numerous cultivators unanimously. At this time, these cultivators admire Qin Shuang from the bottom of their hearts. If it weren't for Qin Shuang, I am afraid that people like them would not have a single point at this time. Even in Ding District, the concentration of Xian Yuan Qi is different. The closer you are to the outside, the lower the concentration of Xian Yuan Qi.

Qin Shuang laughed when he heard it.

"You don’t care about me, pick it yourself. What I want to choose is not a place full of immortality, I want to choose a place that is big and the environment is beautiful, when the time comes, I plant some Flowers, make a swing..."

Everyone will cover their faces when they hear about it!

Eldest Senior Sister, you worked so hard to enter the Tianzi Academy. Did you come to cultivation or to enjoy it?

Qin Shuang no longer cares about them, she has many things waiting for herself to do. So, after speaking, he stepped on the void and flew into the air, looking around Ding Qu. The rest of the cultivator also relied on their keen sense of the immortal vitality, and flew towards the place rich in immortal vitality.

After a while, there was a rumbling sound of fighting.

Qin Shuang stared at it. It turned out that it was the freshmen who fought for a better Cave Mansion. Including An Shicong, who was fighting with Wentu at this time. Qin Shuang shook the head, continue to look for a place with a beautiful environment and large enough.

Actually, it's easy to find.

These are the places outside Ding District.

Qin Shuang strolled in the sky, in a flash, and stood above an area that he fancyed, his eyes swept away, and his mouth couldn't help but grin. This area can no longer be described as sparsely populated, simply no one.

His eyes were swept, a Cave Mansion was selected, and his figure fell.

This Cave Mansion was called at the time, and it was actually a very large manor.

There are pavilions, gardens, woods, and even a small lake in which there are fishes swimming. Qin Shuang can also see many birds nesting in the woods.

"This place is great!"

Qin Shuang landed from the sky. After visiting the place, I was more satisfied. Putting aside the immortal spirit that Qin Shuang doesn't take seriously, this place is simply too beautiful. In addition, Tianziyuan has also set up formations here, and even clean formations. Every room does not need to be cleaned at all, and it is always clean as new. And there are Pill Refining Room, Refining Room, Talisman Room, Arrangement Room, Piano Room, Chess Room, Study Room, Painting Room.

Anyway, there are many rooms here, and the people who built it at the beginning can be said to be comprehensive.

Qin Shuang glanced across the garden, woods, lawns and other places.

"The garden and lawn need to be trimmed!"

Qin Shuang uses his spirit to release the number of wind blades, and small wind blades are released one by one, in the garden and lawn, among the trees Flying, trimming the garden and lawn, and cutting off the tall grass in the woods.

The grass grows too tall, and there are people taller.

In less than a quarter of an hour, under the pruning of Wind Blade Technique, the manor was completely renewed. Qin Shuang was double beckoned, the fragments of grass that had been cut off, looked towards and flew towards her, she raised her sleeves, those fragments of grass, like dragon-like, flew towards a river in the distance, and landed on In the river, down the river.

"This is where I want to live!"

Qin Shuang Shi Shiran came to the woods, chose a tree, and started making a swing.

A silhouette flew to Ding District, but it was Tan Xiaotian. His spiritual consciousness first swept toward the place where Ding Qu's immortal vitality was strongest.

"en? No!"

I didn't find Qin Shuang. Did Qin Shuang already challenge it?

Not bad!

It must be so!

With her strength, not to mention picking the Battle Armor ethylene-propylene zone, it is enough to challenge some people in the Heaven's Chosen peak.


Tan Xiaotian frowned. He was ordered by Mu Chong to solicit Qin Shuang into Heavenly Palace. At this time, he was sure that Qin Shuang must have gone to challenge, but he didn't know which district Qin Shuang would challenge? Or directly challenge Heaven's Chosen Peak.

Tianziyuan is really too big, let him look for it alone, when will he find it?

His eyes turned slightly, and his figure looked towards a new student who was still looking for Cave Mansion.

"This Junior Brother, I want to ask you something!"

The new student is Wan Jing, and he can't help but feel the surging breath exuding Tan Xiaotian. , Cups the hands saluted:

"Senior Brother, please!"

"Do you know where Qin Shuang went to challenge?"

"Challenge? Eldest Senior Sister didn't go to challenge!" Wanjing looked at him for a moment.

"Didn't go?" Tan Xiao Heavenly God looked even more shocked: "Why isn't she here?"

However, Wan Jing's eyes shrank, and he became more vigilant in his heart. Asked: "What are you looking for Eldest Senior Sister for?"

Tan Xiaotian said directly: "You may not know that there are also many organizations in Tianzi Academy, and the most powerful of these organizations is us. Heavenly Palace. The lord of their Heavenly Palace, Mu Chong, is the strongest dísciple in the entire Tianziyuan.

Does Heaven's Chosen Peak know?"

"Know!" Wan The scenery was dry and nodded. At this time, many new students came around.

"It's good to know Heaven's Chosen Peak!" Tan Xiaotian proudly said: "Our Lord of Heavenly Palace, Senior Brother Mu, lives in the first Cave Mansion on the peak."

Everyone eyes shined Tan Xiaotian was very satisfied with their response, and said with a haughty smile: "You are not without the opportunity to join Heavenly Palace, but I am here this time mainly to recruit Qin Shuang into Heavenly Palace. Tell me, where is she?"


At this time, another cultivator fell from the sky, and his eyes fell on Tan Xiaotian's body and said:

"You Heavenly Palace are moving faster!"

Tan Xiaotian rolled his eyes and said: "Your prefecture is also interested in Qin Shuang?"

"More than that Netherworld!" There was another silver bell-like sound from the sky, and a woman fell from the sky: "Qin Shuang, as a female cultivator, should join our Baihua Palace."

"chi..." Tan Xiaotian He sneered, and ignored the two people. Instead, he looked at Wan Jing and said, "Where is Qin Shuang?"

Wan Jing shook his head and said, "I don't know the exact place, I just know. Eldest Senior Sister has to choose a place that is big enough, the environment is beautiful, and does not pay attention to the concentration of immortality. It is probably on the periphery of Ding District."

The three people of Tan Xiaotian could not help but be surprised. This Qin Shuang is here. Casual? Or did you come here for cultivation?

The place is big enough and the environment is beautiful enough. Isn’t the vitality important?


Tan Xiao's Heavenly Void stepped on nothing, looking towards the periphery of Ding District and flew away, and then a man and a woman also took a look Weird, just follow. Wan Jing and the others looked at each other, and they all flew into the air, chasing Tan Xiaotian.

Tan Xiaotian flew to the periphery of Ding District. With a glance, he saw Qin Shuang’s Cave Mansion, which was so conspicuous. Other places are overgrown with weeds, and the grass grows as high as one person. Only Qin Shuang’s Cave Mansion has just been trimmed, isn’t it where else can it be?

Qin Shuang just finished the swing at this time. He sat on the swing and tried it out. After swinging the swing, a heart of her also flew.


Thanks a lot to book friends 140927163654360 (1000), book friends 140927163654360 (500), rainy night and snow (500), Bai Zibing (100), seaphay (100), A tip from Zeng Li (100)!



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