arrived He Fang.

If you don’t want to go back, you can go to the original prison in one step. After all, there is a mysterious connection between the imprisoned and the original prison.

However, from the performance of the imprisoned emperor, they feel that the adult does not want to go back.

Even they feel that there is no such thing as a prisoner, and really want to fight with Luo Yunyang.

Just in this silence, a starlight broke through the air, and there was a Taiyuan Yuanzun reaching out to catch the starlight, and then said: “Your Majesty, the starry sky Supreme adults, has been arrived.”

Starry Supreme is the top powerhouse of the Starry family, and the cultivation base is the Peak of the Half-Step Taiyi Yuanzun.

Only he is not a Taiyi Yuanzun, or he is not a complete Taiyi Yuanzun. Because he wants to become Taiyi Yuanzun, not through practice, but to merge with another person who is in a deep sleep, can become Taiyi Yuanzun.

This naturally makes his cultivation base weaker than the imprisoned emperor. However, it is also much better than the ordinary Taiyuan Yuanzun, and even the Half-Step Taiyi Yuanzun, such as Liutian Yuanzun, but it is quite strong.

At the beginning, the head of the Human Race planned by the first Yuan Gu Ming and others was the star Supreme.

In the end, there were too many returnees of Human Race, plus Luo Yunyang’s sitting, so that the imperial prisoner who wanted to win the victory in one fell swoop decided to enter the area of ​​Human Race personally.

However, I did not expect that the imprisoned emperor had just succumbed to the cultivation base. He had not entered the world of Human Race, and he was ruined by Luo Yunyang.

“There is please!” I heard that the starry sky Supreme, there is a hint of joy in the eyes of the imprisoned emperor. He is a peer-to-peer Supreme, and now he has a knife and he will not become an elder.

It is also a moment, huge in size, like a star-like star Supreme, has come to the arrival of the imprisoned emperor.

Although the starry Supreme is huge in size, but the mind is very delicate, after seeing the anger of the sorrow in the look of the imprisoned emperor, he said: “What is it, let the dude be so angry. ?”

“Eat a bit of loss!” There is no concealment from the imprisoned imperial family. Let Luo Yunyang enter the prison of the family and say it directly to the starry sky Supreme.

In the eyes of Supreme, there was a savage airway: “This man is really abhorrent. He is fast and can pass my endless starry sky.”

“Brother, let’s kill the Luo Yunyang first and then deal with the Human Race.”

In the mind of the imprisoned imperial concubine, this idea has already been settled. At this time, I heard the saying of Supreme, and the color in the eyes is a bit more.

“So, then trouble the younger brother, this time as long as it is killing Luo Yunyang, the benefits of entering the Human Race, you starry family, you can get 10%.”

After Supreme starred at the imperial prisoner, they each took a few of their own elites and moved in the direction of the original prison.

Because they had the imprisoned kings leading the way, they soon came to the original imprisonment. Although the imprisoned emperor has squandered a knife, his mastery of the prisoner’s territory is still skilled.

After a little investigation, he screamed; “The man is a ten-minute journey away from us.”

“Then we will meet.” In the voice of Starry Supreme, with a hint of excitement, it is clear that he is very interested in killing the Emperor.

The imprisoned imperial concealed the moment, this is the way: “If he is looking for death, then we don’t have to work too hard, trouble the younger brother, you pretend to be a starry sky, as long as he enters this starry sky, then life and death can not be his.”

Starry Supreme, although he wants to kill Luo Yunyang on the front side, but since the prisoner has already commanded it, he will never object.

Hearing that he promised, his body quickly dissipated in the void, and in the endless void, there were more than one planet of different sizes.

At this time, Luo Yunyang quickly rushed in the direction of the original prison.

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