In her opinion, the improvement of the cultivation base is not important, but the improvement of the mood is very important. Now she has learned that if she wants to enter the Immortal King level, she must construct the rules. She doesn't expect to be able to construct the rules during the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal period, and that Qin Shuang can build the rule during the Immortal Monarch period is already satisfied. But she hopes that during the period of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, she can have some understanding of the law, so that she will not let herself get stuck on the threshold of Immortal King.

Too many cultivators, mood and vitality have reached Immortal Monarch Peak, but they have been unable to capture Law Power for a long time. Qin Shuang hopes that he can gain some understanding of the law during the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal period, and when he reaches the Immortal Monarch Peak, he will obtain breakthrough where water flows, a canal is formed.

Sitting cross-legged under a leafy peach tree, Qin Shuang looks at himself inwardly.

Ling’s second toe has begun to solidify, like flesh and blood. Full of the mighty power of profound power. Although the rest is not solidified, it is still the power of mystery.

For the four major Primordial Spirit and Yang God, only the heart is the power of the profound, and the rest is still the power of the Primordial Spirit and the soul. However, Primordial Spirit and Yang God already have the seeds of profound power. Between breaths and breaths, the Strength of Primordial Spirit and soul power absorbed from Sea of ​​Consciousness and Soul Space slowly transform into a trace of mystery in the body. The power, the four Primordial Spirit and Yang God are slowly changing, changing in the direction of the mysterious power.

Yang God, Primordial Spirit and Ling are driven by Qin Shuang’s consciousness, immersed in the understanding of Heavenly Dao, she hopes to be able to perceive the trace of Law Power.

Under the peach trees around her, An Shicong, Wei Qingjue, Yuguanting, Lei Xing, Chu Dali, Tie Rourou, Hou Disha opened his eyes slightly and looked at Qin Shuang Envy appeared in his eyes.

At that moment, in their perception, Qin Shuang disappeared. However, when they opened their eyes and looked at Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang clearly sat cross-legged under the peach tree.

I can't perceive it, but I can see it.

This is a good way!

This kind of integration into Heavenly Dao is the most suitable for the understanding of Heavenly Dao.

One by one, I closed my eyes and entered the cultivation. Only An Shicong communicated with the prison:

"Prison senior, have you seen Qin Shuang? Can you help me get into that state?"

"Do you think She entered the state with Wei Young’s help?"

"Isn’t it?"

"Of course not, if Wei Young helped her enter the state, I will definitely feel Wei Young’s breath. But now that Wei Young’s breath is absent, it makes me wonder whether Wei Young is in her body. This girl also has a lot of secrets, not just Wei Young."

An Shicong's heart jumped: "Do you mean that she has entered the kind of realm that fits Heavenly Dao completely by virtue of her perception?"

"Yes!" The jailer's tone also appeared more A trace of chagrin said: "It seems that it will be very difficult to kill that Weiyang in the future."

"senior, I hope you only target Weiyang and don't involve Qin Shuang."

"Impossible!" Scolded: "Since Weiyang is lodged in Qin Shuang's body, then Qin Shuang is Weiyang's dísciple, and you are my dísciple, and you two are enemies. Weiyang is going to die, and Qin Shuang is going to die too."

An Shicong fell silent, and the jailer’s tone eased a bit: "Shi Cong, you must remember that you are my dísciple, and Qin Shuang is Weiyang’s dísciple, even if you don’t kill Qin. Shuang, then Qin Shuang will kill you too. Are you waiting for her to kill you?"

"No! Qin Shuang knows that you are in my body, knows that I am your dísciple, but I have never revealed a killing intent to me, I can feel it."

"You are right, she hasn't revealed a killing intent to you now, and the relationship between you two is still very good. But, have you ever thought about it?

The reason why Qin Shuang is like this must be that Wei Young is still fighting. Wei Young has not been able to control her, or the benefits for her are not great enough, Qin Shuang can still Can withstand the temptation.

At that time, when Qin Shuang couldn't stand the temptation Wei Young gave her, or she was slowly influenced by Wei Young, or even controlled, what would happen? Have you ever thought about it?"

An Shicong said silently for a moment: "senior, will you control me in the end?"

"I don't want to control you, I just want to take you as mine dísciple. Let my d ísciple Kill Weiyang’s dísciple. But if you violate my principles, at that time, I will have to control you and look for a dísciple. "

An Shicong took a deep breath and said: "I understand, but you have to help me more." Although my cultivation base is higher than Qin Shuang now, I can feel that I am not an opponent of Qin Shuang. senior, before I am not sure, I will not do anything to Qin Shuang. "

The prison guard was silent for a while and said: "I will help you, and you should work harder yourself. "

Qin Shuang was immersed in the comprehension that fits Heavenly Dao, Yang God could not feel the Law Power in the avenue, nor could the four Primordial Spirits, the spirit's body rippled in circles. , Her eyebrows lit up gradually, getting brighter and brighter, and gradually revealed a portal. There seemed to be a world in that door. In that world, there was a law hovering like a dragon. Although the door was still closed, but However, Ling gradually felt the trace of Law Power, but it was extremely vague, as if separated by a thick layer of yarn.

With a slight movement of Ling’s hands, the Confucianism and Ancient Qin in the left and right hands flew away. Get up, the separated hands. Ling's hands began to move, pulling out the blurred afterimages in front of him, the profound power in the body swarmed out from between the ten fingers, and as the two-finger tactics flipped, from the tips of the ten fingers The mysterious power that swarmed out began to condense between the hands.

A Law Power consists of nine sections, like a chain. The spirit is building a section at this time, and this section is the fire attribute, which is extremely slow. A hundredth section is constructed by the earth, but this one-percent section exudes huge power, that section is crystal clear and red.


Just one percent of the development has collapsed, the spirit appears weak, and the viscous mystery power that builds the spirit has become a lot diluted.

Qin Shuang opened his eyes, and his eyes fell together. No regrets, but throbbing joy. After all, I was inspired by Law Power, and I tried to compile the rules.

Failure is inevitable. Qin Shuang never thought that the first time he felt Law Power could be programmed successfully. Slightly squinted his eyes, thought for a while, and realized that with the current realm, it is impossible to compile a Law Power section. Moreover, the compiling rules consume too much profound power.

At the same time, Qin Shuang also understands a truth. The reason why the spirit can vaguely feel Law Power is because the whole spirit is mysterious power, but Primordial Spirit and Yang God are not, so they cannot perceive Law Power.


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