Qin Shuang is not too difficult to draw, but it took less than a quarter of an hour to draw an Immortal Crane, and the cultivator outside the painting tower looked at an Immortal Crane on the light curtain from scratch, one stroke at a time. The pen quickly outlined, and a realistic Immortal Crane appeared in their field of vision.

"It's really like!"

"Qin Shuang wouldn't be a realm comprehended in less than three quarters of an hour, right?"

"Impossible, even if she is comprehended, it is also a theoretical realization. If she hasn't painted it once and has no practice, how can it be so realistic the first time?"

"Yes, she must paint before. However, it should be very close to the real realm. After comprehended in the painting tower, the real realm will be drawn. If you don’t believe me, you continue to see, she will definitely not draw the works you are interested in. It will be transmitted to the Second Layer."

At this time, the scroll on the light curtain disappeared, revealing the silhouette of Qin Shuang, and then I saw a light that wrapped Qin Shuang and disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was already in the Second Layer.

In the painting tower.

Qin Shuang looked all around. There are more than 10,000 scrolls inheritance in the First Layer, but there are only about 6,000 scrolls on this layer. Qin Shuang immediately tapped his spiritual consciousness out of 6,000. Many threads explored more than 6,000 scrolls respectively, and the scrolls slowly opened in the air, showing more than 6,000 scrolls.

The four Primordial Spirits, Yang God and the spirits began to read them one after another, and then sent them to the old town. The town elders in Monster Suppressing Tower began to copy them one by one with jade slips.

In the light curtain.

Watching the scrolls open one by one, Qin Shuang sat cross-legged again, everyone couldn't help but know whether to cry or laugh. However, the assessment is not over at this time. There are still more than 20 million cultivators being assessed, and the last batch of assessing disciples has just entered the painting tower. Everyone curiously looked at Qin Shuang in the light curtain, guessing her this time. Is it possible to comprehend the works that come out of the realm?

This time it took a little more than a quarter of an hour to copy all the scroll inheritances in the four major Primordial Spirit, Yang God and Spirit’s full-speed transmission, and then the four major Primordial Spirit, Yang God and Ling entered the Monster Suppressing Tower and began to comprehend the profound mystery of the realm.

Actually, Qin Shuang's realm has reached the desired realm, and now it is just filling up the vacancies, so under the full comprehension of the four Primordial Spirits, Yang God and Ling, they merge very quickly.

Monster Suppressing Tower is silent. The four Primordial Spirits, Yang God and Lingjing have realized that the time outside has only passed nearly two quarters of an hour. Qin Shuang opened his eyes and stood there. To the table.

"Look, Qin Shuang is about to start drawing!"

"What can she understand in two quarters of an hour? It will definitely fail."

Pay attention to Qin Shuang's cultivator, and at this time, they all looked at the biggest light curtain in the sky.

In the light curtain.

Qin Shuang's silhouette disappeared, and a huge picture scroll appeared, and one after another line began to appear quickly on the picture scroll.

"She should still draw Immortal Crane!" Someone saw the outline.

"Yes, at her speed, I can finish the drawing in less than a quarter of an hour, but I don't know if I can get it!"

"Just look at it!"


On the central square, it began to fall silent, and countless eyes focused on Qin Shuang's light curtain.


As soon as Qin Shuang made the final stroke, someone couldn't help but exclaimed. Although most people don't know how to draw spiritual paintings, they can distinguish the artistic conception of a painting. As soon as the Immortal Crane picture was drawn, they could feel that the picture had a spirituality.

Xu Luoxue's eyes narrowed slightly, and Qing Honglou on the side was surprised: "Unexpectedly, Qin Shuang could comprehend the intention in such a short period of time. How strong is her perception?"


"No!" Xu Luoxue shook her head slightly: "She should have had a realm of interest before, but the foundation of this realm is not so solid, or not so comprehensive. She is just here. Supplementing and filling the vacancies, enriching my own background."

"Yes!" Ren Pingsheng nodded and said: "If she was just a lifelike realm before, it is absolutely impossible to draw a picture in such a short period of time. I just don’t know how far Qin Shuang’s realm is?"

Xu Luoxue’s heart suddenly felt weak, and Qin Shuang was too comprehensive.

"Look, she has entered the Third Layer!" Yang Tingwei said, looking at the light curtain.

In the light curtain.

Qin Shuang appeared in the Third Layer and looked around. There are only more than 3,000 scrolls on this layer. Without wasting time, Qin Shuang immediately sat cross-legged, protruding more than three thousand strands of spiritual consciousness into the scrolls. The scrolls began to unfold slowly.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the four Primordial Spirits, Yang God and Ling entered the Monster Suppressing Tower and began to comprehend them. In the painting tower, each cultivator was sent out. With the ebbing of time, about 15 million cultivators were supported in the painting tower.

More than a quarter of an hour passed, Qin Shuang stood by the table again.

"She is getting faster and faster!" Qing Honglou said.

"She should have the realm of returning to reality!" Ren Pingsheng said with scorching eyes.

In the light curtain.

Qin Shuang's silhouette disappeared, and what appeared on the light curtain was an Immortal Crane that gradually formed. In more than a quarter of an hour, an Immortal Crane suddenly appeared on the scroll.

"Return to the truth!" Xu Luoxue lightly spit out two words.

The Immortal Crane on the picture scroll is full of spirituality, with its wings extended, as if to fly out of the picture scroll.

The picture scroll in the light curtain gradually disappeared, revealing the silhouette of Qin Shuang, wrapped in a light, entering the Fourth Layer. At this time, there were less than 10 million cultivators in the painting tower. It has only been about an hour and a half since the assessment of the painting of the tower to the present.

Paint the Tower Fourth Layer.

Qin Shuang sat cross-legged again. There were only more than a thousand scrolls on this floor. At this time, as Qin Shuang's spiritual consciousness penetrated, more than a thousand scrolls slowly unfolded in the air.

"Brother Xu, do you think Qin Shuang will be a painter of Shedding Mortality Realm?" Ren Gaolin looked at Qin Shuang in the light curtain.

Xu Mo gently shook his head and said: "I don't know, but even if not, this girl is comprehensive enough."

"Yes!" Ren Gaolin also sighed: "Spirit World hasn't seen such a talent for a long time!"

A trace of regret flashes vaguely in the eyes of Xu Mo and Ren Gaolin. Why is such a talent not a dísciple in their own family?

The corners of Haikuotian's mouth can't help but smile. Since Qin Shuang got the Grandmaster in Pill Pagoda, he started paying attention, but he didn't expect Qin Shuang to give him such a big surprise.

When he arrived at this realm, he naturally knew that the more comprehensive the various categories of cultivation, the more important it is to the road ahead. As the last step in Spirit World, stepping into the Immortal King Realm world, the more comprehensive the various categories of cultivation, the easier to comprehend Heavenly Dao, and the easier it is to construct the rules, and vice versa.


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