Xu Kaiyun, Xu Kaiyun, Xu Kaishan, Xu Azure Lotus, Chu Dali, Tie Rourou, Lei Xing, Hou Disha, Wan Jing, Wen Yu, Liu Hanyan, Wentu, An Shicong, Xue Weiyang, Han Qing, Cloud sky, jade crown court, Wei Qingjue...

There is no Qin Shuang!

"Qin Shuang hasn't come out yet?"

"How is this possible? It's been thirteen days, Qin Shuang is just a Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Third Layer, how could it last so long "

Walk towards Xu Kaiyun and the others, and came to everyone. Before he could speak, everyone cups the hands and congratulated:

"Congratulations, Brother Lang for entering Profound Immortal list!"

Even Lang Yupiao, at this time, there is a trace of air in his heart. The entire Spirit World does not know how many billions of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, but he has become one of the strongest 10,000. A bright smile appeared on his tired face, and he said:

"Thank you."

Then he looked at An Shicong, Wentu, Liu Hanyan, Wan Jing, Wen Yu and the others said:

"How are your achievements?"

Wen Yu, Wan Jing, Liu Hanyan, Wentu, An Shicong, Xue Weiyang, Han Qing, Yun Cangqiang, shook their heads one after another, indicating that there is no achievement worth mentioning. An Shicong said with a smile:

"Senior Sister Xue, Senior Brother Han and Senior Brother Yun have risen by one rank. I did not enter the 10,000 list. But I am still on the 10,000 list. Within, you should be able to enter the Tianziyuan."

Yuguanting and Wei Qingjue have regrets on their faces at this time, but they also have joy and said: "Although the two of us did not enter the ten thousand list, now We are still within 30,000, just waiting for the Tianta assessment to end, hoping that we will not be squeezed out of the 30,000."

"Where is Qin Shuang? Hasn't come out yet?" Lang Yupiao Finally, after being polite, I asked the question I was concerned about.

"Not out yet!" Yu Guanting shook his head.

"What did you say Qin Shuang was doing in it? So long?" Xu Kaiyun's tone showed eagerness.

Heard that Qin Shuang really did not come out, Lang Yupiao took a deep breath and turned to look at the Profound Immortal list:

"Maybe...Qin Shuang's ranking In a while, you will be able to rush into the ten thousand list!"

In the sky tower.

Qin Shuang concentrated attention completely, the spirit has become relatively easy to deal with the four cultivators, and a lot more calmly, the four Primordial Spirit and Yang God are completely immersed in the way of comprehension and integration.

gradually merge the Heavenly Dao three styles into one way!

This style contains the four attributes of gold, wood, water and fire. It is issued in one style, and the four elephants rotate in one motion. The power is amazing. Qin Shuang resisted trying to release the idea of ​​this style, and continued to stand in a stalemate with the four cultivators. By watching their four fusion exercises, they continued to improve the fusion and perfect the four-image cycle.

The fourteenth day.

There are less than a thousand cultivators left in the sky tower, but Qin Shuang still hasn't come out, and I haven't seen Qin Shuang's name on the Profound Immortal list.

The fifteenth day.

There are less than one hundred cultivators left in the sky tower. Qin Shuang still has not come out, and his name has not been seen on the Profound Immortal list.

At this time, almost all cultivators have paid attention to Qin Shuang again. On the one hand, almost all of the cultivators they focused on came out. On the other hand, Qin Shuang was too eye-catching in the previous eight towers assessment, and at this time, it has not yet come out. All of a sudden, discuss spiritedly.

Although I don’t know why Qin Shuang stayed in the sky tower for so long, everyone understands in their hearts that since Qin Shuang can last so long, it is estimated that at least he has rushed to face the eight cultivators in the sky tower. , Even if the results are not in the 10,000 list, it will not be bad. The first place in the Ziyuan ranking that day was still Qin Shuang's.

I watched here for fifteen days without seeing anything. Even the ranking on the Profound Immortal list has hardly changed. This makes everyone a little boring, even if you pay more attention to Qin Shuang, this Shi also put most of his energy on communicating with each other, occasionally taking a look at the Profound Immortal list on the Sky Tower. Or someone is teleported out by the sky tower and take a look at who it is.

The sixteenth day.

There are only nine people left in the sky tower.

At this time, the voice of the chat was gradually, and everyone looked at the tower again and began to pay attention to the last nine people.

In half a day, six cultivators were sent out one after another, exhausted, but they still did not make the Profound Immortal list.

At sunset, another cultivator was sent out.

At midnight, the eighth cultivator was sent out.

So, there is only one person left in the entire sky tower.

Qin Shuang!

In the sky tower.

Qin Shuang has forgotten the time, the place, and himself, completely immersed in the comprehension.

In Qin Shuang this realm, profound knowledge was born, and the four major Primordial Spirit and Yang God both gave birth to profound knowledge, and the spirit is the whole body profound knowledge.

Mystery is not only manifested in enhancing the battle strength of the cultivator, but more importantly, it increases the affinity of the cultivator to the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and increases the comprehension of the cultivator.

This increase is a qualitative increase, not the same as spiritual consciousness, plus the comprehension of the 12-fold increase in December fruit. Let Qin Shuang watch the four cultivator fusion exercises and gain more and more perfect understanding of the four elephant rotation.

The seventeenth day.

Qin Shuang finally comprehended the principles of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal to 80%. But at this time, she was completely immersed in the comprehension, and at the moment when she realized 80% of her comprehension, she took the opportunity to strike the blow of the comprehension.


In a short time, Qin Shuang's sword seemed to cut out a world. Although this world has great flaws, it also has a prototype, with Great power.

This world swallowed four cultivators, and the four cultivators were instantly broken and turned into dots.

Qin Shuang suddenly woke up, looked at the scattered stars, couldn't help but smile. I forgot to suppress myself. But then there was joy in my heart again. This style has become one of my most powerful Taoisms. Even if I don’t start the immortal demons, I can use my own cultivation base to release this Taoism. There is also an Immortal Monarch. The power of the fourth layer. Just to release this style, four Primordial Spirits are needed to work together, and the consumption is not generally large.

Qin Shuang looked at himself for a while, and knew that he was almost exhausted, and he could not hold on for long. Especially when this style broke out at the end, it was too expensive.

Light spots began to appear in the air again. After three breaths, five light people, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth, will condense. The combined power will also reach the first level of Immortal Monarch.

Qin Shuang glanced down at the fairy sword in his hand.

"This style is called Sixiang Slash! Let me see if I can kill an Immortal Monarch level with my full release of Sixiang Slash."


The five light men gathered together and slammed towards Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang took the sword in his hand, and the four Primordial Spirits in the Sea of ​​Consciousness moved in unison. The rudiment of a world flowed out of Qin Shuang’s sword and gathered on the tip of the sword. Qin Shuang seemed to hold a world towards the five light men. strikes away.



Thanks a lot to Liao Mubai (800), looking forward to snow in the rainy night (500), quasi copper (500), cloud dance Feiyang Sisi (200), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100) rewards!



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