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No one noticed that when the energy of the desert spring was completely absorbed, the narrow portal The seal disappeared, and a silhouette rushed in from the narrow portal, stood by the pond, glanced at Yun Zhenzhen and Qin Shuang's body, and landed on Qin Shuang's body, shouted:

"Did you kill Sha Peng?"

"Who are you?" Qin Shuang's body was still tired at this time, and asked laboriously.

"Sha Ying, Sha Peng’s big brother!"

Qin Shuang sighed in his heart, although at this time Wu was all the killing intent of Tian Ci's sudden awakening. , I didn’t expect another sand eagle to appear. As long as you look at the imposing manner that erupted from the sand eagle, you know that the other party is also a Meridian Connecting Stage ninth layer Peak. At this time, Qin Shuang simply does not have the strength to fight back, just like the one to be slaughtered. Lamb.

"Am I really going to die here today?"


The sand eagle screamed, a big foot on the ground With a stomping, his figure leapt up like a goshawk, and the sword in his hand pierced sharply at the weak Qin Shuang.


A silhouette stood in front of the sand eagle, and a sharp long sword greeted the sand eagle.


With a word cry, the two swords collided and separated instantly, and then the sand eagle's long sword swept away. That silhouette is Dugu Jian who came forward in time, the crazy sword intent gushes out, intercepting the sand eagle's long sword horizontally.

“clang! ”

Dugu Jian’s body was blasted out obliquely with a toothy collision, and a “peng” hit Tian Ci’s body , Fell into the pond. Sand Eagle's toes lightly touched the surface of the water, and his figure was close to the surface of the water, and quickly swept towards Qin Shuang. The sword in his hand broke through the air, making a "si si" sound, and pierced towards Qin Shuang's throat.

Tian Ci, who was suddenly bloodthirsty and struggling with honesty, was hit by Dugu Jian and awakened from the struggle. A pair of blood-red eyes inevitably turned towards the only one moving in the entire pond. The sand eagle looked over and felt the endless murderous aura of the sand eagle, as if affected, and his eyes instantly turned blood red.


If a beast roared like a beast, Tian Ci's figure looked towards the sand eagle flying over the water and rushed over.


The sound of the long sword "pu" in the sand eagle's hand penetrated Tian Ci's body, and the tip of the sword penetrated Tian Ci's back , A little blood quickly spread from the back.


The blood is only spreading rapidly, but it hasn't fallen a bit. And just in the blink of an eye, Tian Ci's body turned into a human figure constructed entirely of blood, and he rushed towards the sand eagle. Qin Shuang and the others could clearly see that the sword that the sand eagle penetrated Tian Ci's body quickly penetrated from Tian Ci's body, and then the sand eagle's hand holding the sword...wrist, arm...


The whole body of the sand eagle is wrapped in a blood curtain. Tian Ci's body has disappeared and turned into a liquid to hold the sand eagle tightly. Wrapped inside.

In less than a breath, the bloody liquid peeled off from the sand eagle's body and formed the appearance of Tian Ci. The sand eagle had become a skeleton and fell down. In the pond.



Absolute silence!

Everyone in the pond looked at Tian Ci blankly with their mouths wide open, instinctively frightened in their eyes, even the experienced and knowledgeable Qin Shuang is no exception.

This is beyond the scope of everyone's understanding, even if it is a dream, they have never had such a weird and terrifying dream!

Tian Ci's bloodthirsty gaze swept toward everyone again, and everyone instinctively took a step back. Even though Qin Shuang, Qin Qian and Qin Xiong were unable to back down, they also struggled instinctively.


Tian Ci laughed twice, but there was no slight smile on the face, which made people see that have one's hair stand on end. Then his body fluctuated like a liquid, like one after another ripples, his eyes sent out bloodthirsty rays of light......

"Tian Ci......" Qin Shuang cried out worriedly .

Tian Ci's gaze fell on Qin Shuang, the ripples on his body became slow, and there was a struggle in his expression. Qin Shuang was overjoyed when he saw it, struggling to stand up, and moved towards Tian Ci calling out:

"Tian Ci!"

"Tian Ci! What's wrong with you?"

"Tian Ci, I am Qin Shuang!"

"Tian Ci!" At this time Qin Xiong also struggled to stand up and said, "What's wrong with you? I am Qin Shuang, Are you trying to kill us? Do you know how much risk Shuang'er took for you along the way? Shuang'er did it for you..."

Qin Xiong quickly bit Tian Ci by a scorpion What happened after that was told again. With his narration, the rippling ripples on Tian Ci's body disappeared gradually, and the blood-red eyes suddenly appeared white, and then they became blood-red again...

Tian Ci In his body, the energy of the seals fluctuated violently. In the seals, only a thin hole was drilled by the bloodfiend, and a trace of blood was transmitted from that line of holes. At this time, that one The energy of the seals is no longer peeled off, and turned into a vortex, which rotates rapidly. With the rapid rotation of the vortex, the blood line transmitted from the hole is absorbed in...

Finally, the last bit of blood was drawn back into the vortex, and the energy of the seal instantly emitted countless silk threads into a mysterious pattern, sealing the bloodfiend inside again.


Tian Ci's eyes became clear. Cruel, bloodthirsty, killing, the cold expression became simple and honest, looking at Qin Shuang in a daze:

"I...what's wrong with this?"

" You don't know what happened to you just now?" Qin Qian also struggled to stand up and asked.

Tian Ci fell into deep thought, and said dazedly: "I really want to enter a dream, and hear it in the dream..."

Speaking of which, look at To Qin Xiong: "It seems that I heard Qin Xiong continuously talking about me after being bitten by a scorpion. Shuang'er, did you save me?"

"Crap!" Qin Xiong was angry. The ground roared: "You were not dreaming just now, or I was talking about Shuang'er saving you. Without Shuang'er, you would have become a corpse now."

Tian Ci A grateful look appeared on his face, but Qin Shuang looked at Tian Ci anxiously:

"What happened to you just now? You...have become a monster...a blood look... "

"I... Become a monster?"

Tian Ci looked at Qin Shuang blankly, then looked down towards him in a daze, and then screamed , Squatting in the water, it turned out that Tian Ci was almost naked because of the bite of the scorpion. His face became flushed. With his exclamation and this behavior, everyone also noticed what he looked like. Qin Shuang and Yun Zhenzhen's faces flushed, and they hurriedly turned their heads aside.


Thank you very much Fuyou Ranshang (200), I like Daniel (100), Nightmare (100), Luohuaqing 017 (100), Feng err (100), Bai Zibing (100), Fengyang (100), Long looking for the gold in the book (100), Zhang Yijuan (100), hovering in the clouds (100), a ray of spring breeze Sai Beiming (100), Ailian Mengyao, gnaw gnaw gnaw! Chew the book! Classmate, I am not classmate Wang Xi, classmate Top Grade bawang, Shuai dumped the classmate’s reward!



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