"The life-saving cards are still missing!" Qin Shuang, Yuguanting and the others were walking on the street to the central square, muttering in their hearts:

"After the assessment is over, I have to Make a few Immortal Monarch-level blood refinement divine ability talisman! Only Immortal Monarch-level Monster Race and Demon Race simply have nowhere to buy, even Nine Heavens Profound Immortal's Demon is also difficult to buy. The ones I bought by myself before, Almost all the inventory in Tianzi City for a hundred years has been bought.

What a headache!"

"Qin Shuang, what are you thinking about?" Yu Guanting looked at Qin Shuang. : "Aren't you sure about the chess tower?"

"I really can't deal with chess, that is, Master level. Guanting, is your chess okay?"

"en Master Realm." Jade Crown Court nodded and said: "After this assessment, my ranking was able to rise a little bit, and then I fell off a cliff. My books and paintings are too far apart. The book is still good. After reaching the Immortal Master, he is better at painting than the apprentice."

Qin Shuang no longer thinks about the cards. Several people talked and laughed and came to the central square, Qin Shuang turned towards Lang Yupiao and The others cups the hands far away, Lang Yupiao and the others also return the gifts far away.

Two quarters later, the tower opened. Everyone entered the tower one after another.

Qin Shuang’s light curtain becomes the largest in an instant. The reputation of the five Grandmasters has pushed Qin Shuang to the Peak of Sky Purple City. At least in the assessment process, even Xu Mo did not attract people from Qin Shuang. pay attention to.

"Do you think Qin Shuang will be the Six Grandmaster?"

"Sure! Qin Shuang is in the realm of Grandmaster along the way, and this time is no exception."

"I don’t think so. No one is omnipotent, and Qin Shuang is no exception."

"If Qin Shuang is the Six Grandmaster, it’s worthy of Earth becomes Sky Purple Star The young generation is the first?"

"That's true. Ren Ping was only four Grandmasters. It is said that Xu Luoxue was only five Grandmasters, and at most six Grandmasters. If Qin Shuang gets six Grandmasters today, at least It’s as famous as Xu Luoxue."

"tsk tsk, as famous as Xu Luoxue!"

"Fortunately, we still have Xu Luoxue in Tianzicheng, otherwise this time it’s true. It’s shameful. It’s a big sky purple city, the center of Spirit World, known as Heaven's Chosen Converging Ground. If it is surpassed by someone in the Star Domain, let alone those Heaven's Chosen, I will feel pain in my face."

"So, Qin Shuang Impossible is the Six Grandmaster! What cultivation environment are we here? What cultivation environment is in the Star Domain? It is said that Qin Shuang’s Moxing has just gone through the Great Dao battle, and the five Grandmasters are already hers It's the limit."

On the gimbal.

Xu Mo looked at Haikuo Heavenly Dao: "Congratulations, Dean Hai, I have accepted a good student this year!"

Hai Kuotian has now learned that thirty-four companies are recruiting. Qin Shuang failed, his eyes became a gap, hehe said:

"Tongxi, I heard that Xu Family has recruited Wanjing into the family yesterday."


Xu Mo also laughed. These days, the thirty-four families have not been idle. All the cultivators above the Master Rank, they think they have potential, have begun to contact them one after another, and they have taken a lot of people away.

Naturally, Lang Yupiao and Wen Yu will not be digging. One of them is Lang Family and the other is Wen Family. But Wan Jing, Liu Hanyan and Wentu were recruited into Xu Family, Ren Family, and Qing Family respectively.

For An Shicong, Yu Guanting and Wei Qingjue, some people also came to solicit. An Shicong refused with a smile, and Yu Guanting didn't think much about it, so he refused. If this was before meeting Qin Shuang, Yu Guanting would choose a family to join without hesitation, that would be something he had been looking forward to for a long time. But after meeting Qin Shuang, his opinion changed.

In other words, there is a strong twist in his heart, you Qin Shuang can fight alone, so can I. He is also a proud person. Before meeting Qin Shuang, he was the most outstanding Heaven's Chosen of Mo Xing.

Wei Qingjue carefully pondered for a long time, and finally one after another refused the solicitation of various families, and then said to Qin Shuang facelessly:

"Boss, I can do it for you , Refused all family solicitations, you have to be responsible to me in the future!"

Qin Shuang was so angry that Wei Qingjue kicked flying. However, Wei Qingjue was also accepted in his heart.

In the chess tower.

Qin Shuang stood in front of a chessboard, and plunged spiritual consciousness into the chessboard. In an instant, the light curtain turned into a plain, and Qin Shuang stood in a team of black helmets and black armor, and was the commander of this team. Opposite her was a team of white helmets and white armor, and the two sides were approaching quickly.

The black and white teams quickly collided, and the battle broke out. Qin Shuang commanded the black team to divide the white team, encircle, cut in, and swept...

When the last soldier of the white team was beheaded, the scene inside the chess tower appeared on the light curtain, Qin Shuang stood beside a chessboard, then Qin Shuang's figure disappeared and appeared on the Second Layer.

Second Layer, Third Layer, Fourth Layer...

Although Qin Shuang did not spend much experience studying chess, after all, she was an emperor and led a large army in battle. Therefore, she penetrated the Seventh Layer all the way, and was sent out when she reached the Eighth Layer.

Qin Shuang is still number one on the ranking list, but almost everyone is relaxed.

This is normal!

Not Grandmaster, just Master. If Qin Shuang becomes the sixth Grandmaster in the Grandmaster realm obtained by the chess path, it will make people feel illusory.

The most important thing is that Xu Luoxue, the strongest Heaven's Chosen in Sky Purple City, may be the sixth Grandmaster. No matter how good your Qin Shuang is, it is impossible to be better than Xu Luoxue, right?

"Brother Xu, like today, Zicheng cultivator puts hope on you." Ren Pingsheng smiled and said: "They all say that you are the Six Grandmaster, overwhelming Qin Shuang, and defended Tian Zicheng. Honor, Brother Xu doesn't confirm that he is the Sixth Grandmaster?"

For Xu Luoxue, Ren Pingsheng was very jealous. Xu Family and Ren family are the two strongest families in Tianzicheng, competing everywhere, even more how is it between the two Young Clan Heads?

Before, his younger sister said that he was the four Grandmaster, but immediately there was news that Xu Luoxue was the worst of the five Grandmaster, or even the sixth Grandmaster, overwhelming him. But Xu Luoxue has never admitted publicly. This can't help making Ren Pingsheng feel a little bit worried about gains and losses. Today's remarks are also a kind of temptation to Xu Luoxue.

Xu Luoxue glanced over the surrounding Young Clan Heads, and when everyone looked at him, he gently nodded and said:

"I am indeed the Sixth Grandmaster. "


The news spread quickly, like a circle of ripples, spreading quickly all around, and the cultivator of Tianzi City looked eagerly at After Xu Luoxue, I don’t know who yelled first:

"Luoxue Young Master!"

"Luoxue Young Master!"

"……… …"

Qin Shuang, Wei Qingjue, Yu Guanting and An Shicong were chatting, they heard cheers suddenly, and looked at Xu Luoxue for a moment. I saw Xu Luoxue's expression calm, but his eyes were filled with concealed pride. Looking at the Young Clan Heads beside Xu Luoxue, the faces of those people were relieved and there was a kind of pride. Looking at the cheering crowd again, I saw that their faces were also glowing with pride.


Thank you very much for the rainy night looking forward to falling snow (5000), Liao Mubai (1500), a gust of wind james (200), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100), clouds dancing and flying A reward for Sisi (100)!



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