She first came to the Daofa district. This time she did not transfer the four Primordial Spirits to the Monster Suppressing Tower, but only transferred the spirits to the Monster Suppressing Tower. The four Primordial Spirits and Yang God started scanning the jade slip together. The fused jade slip was scanned directly. Only when the inheritance that had not been seen before was copied and sent to the spirit in the Monster Suppressing Tower, and the spirit was This kind of Taoism is integrated into Qin Shuang's Four Elephant Slash. As for the inheritance that does not belong to the four attributes of the Golden, Wood, Water, Fire, and Fire, it is copied in a jade slip and stored in the Monster Suppressing Tower.

Blood Qin’s inheritance is very huge, so Second Layer’s Taoism is hardly what Qin Shuang has not integrated. But the theme is the same. This kind of inheritance, Qin Shuang was swept away. Therefore, although there are a lot of Taoism at this level, Qin Shuang sees it very quickly, but in less than two hours, Qin Shuang sat on a chair and closed his eyes. Return the spirit to Dao Heart.

The level of this layer is too low. When Qin Shuang was watching, Ling used a thousand times the Time Flow Speed ​​in the Monster Suppressing Tower to fully integrate Qin Shuang’s supplementary methods. At this time After returning to Dao Heart, he immediately communicated with the four Primordial Spirits, Yang God, and Qin Shuang, who was sitting there, had a slight improvement in his temperament.

Qin Shuang stood at the second layer cultivation technique and had a headache. This cultivation technique is not like Taoism. Qin Shuang has integrated Taoism at this level, so it is clear which ones are not needed and which ones are needed by themselves. However, although Qin Shuang has watched the cultivation technique, they are all looking for some cultivation techniques that they want to cultivation, or cultivation techniques for others, so she has not seen most of the cultivation techniques in Blood Qin inheritance, and has no impression. . In this way, it can't be like the Daofa district. She needs to copy every jade slip here and store it for future use.

It's just...

This is time consuming!

"Come on!"

Qin Shuang did not transfer Primordial Spirit, Yang God and Spirit into Monster Suppressing Tower this time, but instead used them all to copy inheritance and then transfer Give it to the Artifact Spirit in the Monster Suppressing Tower, and copy it in the jade slip one by one.

Two hours, two hours, three hours...

In Mu Chong’s Cave Mansion.

Tan Xiaotian stood in front of Mu Chong, and Mu Chong gently said: "You haven't found Qin Shuang yet?"

"No!" Tan Xiaotian shook his head and said, "I asked. Someone saw her leaving Tianziyuan."

"en!" Mu Chong nodded and said: "She still has some friends outside, so she should go out to make some arrangements. You continue to pay attention and see you later. When I arrived at her, I didn’t mention soliciting her, only that I invited her to sit in my Cave Mansion."

"Okay!" Tan Xiaotian hurriedly nodded, and then a little unwilling to say: "Eldest Senior Brother, then Qin Shuang I admit that I have some patience, but do you need the low profile of the Eldest Senior Brother?"

"Xiaotian, you should go out for a good experience. You can't always stay in Tianziyuan. Outside, A seven Grandmaster can sit on the same level as Immortal Monarch. What's more, I'm just a half-step Immortal Monarch?"

"Eldest Senior Brother, your half-step Immortal Monarch, is not worse than those Immortal Monarch."


Mu Chong smiled and waved his hand: "Go, be polite to Qin Shuang."

"Got it!"

Cave Mansion, Luofu Station in the past few years In front of the palace lord, Ranked 2nd of the Baijiao Ranking, Fu Suiyue pondered for a moment and said:

"Can't find Qin Shuang?"


"Then put Qin Shuang aside and recruit those new students."


The Palace Lord Zhang Zining of Baihua Palace looked at Ning Caiyun and said: "While paying attention to Qin Shuang, send someone to recruit those new students."

"Okay!" Ning Caiyun nodded and said: "It is said that Qin Shuang has left Tianziyuan. If she comes back, what shall we do? "

"Invite her to sit down. Everyone is a woman. However, when she is free, don't disturb her at will, and give her a good impression."

" Understand!"

Book Collection Pavilion.

Qin Shuang is already standing on the third floor at this time. Here is the inheritance of the Human Immortal period, which is much less than the Second Layer. There was still no one on this floor, and Qin Shuang once again began to walk among the bookshelves in Daofa District.

One day later, Wang Quan’s spiritual consciousness swept Qin Shuang and muttered:

"What a weird person, what's so good about this level?"


Mu Chong's Cave Mansion.

"Eldest Senior Brother, Qin Shuang is back, she came back yesterday, she is now in the Book Collection Pavilion, one day, one night in it." Tan Xiao Heavenly Dao:

"I've been to see, she is in Fourth Layer now."

"Fourth Layer?" Mu Chong looked at Tan Xiaotian weirdly: "What is she doing on that layer?"

Tan Xiaotian grinds for a long time, until a gentle Mu Chong shows a trace of impatience, he is weak and weak:


"Walk?" Gentle Mu Chong became cold, his eyes showed, do you think I'm stupid?

"Really!" Tan Xiaotian was anxious: "I watched her one hour secretly on Fourth Layer, and she walked there for one hour, which wasted my four points for nothing."

"How does she walk?"

"Just walk along the bookshelf, walking very slowly."

"No copying?"

" No! Besides, although she was walking slowly, she didn't have time to copy."

"This is strange!" Mu Chong also frowned slightly.

"I asked Wang Quan. He said that Qin Shuang walked from First Layer to Fourth Layer."

"From First Layer to Fourth Layer, everything Is that so?"

"en! Eldest Senior Brother, I have a guess."


"Qin Shuang is from the Star Domain, In terms of insights, it must be a country bumpkin. Therefore, after she entered the Book Collection Pavilion, she must have had some insights. From the First Layer, slowly, when the time comes back to the Star Domain, she also blew it. "

"talk nonsense!" Mu Chong was exasperated: "Without knowledge, she would never do such a stupid thing. Didn't she know that this would waste points?"

"The country bumpkin has 80,000 points. When she came to Tianziyuan, the first thing she entered was the Book Collection Pavilion. I haven't been to other places yet. I don't know if her points are really nothing. I think a few. Points are simply not a big deal for her 80,000 points."

Mu Chong shook the head and said: "Maybe...she is looking for some information."

"I can't find information on those floors? She is already Nine Heavens Profound Immortal."

"Maybe she is studying some Taoism or cultivation technique. If you want to innovate, you must do it. I have to start with the lowest research."

Mu Chongyue said, the brighter his eyes: "She can become the Seven Grandmaster, it means that she is a cultivator who likes to research, maybe she already has an idea, or outline. . It’s just limited by the limited knowledge of Star Domain in China. Now that I came to Tianziyuan, I naturally wanted to find the inheritance related to her innovation. That must be the case. Xiaotian, she just walks on each floor? There is no jade slip. Have you picked it up?"


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