Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1111

The latest chapter of the rise of the supremacy, the first eleventh chapter open the portal to recruit talents, floating astronomy
A word of disagreement, death in the end!

This kind of character is natural, but there are not many such people, and it is less likely to become the strongest potential of the great age.

Although the golden man of God had made a small mistake to see the heroes of the world at the beginning, he chose to change the first time after discovering that he was not in a good situation.

This is the person who knows the time is Junjie.

Luo Yunyang looked at the golden god man and smiled and said: “You let me put up such a big battle, then I will receive an apology from you. How do you let others see me as a man! Are you playing me here?”

When Luo Yunyang smiled, the golden gods thought that their pleading had played a role, but did not expect that this guy actually responded like this.

Although his anger is rising, he knows that he will continue to hardly touch it, and he has absolutely no benefit to himself.

“The Emperor, you still want to kill you?” Golden God looked at Luo Yunyang, and smiled: “I can cross countless spaces, escape the … … the pursuit of that person, some means still have. ”

“It’s not only good for the Emperor, but it will also make most people like me chilling.”

Luo Yunyang See the golden god of the sinful guilty, the mouth is rising, and a smile smiles: “The fish is broken? Oh, although I admit that you have a hand that can make me feel scrupulous, I still want to remind you. Child, your means can’t break my net.”

Luo Yunyang’s self-confidence made the golden gods more depressed, and he screamed: “Luo Yunyang, what do you want?”

“You offend the majesty of my imperial court. If that’s the case, then my imperial court will sweep the ground in the future.”

Luo Yunyang smiled gently: “And since you have been here, there is no small foundation. If you withdraw, the loss is not small.”

Golden god man really has a feeling of wanting to cry, the loss is not small, so many people attacked me, my loss is already big enough.

But this kind of thinking can only be seen in the heart, but can not be said.

“Now, I am a royal emperor, if you are willing to give up and become one of the supreme stars of my royal court, then it is better to say that not only can the things in front of you be written off, but this half of the dragon scale universe can also be sent. Give you.”

The golden man suddenly opened his eyes and said, “Do you want me to be your subordinate?”

“The supreme star is not the subordinate of the emperor, but the guest of the emperor.” Luo Yunyang looked at the golden god, a serious smile corrected: “In addition to the enemy battle with the Xuan Ming family, you need to listen In addition to the imperial court assignment, at other times, I can allow you to listen to the announcement.”

There is a hint of hesitation in the eyes of the golden gods. Although he does not want to surrender to Luo Yunyang, he has to admit that the conditions for Luo Yunyang are quite good.

Being a guest has a huge advantage. Although it is nominally a member of Luo Yunyang, it is only necessary to take action when fighting with enemies such as Xuan Ming.

This sale sounds very cost-effective. After all, he returned from Yuangu, for the ultimate battle.

At that time, even if this Luo Yunyang does not command him, the current Human Race, the ancestors of Tai Yi, will not let him go.

Unless he can break through Taiyi Yuanzun as soon as possible, he can dominate his own destiny.

“The other people in your royal court, can you also order me?” The golden gods had already made up their minds when they were asking questions.

“In the royal court, no one but me can order you!” Golden God’s every move, all fall into the eyes of Luo Yunyang, how can he not hear the heart of this person? Now, with an unquestionable tone, continue to swim towards the golden gods.

When the golden god man actually asked the question just now, he had already made up his mind. At this time, he heard Luo Yunyang’s answer, and now he said: “If this is the case, then you are willing to become the supreme star of the royal court.” ”

Luo Yunyang stopped her hand and stopped attacking the golden gods, but the 800 yuan statue did not stop. They didn’t get the instructions of Luo Yunyang, and when they tried to test their newly created Skill, they would give up.

The emotional intelligence of the golden man is very good. When Luo Yunyang does not speak, she knows what this heart thinks.

Although this is a bit shameful for him, it is almost the best result compared to the destruction of his golden sacred earth.

So hesitated a little, the golden gods respectfully said: “The invincible gold, I have seen the Emperor!”

The conversation between Luo Yunyang and Golden God and God was carried out through voice transmission. Although the silver gods and other spectators knew what was talking between Luo Yunyang and golden gods, they did not care.

But did not expect that the golden gods are actually in the fight, and they will bow down! Such an instant change of face, so that they really have a feeling that they can not keep up with the rhythm.

Luo Yunyang naturally does not care whether other people can keep up with the rhythm. This golden god’s cultivation base is not low. Even if Luo Yunyang uses the annihilation of the large grinding disc, he can wipe him out, and it takes a lot of effort.

Instead of wasting the kind of effort and losing the strength of himself and Human Race, it is better to let him join his royal court. Although the constraints are not big, at least it is to increase his own strength.

“The highest star does not have to be polite. Since then, we have been a family. Later, Gao Xingjun can use the resources of my emperor.” Luo Yunyang opened his mouth and performed very boldly.

But how much resources he has in the royal court, only he knows.

Being able to use the royal court to get resources, the golden gods and gold invincible heart gave birth to a surprise.

Although he did not know what the resources in Luo Yunyang’s mouth were, it was good to think of the emperor’s imperial court.

Luo Yunyang, after telling the 800-dollar prince not to start working, his eyes fell on the obviously sorrowful silver gods and others. “You, my emperor, stood up and hope that you can become the guest of the royal court.” ”

“The imperial court can not only guarantee the interests of the present, but also guarantee that you will never bother you in the usual small things.”

“You only need to take action when taking action on the Xuan Ming family.”

Silver gods, bronze kings and other powerhouses, after listening to the conditions of Luo Yunyang, all look a bit.

Although their cultivation base is deep, after coming to the thirty-sixth universe, they began to occupy the site and build their own dojo, but in any case, they are in a state of single-handedness.

They are not not recruiting subordinates, but those subordinates basically rely on them to live and can provide them with help, it is very rare.

Now Luo Yunyang’s conditions are not bound by them. They can also rely on the resources of the Emperor and the Emperor, which will inevitably make people feel at ease.

“If we are willing to join the Royal Court, what kind of treatment can you give us?” The Silver Godman first asked.

“Like invincible gold, you will become the supreme star of my skycourtyard.” Luo Yunyang’s conditions are extremely open, he smiled and said: “You can guarantee that no one moves, and in addition to fighting the Xuan Ming family. Things, other things will not bother everyone.”

Silver God and others were sent with big divine ability, the purpose is to increase the strength of Human Race in this last age.

It can be said that this battle, all of them can not escape, and the conditions given by Luo Yunyang, almost no constraints. For a time, many people talked in a whisper.

The faces of Liu Tianyuan and other six people changed. They never imagined that this Luo Yunyang was so scheming that it was so fast that they had caught up with these returning powerhouses.

From the cultivation base, although they are all Half-Steps, they know very well that if their cultivation base is really going to fight, they may not be able to win the existence of these returned Taiyuan Yuanzun Peak.

Since they can return, the explosive power of each person at the moment of life and death is very different, and even has the possibility of bringing death threats to them.

“Do we have to recruit some.” Kun thick Heavenly Emperor looked at the powerhouse of the silver gods, and the words with endless heart.

Silver gods and other cultivation bases are extraordinary. If they join, then the Heavenly Palace they formed will be even stronger.

Shout the head said: “The site of Tiandingjie is not small, but we have no way to build a dojo for them.”

“After all, the Tianding world is of great importance. It is absolutely impossible to let unfamiliar people with ulterior motives carry out the world of Tianding.”

“There is, the interests of our families, I am afraid it is difficult to let them out.”

These conditions of Liu Tianyuan respected the other four Heavenly Emperors, and they realized at this time that although Tiandingjie gave them a lot of strength, they also gave them a lot of restraint.

“If you join more, then Luo Yunyang’s skycourtyard, really formed successfully?” Kun thick Heavenly Emperor’s business, with a hint of unwillingness.

“Even if these people do not join, the royal court of Luo Yunyang will be formed successfully. You don’t look at the people he brought. Although the cultivation base is complicated, it is the realm of Yuanzun.” Heavenly Emperor took a look and admired the exclamatory sigh: “Although I don’t know what the means of Luo Yunyang is, but in such a short period of time, it is really obligatory to make so many Yuanzun. ”

A powerhouse with a vertical eye behind a silver god man said at this time: “If we don’t join the emperor’s royal court?”

“Is it necessary for us to let our dojos go out?”

Luo Yunyang smiled at the handsome man. “I have already said that I will not stop you from building the dojo, but these thirty-six universes are the Lord’s things, and for us, incomparable important.”

“I naturally don’t give people who are not my royal courts to build the dojo. However, I will not arrange places for you. Those ordinary universes and voids can be used freely.”

The gap between the big universe and the ordinary universe can be imagined. These people built the dojo in order to enhance the strength of themselves and others. At this time, they heard Luo Yunyang say that there is humanity at the moment: “I am willing to join the Royal Court!”

The advantage of avoiding harm is the instinct of everyone. The choice of gold invincible is like a small sparks. The followers will soon be in the same position. More than half of the returnees who have been present for the first time are rushing to join the imperial court!

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