Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1114

The latest chapter of the rise of the supremacy, the first one of the four chapters, twelve yuan, the destruction of the great array, floating astronomy
Lost all the way!

Among the huge spaceships, there are most of the powerhouses in Nalan Night and Tianwu Temple, but at this time the powerhouses of these mysterious people are not too good.

The reason is that they have lost most of their territory.

Since the abandonment of St. Meditation 10 days ago, Nalan’s night fled with the warriors of the Tianwu Temple.

“Your Majesty, just got the news, our Qingmian universe of the Xuan Ming family has been attacked by Human Race. Now all the powerhouses above the Star River in the entire universe have already died!” A warrior of Tianwu Temple, Shen Sheng Back to Nalan night.

In fact, Luo Yunyang knows earlier than the reporter, and he can even say that he knows more clearly.

His day-to-day Supreme God Dafa is almost familiar with this situation. As the big universe of the Xuan Ming family is broken, his Supreme God Dafa has become weaker and weaker.

Even arrived, in the end, his day-to-day Supreme God Dafa will collapse directly because of the loss of the territory of the Xuan Ming family.

Although Luo Yunyang itself does not rely on the Supreme God Dafa, but the Supreme God Dafa is very important for Nalan Night, so Luo Yunyang needs to let Nalan Night’s cultivation base begin to fade.

“Know it!” Luo Yunyang replied that he was impatient because he had to show his own cultivation base.

Because in the Tianwu Temple, Luo Yunyang has established his own prestige, so his current situation is not very good, but the people of Tianwu Temple are respectful to him.

“Your Majesty, we have already retired more than half of the territory. The powerhouses of Human Race, in order to eliminate the living power of our Xuan Ming family, are the destruction of a big universe in the big universe. In the long run, my world will have no A foothold!”

The martial arts of the Tianwu Temple, with a hint of anger in his voice.

If it is, the cultivation base is just the Taiyuan Yuan Zunranked Tianwu Temple powerhouse, absolutely not so dare to speak to Nalan Night.

But now, with the big universe he himself was occupied by the Human Race, he looked a little impatient and couldn’t resist the temper.

Nalan’s heart calmly glanced at the warrior, and then faintly said: “Your thoughts I know, so I don’t blame you on this matter.”

Speaking of this, Nalan’s night sounded with a trace of sorghum: “But although I am the great emperor of the Xuan Ming family, in fact, what I can master is the power of our Tianwu Temple.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to resist, but our strength simply can’t resist.”

“Not to mention, this order was issued by the first ancient master of the ancient lord. What do you think I can do?”

On that day, Wu Diandian’s powerhouse was silent. He knew very well that Nalan’s words were not a resignation but a fact.

Although Nalan Night is the great emperor of the Xuan Ming family, in fact he simply could not decide the life and death of the Xuan Ming family.

“What exactly do the first Yuan dynasty masters do?” The Wushu Temple’s warrior finally asked such a question.

Luo Yunyang also wants to know what the first Yuan Gu Ming does. However, although he is under the name of one of the Xuan Ming people, over ten thousand people, in fact, he does not know what the first Yuan ancient lord wants to do.

However, with his own feelings, Luo Yunyang feels that it is definitely not a small matter to be able to pay such a large price to a character like the first ancient lord.

“I also want to know.” After a little sinking, Nalan’s night was quiet.

He contacted the Tianjin Temple and the Lord of the Moon Temple, and the news was the same. They did not know what the first Yuangu Master would do.

Although he couldn’t find out the news, Luo Yunyang decided to contact the ancestors of the ancestors for the first time.

Luo Yunyang’s identity in Human Race is a man, but if you want to see the ancestors of the people, you still need to go to the Jiuding Dojo in Tianding.

Between Tiandingjie and the thirty-sixth universe, there have always been people stationed. After seeing Luo Yunyang, those garrisons have bowed to Luo Yunyang one by one.

Because there is no such thing as Tian Yuanzun in Tianding, so this time Luo Yunyang came to the entrance of Jiuding Dojo smoothly.

“I have seen the Emperor’s Majesty!” When the Red Moon Boy came at Luo Yunyang, he had already waited at the entrance of the Jiuding Dojo. His ceremony was respectful but mechanical.

Luo Yunyang feels very good about the Red Moon Boy. He smiled and smiled at the Red Moon Boy: “Red Moon Boy, I have something to see the Holy Father, and I ask the boy to scream.”

“The purpose of the emperor’s second visit, the ancestors have already known, he told me to tell the emperor, although the Xuan Ming family is speculative, but they are such insignificant ability, after all, can not be up to the elegant.”

“Now the fate is in Human Race, please let the people guard the territory, wait and see.”

Luo Yunyang’s message to the Red Moon Boy, although very uncomfortable in his heart, can only be said to the Red Moon Boys: “I also ask the boy to sue once, I hope to be able to talk to the Holy Father about this matter.”

Looking at Luo Yunyang, who is stubborn, the red moon boy sinks into a moment, this is the way: “Since my Majesty insists on this matter, then I will sue for it, as to whether I can see it, the Red Moon will not The method is decided.”

Luo Yunyang nodded. “So I have trouble with my boy.”

The red moon boy’s hand is moving, and a piece of jade has already gone to the sky, that is, in an instant, the red moon boy’s eyes have a hint of haze.

Obviously, this briefing seems to have also caused him to be somewhat aggrieved.

“The Emperor, His Majesty is busy, he asks you to do your own thing.” The voice of the Red Moon Boy is still full of politeness.

Luo Yunyang thanked the red moon boy and turned away.

At this time, Luo Yunyang’s heart was very uncomfortable. This time, I can say that it was a solid and sincere way to discuss things with the ancestors of the ancestors, but I did not expect that I had an uneasy name.

From this aspect, Luo Yunyang feels that the ancestors of the ancestors are very dissatisfied with themselves.

Returning to the Hongmeng Temple, Luo Yunyang put his main energy on improving the strength of the four-hole beast.

Although the current four-hole beast is only the graduated cultivation base, but the strength of the four-beast is not the ordinary Tai Shi Yuan Zun can be compared.

According to the feeling of Luo Yunyang, although the four-hole beast at this time is difficult to defeat the returnees like the golden gods, but the Taiyuan Yuanzun of the Heavenly Dingjie, although not necessarily able to prevail, will not lose.

It is not easy for Luo Yunyang to break through the path of Taiyi Yuanzun. It is precisely because of this that Luo Yunyang has to put most of his energy into the four-hole beast.

Only the four-yuan beast of the mixed hole also broke through the Taiyuan Yuanzun, and it is possible for him to compete with Taiyi Yuanzun for the length of time.

And let the four-yuan beast of the mixed hole become the difficulty of the Taiyuan Yuanzun, and the materials needed by the light make Luo Yunyang a big head. But at this time, the benefits of becoming a human being have all come out.

Most of the materials, only one order from him, can basically be delivered. What he needs now is time!

The Xuan Ming family is full of dead stars in the sky, the huge team of Human Race is invincible, and the Human Race lurkers who have lived in the territory of the Xuan Ming family for many years are constantly flowing, sending various messages to the arived stream. Respected in the hands of others.

The powerful strength makes the Human Race army invincible, and the battle is invincible! That is, ten days of hard work, it has almost captured the majority of the Xuan Ming family territory.

“Beyond the big universe in front, we will be able to reach the endless land of the ancestral land of the Xuan Ming family. As long as we can win the endless land, the Xuan Ming family is basically equal to destroying the family.” Liu Tianyuan respected the wind and said.

At this time, the celestial Yuanzun is full of confidence in the ruined Xuan Ming family.

Although he knows that the first metaphysical master of the Xuan Ming family has appeared, in the retreats of time and again, they do not know what kind of calculations are hidden.

However, they are not unprepared, no matter how much calculations, in the face of absolute power, there is still no use.

“The Qingyue boy came to the news and said that the restless student had already gone to the Jiuding Dojo. He wanted to meet the ancestors and talk about the things of the Xuan Ming family.” Kun Hou’s Heavenly Emperor’s voice carries a trace of ridiculous : “After being blocked by the Red Moon Boy, I also asked the Red Moon Boy to continue to pass, it seems that it is really not dead!”

Liu Tianyuan respected and smiled: “With such a big advantage, he naturally does not want to give up, but he does not look at what he is. He wants to become Taiyi Yuanzun. It is really delusional!”

“If you want me to say, we should give the kid a warning, let him know that what is needed for him, and what he does not need him to do.” Kun Hou Heavenly Emperor has a lot of opinions on Luo Yunyang, so The words are also more straightforward.

The other four Heavenly Emperors just smiled a little. For them, Luo Yunyang is really too small, and they don’t have to worry too much.

Their minds have already rushed to the endless earth. What they think is that after the endless destruction, it is related to the opportunity of becoming too easy.

Although on the surface, they did not say this thing, but in their own hearts, no one has a half-hearted meaning.

As they marched forward, the calm endless meditation was still extremely calm, but the breath of the endless meditation, but it has completely become the meaning of death.

In an exaggerated way, even if it is a warrior in the universe, in the absence of special treasure protection, as soon as it enters this piece of earth, it will immediately become a fly ash.

The endless land of deadness is like a huge whirlpool, swallowing the vitality around.

In the center of the endless meditation, the eyes of the first ancient lord of a black robe sparkle with endless silence.

“It’s time to make so much preparation, it’s time to harvest!”

“Twelve yuan to destroy the great array, get up!”

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