"You want to truly enter the Tianzi Academy, and you will experience three major stages in Small World!"

"Are we not real Tianzi Academy students yet?" Qin Shuang froze for a while Asked.

"Forget it!" Ren Pingsheng nodded and said: "But you have not yet entered the Tianziyuan. If you want to enter the Tianziyuan, you must pass three levels. Of course, if you fail, you can also enter the Tianziyuan. Courtyard."

Qin Shuang and the others did not ask, knowing that Ren Pingsheng would say.

"The first test is to pass the demonic beast's attack. This is to let you feel the difficulty of entering and exiting the Tianziyuan gate in advance. The Great Cultivator of Tianziyuan will make a lot of demonic beasts, devil beasts, and even Monster Race and Demon Race cultivator are gathered together to attack you. You must remember!"

Ren Pingsheng's expression became serious: "This is not an assessment, but a real Life and Death Battle. . If at this level, someone is killed, no one helps, death is dead. Therefore, I advise you to go to Fangshi tomorrow to buy some defense equipment, don’t be killed when the time comes accidentally."

"many thanks!" Qin Shuang and the others cups the hands to thank you. The news of Ren Pingsheng is really important.

"The second test card will not have a mortal danger, but there is a danger of losing points."

"Lost points?"

"en! Tomorrow is here! Outside the gate, each of you will get corresponding points. The ten thousandth place will get ten points, and every time you raise a rank, one point will be added. So, Qin Shuang, you have one hundred thousand points. This is a big family among the old students. , There will be many old students looking at you."

Seeing Qin Shuang’s puzzled expression, Ren Pingsheng continued to explain: "In the past, there were no eight towers. There are eight competitions in the second test. They will be Danfuqiqinqinqi, calligraphy and painting. Old students will compete with you in every item. If you lose, you will take 10% of your points. If you win, they will Give you 10% points. However, no new student has ever won."

Qin Shuang, An Shicong, Lang Yupiao, Wen Yu, Wan Jing, Liu Hanyan, Wentu look at each other After a glance, Lang Yupiao said proudly:

"We have eight Grandmasters in this year, and we may not lose to their old students. By the way, isn't Zheng Lun from your Blu-ray Star Domain? Why didn't he come here?"

An Shicong said lightly: "He is the dísciple of our domain owner, I think the domain owner has any arrangements for him!"

Everyone is smart The person no longer mentions Zheng Lun. Ren Pingsheng also became interested and said:

"Yes, you have eight Grandmasters this time. Maybe you can really create some miracles. We will have a good look at that day."

"You can see it too?"

"Yes, Tianziyuan will show all the projections that happen in it. Anyone who wants to see it can go and see. At that time, it is Tianzicheng Many people will go to see the festival, hahaha..."

Qing Honglou grabbed the words and said: "Go and see you newcomers shameless!"

Qin Shuang and the others can't help but be black Face. Needless to say, even if the old students who came out were not from the cream of the crop of Tianziyuan, they should be the ones in the front row. I'm afraid everyone is Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Tenth Layer, and the worst is also the late Nine Heavens Profound Immortal. And can the cultivator that can enter the Tianziyuan be an ordinary cultivator?

Everyone must be able to leapfrog!

Isn't this shameless? What is it?

And it’s still live broadcast!

Xu Luoxue’s face also showed a smile, and he raised his glass to his death and said:

"Qin Shuang, from now on, your name must be passed down the whole day. Zicheng will then spread to the entire Spirit World tribe as quickly as possible. Because you are a Star Domain cultivator, you won the first place in the Tianzi Academy assessment. This is not unavailable in history, but it has not been for a long time. Based on this, after three days, all the cultivators of Allure will go to see you enter the gate of Tianziyuan."

Qin Shuang's face is even darker!

It is a joyous festival for the Tianzicheng cultivator, and it is a day of misery for them.

Who wants to be ashamed!

"Brother Xu, hasn't it happened that new students win old students?" Wanjing asked expectantly.

Xu Luoxue shook her head and said: "No, not once. However, you are different this year."

Speaking of which, Xu Luoxue looked serious and said: "You can do it this year. It is said to be the most difficult and most brilliant one in history. Eight Grandmasters appeared. If you want to win all the old students, it is impossible, but it is not impossible to win one or two times in a certain item. As long as you can. To achieve this goal, you will not be ashamed, but the old students will be the shame. No one in the cultivator in the whole sky purple city will laugh at you, but will laugh at the old students.

Actually, even if you all lose, The cultivator of Tianzicheng is just to have fun and have fun, no one will really laugh at you. Originally, this was not an equal and fair competition."

"Yes!" Ren Pingsheng said: "This is also the kindness of the Tianziyuan. You are all the heroes of the stars. It is inevitable that you are proud and arrogant. The Tianziyuan uses this method to beat your proud and arrogant, so that you can settle down and be able to be steadfast in the future. Real cultivation."

Qin Shuang also knows the intention of Tianzicheng in his heart, and the corner of his mouth shows helpless said with a bitter smile:

"The first item and the demonic beast, Monster Race, devil beast and Demon Race are fighting. Has anyone died in the past?"

"Yes! There are both."

Qin Shuang and An Shicong looked at each other. , His expression became solemn.

"Qin Shuang!" Lang Yupiao said: "When the time comes, we form a team. Your battle strength is lower, and we people try to protect you. When the time comes, we are better than the old students. In the second event, you still need the Sixth Grandmaster to take action."

No one feels objectionable to what Lang Yupiao said. Among the students who are going to enter the Tianzi Academy, there is no doubt that Lang Yu Piao's battle strength is the strongest, because he is the only one who broke into the Xuan Heaven Ranking. Naturally, Qin Shuang would not object, hearing this nodded and said:

"Many thanks, everyone!"

"It should be!"

Everyone said , Lang Yupiao looked forward to flying, although Qin Shuang is a six Grandmaster, but it is only an auxiliary, the real manifestation of the cultivator is still in the battle strength. At this moment, he felt that he was the soul of this small circle, and he made a big decision in his heart. After entering the Tianziyuan, he should also gather Qin Shuang, An Shicong, Wanjing and the others around, and become a self-reliant one. As the center circle, build your own power.

When everyone left, there was a mess, waiting to be cleaned up, Qin Shuang returned to his Cave Mansion and entered the Monster Suppressing Tower with the fragrance of flowers. Hua Taixiang entered the Monster Suppressing Tower and lay there, eating a medicine pill from time to time. This was cultivation to him, and Qin Shuang couldn't help being envious.

Qin Shuang touched Hua Taixiang's head, and then sat cross-legged to the side. The four Primordial Spirits, Yang God and Spirit all mobilized immediately, began to further digest the insights in the Sky Tower, and perfect the Four Elephant Slash.


Thanks a lot to Liao Mubai (600), Achilles (500), Juluya (500), Hope for Snow in Rainy Night (500), 090100 (500) , Gong Yue Wang Chang (100), Yun Wu Fei Yang Si Si Xian (100), seaphay (100), Bai Zi Bing (100) rewards!



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