
The entire sky purple city is boiling.

"Five Grandmaster! Qin Shuang!"

"Five Grandmaster! Qin Shuang!"


Qin Shuang fell to the ground and cups the hands with a smile.

The shocked Xu Luoxue and the thirty-four Young Clan Heads suddenly felt their hairs stand up, and hurriedly looked up, they saw his patriarch, looking at them sternly. They couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. Bitterness arose in my heart.

"Can't drag on! And...now they are not recruiting Qin Shuang and giving Qin Shuang a chance. It is Qin Shuang choosing their family!"

Regardless of Qin Shuang's choice of that family will increase the strength of that family.

In the bitterness, a sense of urgency also arises in my heart.

Can't let other families preempt.

Qing Honglou was the first to react. At this time, he could no longer take care of his own face. At the moment, he walked towards Qin Shuang.


All the Young Clan Head expressions were taken aback, and they all took a step forward. This Qinghonglou is going to be the first!


These people looked at each other, their faces flushed!

Are they who?

They are Heaven's Chosen from Sky Purple City, and Young Clan Head from the highest clan. Let them surround them together. In the eyes of countless people, under the public, they lick their faces and rush to invite one People...

This...I can't do it!

These people stopped again, but then they felt the sharp eyes on their bodies, and when they looked up, they saw that the sharp eyes were coming from their patriarch.


They sighed in their hearts. At this time, they couldn't help but have a thought of "I knew this, why bother in the first place". They walked towards Qin Shuang one after another. It's just that this time it's not as big as the reaction just now.

Stay calm and unrestrained, neither too fast nor too slow walked towards Qin Shuang. Xu Luoxue landed at the back and glanced at Ren Pingsheng who was also at the back. When the two people met their sights, they couldn't help but smile, understanding that the other party was not here to solicit Qin Shuang, but just to make friends.

At this moment, there is a feeling of sympathy between the two people's hearts, and when they look at the Young Clan Head in front, they have a sense of contempt.

At this time, Qing Honglou had already talked with Qin Shuang. It seemed that Qing Honglou’s expression was very unpleasant, which made the people behind them feel happy. It seems that Qin Shuang did not look at Qing’s family. Could not help but speed up slightly.

They attracted a lot of attention when they moved like this. In addition to the top figures of the older generation in Tianzicheng, these people are the most shining group of people. In the future thirty-four family patriarch, their usual actions will attract people's attention, even more how is now in full view. ?

"What are they going to do?" This is everyone's thought at this time.

Above the cloud platform, Immortal Monarch from all parties also looked over, but their hearts were heavy.

"Thirty-four families are going to grab people again! Their strength will become stronger and stronger, we...oh..."

"Dean!" Ding Lingding's His face was full of urgency and worry. Hai Kuotian's gaze traveled through the space and fell on Qin Shuang's body, with a trace of grave expression in his eyes.

Thirty-four families, patriarch, also showed a hint of tension in the eyes. This is not just a question of whether to get Qin Shuang, but also a competition between the thirty-four families in the public. No matter which one you choose, Qin Shuang's reputation is bound to improve in Tianzicheng.

Five Grandmasters join the family, which will definitely give that family an extra heritage, and it will be much easier to recruit other cultivators in the future. So after the last ten or twenty years, that family's ranking in Sky Purple City should be improved.

This has to make these patriarchs feel nervous, even more how it is related to their face!

"Qin Fellow Daoist, we met last time."

"Huyan Fellow Daoist!" Qin Shuang cups the hands to a tall woman, and then to other people who came over cultivator cups the hands salute:

"Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Zheng...Fellow Daoist Ren, Fellow Daoist Xu!"

Everyone also returned the gifts and saw Qin Shuang’s face With a smile and a gentle attitude, the expressions on their faces became more natural. Li Wubohan said with a smile:

"Jin Fellow Daoist, I prepared a banquet at home and won the fifth prize for Fellow Daoist. Congratulations from Grandmaster, please also Fellow Daoist to enjoy your face!"

A wry smile appeared on Qin Shuang's face, then looked at all the Young Clan Head cups the hands and said:

" Fellow Daoist are all people who want to congratulate Qin Shuang, right?"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded: "Qin Fellow Daoist won the five Grandmaster, congratulations!"

"You all know that Qin Shuang has to prepare for the assessment. Time is a bit tight. Why not let Qin Shuang hold a banquet in the mansion and invite you to have a drink? How about Qin Shuang still has something that can enter your mouth. Yes!"

Everyone felt helpless, and they also knew that this was the best solution Qin Shuang could come up with without sinning against any of them. Although this result is much worse than what they wanted. But now on the gimbal, his patriarch stares at him, who dares to disagree? Who dares to quit?

They nodded and said one after another: "It's so good, then it's annoying!"

Qin Shuang immediately ordered Hou Disha, Chu Dali and Tie Rourou to go back and prepare, and she said It is He Zhong Young Clan Head standing here, watching the piano tower assessment. The Young Clan Head also knew that she was waiting for Yu Guanting, An Shicong and Wei Qingjue, and of these three people, An Shicong was the Grandmaster of the Fuzhen Double, Yuguanting was the Talisman Dao Grandmaster, and Wei Qingjue was the Master Level in five aspects. Also has the qualifications to solicit.

even more how, they must continue to observe and know every outstanding person. This is a necessary quality for Young Clan Head.

It's just that they always feel the look in Xu Kaiyun's eyes, and they feel uncomfortable in their hearts. Later, Xu Kaiyun should have no right to be a person.

Only at this time, they actually had envy of Xu Kaiyun in their hearts.

"I really don’t know what dogshit luck Xu Kaiyun has gone with, so I met Qin Shuang first!"


Another cultivator After being sent out, Qin Shuang hurriedly greeted him and said: "Brother An, it's too bad! I don't know where this ranking will fall."

It was An Shicong who was sent out. An Shicong just barely reached the realm of the immortal sound master, and was teleported out. Qin Shuang teased him because he knew that An Shicong was hiding himself. An Shicong will naturally not be annoyed, and smiled and said:

"Are you a Grandmaster again?"


Above the cloud platform .

Fu Hongguang’s eyes flashed with killing intent. He knew that if he killed Qin Shuang before the next round, or severely inflicted Qin Shuang, as long as Qin Shuang could not participate in the next few rounds, he would definitely drop five. About a thousand.


Thanks a lot to Liao Mubai (1000), rainy night hopes to snow (1000), a gust of wind james (200), Bai Zibing (100), seaphay (100), clouds dance flying Sisi Fairy (100), Zhao Yilin Ziyan (100)'s reward!



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