With a loud noise, a black door appeared on Qin Shuang's head, with black patterns and symbols flowing on the door door, pressing towards Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang was originally fighting a Demon Race cultivator opposite, but since that Demon Race cultivator took out such a door, she was attracted by that door and walked towards it. .

The door is closed tightly, it is unusually simple, as if it hasn't been opened for thousands of years.

Qin Shuang’s eyes can't help but flicker, she feels that the door has a strong attraction to her, and she is gradually in a trance, forgetting everything around her, as if only the door is left. It seemed that there was something very important to her in that door.

She instinctively felt that the door was dangerous, but she couldn't resist the strong attraction in her heart. Attracted her to walk towards that door.

"dong dong dong......"

She felt a sound of violent heart beating, which came from the Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit, who was still sleeping, from that egg Spread out from within.

And Qin Shuang perceives the desire of Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit.

At this time, Qin Shuang has already come to the door and stretched out his hand and pushed towards the door.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this time, there was a fierce battlefield around, but since the Demon Race cultivator took out the door, Qin Shuang and the Demon Race The cultivator disappeared on the battlefield, and no one could see the two of them, let alone the black door.

Actually, the two of them simply haven't been far away, they are still in the same place. It's just that the black door took out, as if it was stripping a space, pulling Qin Shuang and the Demon Race cultivator into the stripped Independent Space.

The gate stands in the middle, Qin Shuang stands in front of the gate, and the Demon Race cultivator stands behind the gate.

Qin Shuang put his hand on the door leaf and pushed towards the door.

There was no sound, the door was quietly pushed open, and a breath that made Qin Shuang longed for flowed out of the door, causing Qin Shuang's eyes to burn.


In Dao Heart.

The door appeared on Ling’s eyebrows again, and the law inside the door vibrated, which made Qin Shuang wake up instantly. The door was still open, but he didn’t see through the door. Going to the Demon Race cultivator behind the door, but saw a corridor. There is no three tribe cultivator all around. Qin Shuang heart shivered with cold, knowing that this should be pulled into a similar space by the Great Divine Ability of Demon Race. However, she doesn't believe that the other party's cultivation is out of bounds. If that were the case, she would have been killed by the other party a long time ago.

It must be this door, this door can form a space similar to the world!

This is a limiter!

Qin Shuang's heart jumped violently. The boundary device is between the Heavenly Immortal treasure and Top Grade Immortal Artifact. It is a very powerful treasure.

Qin Shuang squinted his eyes slightly, and made up his mind in an instant, thoughts move, a fairy sword flowed out, was caught by Qin Shuang, and strode into the door.

Nothing unusual happened in the corridor. Qin Shuang walked along the corridor towards the inside. At this time, the breath that attracted her had disappeared. That was because the law in the heart of Lingmei was broken. The magic of this door.


When you die, you find that the Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit is still sending out longing thoughts.


Qin Shuang step one stopped, the corridor in the field of vision suddenly began to twist slowly.

Countless black runes flowed on the floor, ceiling and walls of the corridor, and quickly melted with the flow, like flowing black liquid, converging in front of Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang stood there quietly, and found that the surrounding corridors had disappeared at this time. He seemed to be standing in the void, with stars spinning under his feet.

Looking back, the door has disappeared.

Qin Shuang looked at a black liquid-like bead gathered not far in front of him, walked a few steps forward, stood in front of the bead, stretched out a hand and grabbed it towards the bead.

"dong dong dong......"

From the egg of the Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit, an excited heartbeat sounded.


Qin Shuang grabbed the bead, but the bead suddenly flowed out from Qin Shuang’s fingers, and then followed Qin Shuang’s arm towards Qin Shuang's body was covered.

There is no space outside.

At this time, all the assessment cultivators have entered the Wukong Secret Realm. The three and a half steps Immortal King released his big hand, and the huge opening is slowly closing. Waiting 3 months later, the three and a half steps Immortal King will tear the hole again.

There are one hundred Immortal Monarchs on each side of the three clans, and at this time they are on the side of the void. But the three half-step Immortal Kings got together, chatting and laughing.

It's just three people standing in a triangle. Although everyone is talking and laughing, they are very vigilant in their hearts.

"Qingcheng laughed. After 3 months later, you won’t be able to laugh. I think your name can be changed to Qingcheng crying." The Demon Race half-step Immortal King haha ​​laughed and said with a smile.

"hehe..." Qing Cheng laughed a sneer before saying: "Saramu, when you cry, I will definitely record it."

Monster Race Immortal King Gao Litian, smiling at the two people, looking lively. Su Luo Muyi said while staring:

"Gao old monster, don't you worry about your Monster Race being killed?"

"hehe......" Gao Li Heavenly Eye With arrogance, smiled and said: "You two should still worry about your own cultivator!"

"You two should prepare the lost Star Domain." Qing Cheng laughed and said.

Saluomu curl one's lip said: "You just wait to be attacked by my Demon Race, when the time comes, your Human Race is Demon Race's captive rations."

" It’s useless to say more!” Gao Litian said lightly: “It’s only three months, and it’s fleeting. I’m waiting to see you two look sad, hahaha...”

Gao Litian turned and flew towards the Monster Race camp. Go, enter the interstellar flying boat, those Monster Race Immortal Monarch also follow closely from behind, enter the interstellar flying boat.


Saluomu and Qingcheng smiled at each other, each flew towards their own interstellar flying boat, and returned to the interstellar flying with their own Immortal Monarch Inside the boat, the void fell silent, and only a hundred interstellar flying boats were parked there.

Qin Shuang's expression suddenly became tense, but in an instant, the black liquid had enveloped her forearm and spread towards her forearm. She felt that her forearm had lost consciousness.


The Essence Power in Qin Shuang's body burst out, and at the same time, he used the vibration force to shake the black liquid away, but the black liquid It actually resisted Qin Shuang's shock and suppressed Qin Shuang's Essence Power. It was only after a while, it had spread to her shoulders, wrapping her body and head.

"dong dong dong......"

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

In the egg of Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit, the heartbeat sound is more intense, a kind of extreme desire is transmitted into Qin Shuang's consciousness, but the Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit is sealed in the egg, otherwise watch That posture will jump out directly and pounce on the black liquid.


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