"Luoxue Young Master is so kind!"

"Warm and moist as jade!"


One by one praise The audio frequency resounded, Qin Shuang looked as usual, and Ren Pingsheng looked as usual. The two even fell behind slightly, completely ceding the limelight to Xu Luoxue.

Qin Shuang and Ren Pingsheng saw each other falling behind almost at the same time, highlighting Xu Luoxue, could not help but glance at each other, smiles appeared on the faces of both sides, nodded to each other, but their hearts rose to each other Of fear.

On the PTZ.

Ren Gaolin said heartily with a big smile: "Brother Xu, today Linglang is a windy purple city! He will definitely become the leader of Spirit World's Human Race in the future!"

Xu Mo looked at Xu Luoxue’s gaze, a faint flash of helplessness flashed through, and a smile appeared on his face:

"It's just a youngster fooling around, who hasn't been young?"

" Yes!" Ren Gaolin said with a smile: "Now I can still think of Brother Xu's youthful demeanor! It's really tiger father will not beget a dog son! Do you think it is?"

A trace of unnaturalness flashed in the eyes of the surrounding patriarch, and then disappeared, saying with a smile:

"Yes! Yes!"

Others On a cloud platform, Shen Chongguang looked at Zheng Lun, sighed in his heart, and secretly said: "It looks like I'm going to talk to Lun'er."

Zheng Lun is surrounded by a group of blue-ray Star Domain stars. Cultivator, congratulations to Zheng Lun for entering the top five thousand. However, Zheng Lun's face did not have a hint of joy, but rather gloomy. He looked at Qin Shuang's back, his fists in his sleeves clenched.

"Why? Why do those Heaven's Chosen Gathering in Tianzicheng accept Qin Shuang?"

A banquet, the host and the host enjoyed it.

Qin Shuang respects people with ability. Not only to Xu Luoxue, but also to Ren Pingsheng. Four Grandmasters are already very difficult. The three of them are sitting in the same room, but they have a very enjoyable conversation. The people next to them can no longer keep up with the rhythm of these three. Talk about Dan for a while, talisman for a while, and piano for a while...

It's very jumping, but all three of them can understand each other's meaning and catch the other's words. The people around gradually calmed down, looking at the three people with the same gazes as the elders, instead of looking at the same generation.

Have fun!

Qin Shuang feels that his understanding in all aspects has been improved, and communicating with powerhouse is always a shortcut to improvement. Otherwise, how could there be a companion for the four treasures of cultivation?

With excitement, Qin Shuang entered the Monster Suppressing Tower and began to refine.

She wants to refine a ring, a ring that depicts the engulfing and returning runes in it. In this way, the dao technique of the opponent attacking oneself can be swallowed into the rune formation in the ring, and then released.

Even if Qin Shuang was in the realm of Grandmaster in Talisman Dao and Qi Dao, she failed seven times and finally succeeded in refining the ring in the eighth round.

Wearing the ring in his hand, he turned around and looked at it for a while, before calling the flower too fragrant.

Too fragrant flowers are now Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Ninth Layer. When he doesn’t usually watch the Cave Mansion, he is in the Monster Suppressing Tower, enjoying a hundred times the concentration of aura, and he keeps eating. Medicine pill, so that his strength has improved very quickly.

"Too fragrant, use your strongest divine ability to attack me!" Qin Shuang said, looking at the flower too fragrant.


Hua Taixiang was obedient, and patted Qin Shuang with one paw. Qin Shuang waved his hand to Hua Taixiang chicly, and felt tremendous energy pouring into the ring, and then waved his hand to the side again.

"ka-cha 嚓......"

Not far from her, the space suddenly tore apart, a full Space Crack, in the place where the Space Crack appeared. , The trees were torn in half neatly, and fell to the ground.

"Too fragrant, what divine ability is this?" Qin Shuang asked in surprise.

"space tearing!"

"Hey! What a great divine ability."

Qin Shuang tsk tsk exclaimed, and then he liked zi zi in his heart . It seems that his ring has been successful, and since then he has added a life-saving hole card.


I haven't experienced the Immortal Monarch test yet. Qin Shuang thought about it, especially the Immortal Monarch Peak test. But, where can I find an Immortal Monarch Peak to help me test?

Moreover, this is one of my own secret cards, so I can't just reveal it!

"I wish I could swallow the power of Immortal Monarch Peak!"

Qin Shuang let the flowers stay in the Monster Suppressing Tower cultivation, while she herself left The Monster Suppressing Tower. She felt that the seventh chapter of the lower part of Time Ballad could not be achieved by retreat and repeated cultivation, that depends on things. Therefore, she didn't want to be bored in Monster Suppressing Tower. The real avenue cannot be understood in the Monster Suppressing Tower, nor in the lotus space. After all, it is a space Immortal Artifact with too many artificial traces.

Qin Shuang walked out of the lotus space, walked into the peach forest, walked in the peach forest, and finally lay down among the peach blossoms, closing his eyes.

The breeze kept blowing, blowing up petals, gradually covering Qin Shuang's body.

Three days later.

Several people came out of the lotus space and walked on the waves.

With red petals, Qin Shuang floated up from the ground lying flat, then stood on the ground, smiling at the Jade Crown Court and the others.

"Are you here these few days?" An Shicong asked in surprise.

"en!" Qin Shuang nodded and said: "To feel Heavenly Dao, we still have to be in the arms of Heavenly Dao."

An Shicong is slightly hesitated, towards Qin Shuang a cups The hands said: "Teached!"

Qin Shuang waved his hands and said: "Let's go!"

The central square.

Qin Shuang and the others looked at the light curtain above the book tower and couldn't help but shook his head slightly. In this calligraphy, there is really no cultivator to understand. This is Confucian Dao cultivation. Not only is it not mainstream in Spirit World, but it is also unpopular. It is Qin Shuang, who has studied Confucian Dao since childhood. After joining Righteous Qi Sect, he has gained a lot of inheritance. Now he only comprehends the realm of Grandmaster, and has not found a way to cross the threshold of Great Grandmaster.

This is the change of Monster Suppressing Tower Time Flow Speed, and the rich inheritance of Righteous Qi Sect, otherwise it will not reach the current realm at all.

"It's time for us!" Qin Shuang retracted his gaze and walked towards the book tower.

Among the crowd.

Ren Pingsheng looked at Xu Luoxue and said, "Brother Luoxue, how do you think Qin Shuang's results will be today?"

"It should be not bad. It’s a far cry from waiting for her to understand."

"Do you think she will be in the realm of Grandmaster?"

"How is it possible?" Before Xu Luoxue could answer, Qing Honglou He said: "Confucian Dao hasn't seen Grandmaster yet. I have never heard of it anyway. Have you ever heard of it?" Everyone shook their heads, and then looked at Xu Luoxue. Xu Luoxue pondered for a while and said:

"Qin Shuang's Confucian Dao is very strong, but I don't think she has the realm of Grandmaster!"

Xu Kaiyun curl one's lip, secretly said in one's heart: "A bunch of guys with shallow eyelids, Qin Shuang is Righteous Qi Sect sect master!"

"Look, Qin Shuang's light curtain is coming out!"


The book "Lingtai immortal fate" rushed to the 30th place, still some distance from the top ten. The comrades-in-arms will help out. If you don't collect it, collect it, and vote for it.



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