Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1106

The latest chapter of the rise of the supremacy, the first one of the 106 chapters step into the sky, floating astronomy
This is a very ordinary day in the eyes of the thirty-six great universe of ordinary warriors, but it became an extraordinary day in the history book of Human Race.

Because of this day, there are golden giants roaring the world, there are silver gods smirking the sky, and there is a powerhouse with a bronze warrior, coming out of the nine places…

However, the areas where these people returned were extremely remote, and after they returned, the first time they chose was low-key. Therefore, even Luo Yunyang, the emperor, did not get the news of these people.

At this time, Luo Yunyang is in the midst of a void with Daqian control and others to discuss the promotion of the subordinate cultivation base.

In the hands of four people, including the Thousand Masters, there is a finger-sized God Spark!

“Good things!” Daqian masters first put down the hands of God Spark God Spark, sincerely said.

Although he does not know how the God Spark is made, he can feel the hidden things in this God Spark.

This is a complete law of heaven and earth. Although this law is not too strong, once it is in control, it can become a Yuan Zun immediately.

However, after becoming a Yuanzun, it is impossible to make progress.

This should also be the only flaw in the God Spark.

For those top geniuses who are ambitious, this existence is basically a chicken rib, but for some existences that do not hope to become Yuanzun, this is their best opportunity.

“Human Emperor, such a God Spark, can you really provide a thousand?” I thought of the situation in the Great Thousand Temples that was about to break through the head, and the big masters asked half-heartedly.

Luo Yunyang looked at the Daqian controller, Shen Sheng said: “There is absolutely no problem with a thousand pieces, but I can provide this thousand yuan. God Spark can not be provided free of charge. To advance to the Yuanzun, you need to join the royal court. year.”

The masters of the Daqian and the Lord of the Xuanzang Temple looked at each other and looked at each other’s eyes.

For the Heavenly Lord powerhouse, the value of this God Spark is almost impossible to measure, and Luo Yunyang will naturally not be delivered in vain.

The Yuanzun powerhouse is almost infinitely long-lived, and it is not unacceptable for the emperor to call for the hundred thousand years.

“Okay, then according to Yunyang, what do you say, when can we start to promote these Heavenly Lords?”

This is not only a question of the masters, but also the concern of the Lord of the Temple of Xuanzang. For them, this matter is equally important.

“Nature is as fast as possible!” Luo Yunyang sighed in a moment: “This promotion has a high success rate, but there is no risk in this.”

“I have opened up a world in the Temple of Hongmen, so that all the promoters will enter this world. Whenever there is a problem, I can treat it in time.”

“So, after three days, we will send the temples to the Hongmeng Temple.” After the four men of the Warlord looked at each other, they made a decision.

For them, it is impossible to wait for their subordinates to become Yuanzun as soon as possible. After all, this is an extraordinary improvement for the strength of their temples.

Each temple has more than two hundred yuan statues at a time. Although it is just the ordinary Taishi Yuanzun, it gives them a greater enthusiasm in the face of the pressure of the Tianding world.

“Then after three days.” Luo Yunyang did not have much urgency in this matter, after all, he still has a year.

“Then we will prepare now!” Daqian control and others, but some can not wait, after all, this matter is too important for them.

Seeing that the thousand masters and others left, Luo Yunyang’s thoughts flashed and disappeared into the void.

The world of dragon scales, the fire king and others gathered together and was asking some questions on the practice of the Heavenly Lord.

Although their qualifications have determined that they are difficult to achieve Yuan Zun, but they have not put down practice for a moment.

As Luo Yunyang’s original team, they are the most loyal subordinates to Luo Yunyang. However, with the increasing strength and status of Luo Yunyang, they already have the feeling that they can’t keep up with Luo Yunyang’s footsteps.

Even so, they still have no relaxation on the practice. And the resources of the entire world of dragon scales are inexhaustible to them.

“Fire King, you are a little anxious. Now the most important thing for you is gradual progress.” The Heavenly Lord is already the Peak of the Heavenly Lord, but in the face of Fire King and others, it is a smile. Relatively, the peers talked.

To know that among the disciples of the Heavenly Lord, there are seven or eight Heavenly Lords, and the Fire King is now just entering the universe.

The Fire King is equally respectful of the Heavenly Lord. He knows that the Heavenly Lord is so polite to himself, there is a reason. It is also because of this point that he and the people who come out of the big federation maintain a modest attitude.

“Thank you for the big Heavenly Lord pointing points, I am really anxious, hehe… It’s been more than a hundred years, my cultivation base is not inseparable, it’s really…” The Fire King scratched his head and was embarrassed.

The Heavenly Lord understands what the Fire King is thinking, but in this matter, he really can’t help the Heavenly Lord.

After all, he has no way to make the fire king’s cultivation base rise too fast.

Just when the two men spoke, someone said in a loud voice: “This time the bet of the Emperor and the Tianding world is not so good. After all, it is a thousand yuan!”

The Heavenly Lord is silent, he is the clearest breakthrough in the Yuanzun, although he is now under the guidance of Luo Yunyang, the cultivation base has made no small progress, but to break through the Yuanzun, still depends on Luck.

If Heavenly Lord is going to the sky, then Yuan Zun is heaven defying and standing on his own.

The existence of these, there is no big divine ability, no great perseverance, and can you easily achieve?

“I think that since the Emperor of the Emperor said this, he must be sure. After all, he is a man!”

It is a powerhouse where Tian Yu is on the door. The words are full of respect for Luo Yunyang. It can be said that the whole Tianyu came to the door and regarded Luo Yunyang as a kind of Heavenly God.

The Heavenly Lord nodded, and what he thought in his heart was the news from the mouth of a friend of the Great Thousand Temple.

The news made him feel excited, but he did not know if he had this qualification. You must know that the choices here are the disciples of the Five Great God Temple.

Although they had a close relationship with Tian Yunyang and Luo Yunyang, he did not know how to open his mouth to Luo Yunyang in this matter.

Just as he was tangled in his heart, Luo Yunyang’s voice suddenly sounded in the void: “Fire King, it seems that you are on practice, I really want to step in Heavens!”

Upon hearing this sentence, the fire king suddenly stood up from the seat: “Yunyang, no, it is the Emperor, you are back.”

Luo Yunyang’s silhouette With the words of the Fire King, it appears gently in the hall, and everyone in the hall has a feeling of being at a loss.

If in the past, Luo Yunyang became the lord of the Hongmeng Temple, but they are not the people of the Hongmeng Temple, plus the previous friendship, they can also sit on the same level with Luo Yunyang.

But now?

The Emperor is not a simple title, but the real king of Human Race. As long as it is a human racer, there must be a respectful attitude when facing the emperor.

Salute to Luo Yunyang, they are not to worship, it is only a time, a little uncomfortable.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Luo Yunyang had already waved his sleeves and gently put a few powerhouses on the door. He said, “Okay, you don’t have to pay more, I have to be arrived.” Title, but in fact, I am still me.”

This sentence is still me, suddenly let Lu Wei disease and other people relaxed, they looked at Luo Yunyang, flashing in the eyes are all excited.

“Fire King, since you are so anxious to upgrade the cultivation base, then I will give you a chance.” Luo Yunyang talking, more than 20 God Spark, has already appeared in his hands: “These God Spark You choose one, and after you combine it, you can upgrade your cultivation base to Yuanzun.”

“Haha, this one thing, can make me a Heavenly Lord, this Heavenly Lord is not…” When the Fire King said the word Heavenly Lord, he suddenly reacted. Luo Yunyang said that it was not Heavenly Lord. It is Yuan Zun.

The main reason why he instinctively thinks about the word Yuan Zun is because the distance between Yuan Zun and him is too far away.

The practice goal of Fire King over the years has become Heavenly Lord, but he did not expect Luo Yunyang to provide him with such a step into the sky.

“Is it really a Yuan Zun?” In the voice of the Fire King, with a trace of trembling.

“It’s really Yuanzun.” Luo Yunyang undoubtedly said: “After becoming a Yuanzun, you don’t have to practice again, because after you become a Yuanzun, your combat power will not have any improvement, practice also useless.”

Having said that, Luo Yunyang’s eyes fell on Lu Wei’s disease and other people: “You can also make choices, whether to become Yuanzun or slowly practice.”

“If I am qualified, I don’t want practice to become a Yuanzun thing. Heavenly Lord may not be able to reach it.” Lu Wei’s sick voice said: “Give me one.”

“Give me one too!” Lu Wei disease took the lead, and others also followed suit.

The Heavenly Lord is very entangled, he wants to get this opportunity, but after thinking of becoming a Yuanzun, his cultivation base will not be inseparable, and he will be unwilling to let him from the heart.

In the end, when Luo Yunyang’s eyes fell on him, he said quietly: “His Majesty, if you can, give me one, I know that I want to improve the cultivation base, and it becomes very incomparable. Difficult, it is better to become a Yuanzun in one step.”

Luo Yunyang Listening to the Stoneheart Heavenly Lord, I said that there is some disappointment in my heart. This kind of quick-paced thing, how can you follow the big Heavenly Lord? Although somewhat dissatisfied, he handed a Yuan Zun God Spark to the Heavenly Lord.

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