At this moment, Qin Shuang paused with the pen in his hand, suddenly raised his head and looked at the Fire Crow in the air. The old student on the opposite side said with a smile:

"Qin Shuang, do you want to admit defeat?"

"Then you have to try to know!"

After falling, Qin Shuang suddenly threw the scroll in his hand into the air.


A sound of cranes came out from the picture scroll. From the slowly unfolding picture scroll, an Immortal Crane flew out, World's Essence Power in the air Converging towards that Immortal Crane.

"Spiritual! The realm of Grandmaster!" The old students on the opposite side were dumbfounded!

"Grandmaster's realm!" The new students behind Qin Shuang froze for a while, but they burst into enthusiastic cheers, and their morale was rising rapidly.

There is silence inside and outside the gate of Tianziyuan!

I don’t know how long it has been, or who it was, and lost his voice: "Qin Shuang...the Grandmaster!"

"Seven Grandmaster!" Xu Kaiyun suddenly fiercely in the air He waved his fist and yelled in excitement.

Xu Luoxue's expression was stiff, and a trace of loss flashed in his eyes.

He is the pride of Xu Family and the leader of Spirit World younger generation.

Tianziyuan, he doesn't have much weight in his heart.

However, at this moment, a student from the Tianzi Academy, a cultivator from the Star Domain in China, was compared!

His eyes fell on Xu Kaiyun who was jumping excitedly.

"Could this be the reason why his cultivation base increased greatly after he went out for a few years?"

In Tianziyuan.

Ding Lingding said excitedly: "Dean, I remember that Qin Shuang was drawing the Fourth Layer of the tower to comprehend the realm of the spirit, and was awakened by you. I did not expect that it was just these three days. She really realized that The realm of the spiritual realm."

"en!" There is a hint of excitement in the heavenly God: "She should have reached the critical point of the breakthrough Grandmaster before she painted the tower for the assessment, just because In Star Domain, there are not many painting inheritances. That’s why I fill up the vacancies layer by layer in the painting tower. If she was given a little time in the painting tower, maybe she would be able to finish the assessment with the glory of the seven Grandmasters. Now."

"This child...this child..." Ding Lingding was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

In the light curtain.

Immortal Crane rushed to the scrolls of these old students. With a stroke of two paws, one scroll was torn apart, and then it rushed to another scroll. The Fire Crow pursued Immortal Crane. Immortal Crane did not look back to fight Fire Crow, but flew towards those scrolls, and shred those scrolls one after another. It only took a moment. There were only two scrolls in the sky left, one is Immortal Crane and the other It's Fire Crow.

Inside and outside the light curtain, focal point of ten thousands, absolute silence.

The old student withdrew his gaze from the air and began to paint again. Qin Shuang also retracted his gaze and began to paint again.

At this time, the Immortal Crane and Fire Crow in the air are already fighting.

Fire Crow keeps emitting flames and shoots towards Immortal Crane. Immortal Crane waved its wings while evading, and its feathers shot towards Fire Crow like sharp arrows.

At this time, the old student is no longer talking and laughing, and becomes serious. Freshmen clenched fists with both hands and watched nervously. Take a look at the fierce battle between Immortal Crane and Fire Crow in the air, and take a look at Qin Shuang who is painting.

Suddenly, the new student became nervous, and saw the old student raised hand and threw out the picture scroll.


With a cry of an eagle, I saw an eagle flying out of the scroll and rushing towards the Immortal Crane. Then Immortal Crane immediately turned around and fled.

An eagle and a Fire Crow followed closely.

The Fire Crow kept spitting out flames, while the Xiong Yingnan spit out wind blades, whizzing towards Immortal Crane. Immortal Crane was struck by a wind blade and screamed.

The old student couldn’t help being sighed in relief, and the new student became even more nervous. They couldn’t help but look at Qin Shuang, and didn’t dare to disturb her, but prayed in the heart:

"Eldest Senior Sister, Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Qin Shuang suddenly raised his head and tossed his hand. A picture scroll was sacrificed in the air and slowly unfolded.


There was also an eagle cry, the snowy snow eagle rushed out of the picture scroll, and instantly caught up with Fire Crow, opened his mouth and vomited. A piece of Icicle lased out. The Fire Crow was shot and disappeared in the air. At the same time, the Immortal Crane was also chopped into several segments by the wind blade spit out by the eagle.



The two eagles hovered in the air and fought.

The old student looked towards Qin Shuang, and Qin Shuang also looked towards each other. The eyes of the two sides collided in the air, and sparks were collided.

The old student barked his teeth for joy, lowered his head and began to paint again. Qin Shuang thought about it for a moment, then lowered his head and began to draw.

The speed of the old student is still faster than Qin Shuang. He took out the picture first. A Golden Peng emerged from the picture and flew towards the snow eagle. He wanted to join forces with the eagle to kill Falling snow eagle.

Within a few breaths, the snow eagle became very embarrassed, and the white feathers fell continuously, hiding in the air.


Qin Shuang suddenly lightly scolded, raised hand, took out the picture scroll, and a Golden Peng flew out of the picture scroll toward the old student's painting Golden Peng rushed away. And this time Qin Shuang stopped waiting for the old students to paint first, and started to paint first. Upon seeing this, the old man began to paint.

The atmosphere became tense, the eyes of the new and old students were continuously on the four birds in the air, and Qin Shuang, the old student, patrolled back and forth.

This time because it was Qin Shuang who was the first to paint, although the old man finished the painting first, after two breaths, Qin Shuang also took the scroll to the air.

This time the old man painted an Ice Dragon, and Qin Shuang painted a Fire Phoenix.

The Ice Dragon and Fire Phoenix flew out of the picture. They did not fight with each other immediately, but quickly beheaded the four birds in the sky, and then one dragon and one phoenix fought fiercely.

At this time, Qin Shuang and Lao Sheng are no longer painting, and the battle will decide the outcome. Both people know that painting is a waste of time. It is better to decide the outcome with this one dragon and one phoenix.

The realm of Grandmaster also has high and low levels, and the comparison between two people is the level of Grandmaster!



dragon roar phoenix cry, ice and fire, collide with each other!

in the sky, half is flame, half is glacier!

Others are still staring at each other nervously, but Qin Shuang knows that he has lost. The spiritual paintings he drew, he knows best. Although he entered the realm of Grandmaster, it is obvious that the other party entered the Grandmaster better than himself. The realm must be early, and the one who has been deposited by oneself must be deep. The spiritual painting drawn is a little more powerful than himself, but at this point, he has already decided whether he wins or loses.

The final result is the same. The Fire Phoenix dissipated in the air, and the Ice Dragon returned to the picture scroll. The picture scroll was folded in the air and fell into the hands of the young man.

Qin Shuang Yaoyao gave a salute: "Senior Brother, we lost."


Sighs came from outside the gate of Tianziyuan , This is not because they have a relationship with the new students, but because of their sympathy for the weak. In particular, let them see the hope of the new students winning, but in the end they were disappointed, which is regrettable in their hearts.


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