
numerous cultivators were in an uproar and started talking. Qin Shuang's heart sank. When Wei Qingjue saw Qin Shuang's look, he asked:

"What's the matter?"

"I am afraid it will be extremely tragic."

Qin Shuang whispered, Wei Qingjue's expression startled, and then solemnly. The people around also became serious. Since it is related to the three clans, it might be a battle of life and death. Four hundred thousand people were talking there, although everyone's voice was very low, but added together, it was definitely noise.


Shen Chongguang drew a low voice, everyone fell silent, everyone looked at Shen Chongguang solemnly, and Shen Chongguang continued:

"You have to listen carefully to what I say below, because it is related to your lives."

Everyone is more awe-inspiring in their hearts, and they cannot help being concentrated attention completely.

"Everyone knows that our Human Race has Tianzi Academy, Demon Race has Heavenly Demon Academy, and Monster Race has Heavenly Demon Academy. And the enrollment time of the third Academy is the same. So three The cultivator cultivation base of the tribal assessment is also equivalent. They are the elites among the young generations of the three tribes, and they are also the most intuitively test the strength of the tribes. It can be said that you Heaven's Chosen represent the future of the tribes, if which tribe Heaven's Chosen at this level is killed, which clan will have a fault, which will directly affect the future of which clan. Perhaps it is precisely because of this battle that will lead to the direction of the three clans in the future.

Therefore, the result of the negotiation is to put all the cultivators to be assessed in the three races in a Secret Realm, and the three cultivators fight each other for three months. The cultivator that can survive 3 months later is the cultivator that has passed the first round of assessment."

No one said anything this time, everyone was very solemn and of course excited.

"Before this assessment, the three cultivators all encountered interceptions, so the number of cultivators was greatly reduced. But even so, the three cultivators each have about 40 million. Together is about 120 million. This is an extremely tragic melee. After you entered Secret Realm, you are always facing the danger of death. Now you are allowed to withdraw from the assessment. Anyone want to withdraw?"

numerous cultivators silently, during the three breaths, Shen Chongguang’s expression of appreciation appeared on his face:

"Okay! You deserve to be Human Race Heaven's Chosen. Remember, after you enter the Secret Realm, just Kill as much as you can. It’s best to kill Monster and Demon Races. Remember?"

"Remember!" Everyone shouted and fighting intent.

When everyone calmed down and became silent again, Shen Chongguang continued:

"Next, I will introduce you to the conditions for the first round assessment. You have to enter The Secret Realm that arrived is called a non-empty space. This space has a feature that it prohibits all Immortal Artifacts from entering, even storage rings and even storage bags are not allowed to enter, let alone Immortal Artifacts and Immortal Mansions. Yes. Once you carry these things on your body, you will be bounced back and you will not be able to enter the empty space.

The reason why the three clans choose this Secret Realm is because of fairness. If you let the three clans cultivator Go in with the Immortal Artifact in the space. If there are three tribes, or some Immortal Monarchs, or even half-step Immortal Kings hidden in the Immortal Artifact in the space. Wouldn't it be that the non-cheating clan was completely killed? Isn't that clan a complete fault?

So, as a result of the discussion between the three clans, I chose this Secret Realm. You can't even bring storage bags and the like. This makes your environment even more sinister, because you bring them in. My medicine pill is limited. Once injured, it will become a problem to want to recover."

Everyone's heart becomes heavy. This is more than a problem, it is definitely a big problem. They can also bring medicine pills, but they are absolutely limited. Impossible to go in with a large backpack containing various medicine pills, how can you fight? Even if it is not heavy, but it is large, it will affect the movement of the cultivator. In the life and death battle, even the slightest impact is fatal.

A total of more than 120 million cultivators, entering a small Secret Realm, I am afraid that it will be a fierce battle as soon as you enter. It might be okay at first, because everyone will try to bring some medicine pill in. But in this kind of fierce battle, and it is a long period of fierce battle, medicine pill will be consumed very quickly, once it is consumed, the result is that once it is injured, it is fatal.

"Okay!" Seeing the dignified expressions of everyone, Shen Chongguang's expression eased: "The difficulties and dangers of the conditions have already spoken to you, now let's talk about welfare."

Everyone's eyes brightened, and their gazes toward Shen Chongguang became burning.

Shen Chongguang raised his hand and spilled countless necklaces and flew to everyone. Qin Shuang stretched out his hand, grabbed a necklace, looked down, and felt a movement in his heart.

"Stubborn iron!"

In addition to being strong, stubborn iron has no other characteristics. In fact, it is a very cheap metal. Such a necklace made entirely of tenacious iron, not even a piece of low grade fairy crystal. So, what is in that pendant. And at this time, Shen Chongguang’s voice rang:

"There are three drops of longevity liquid in this pendant, which are the benefits of the Human Race Alliance."


The surroundings immediately thought of excited discussions, but Qin Shuang was at a loss and didn't know what longevity liquid was. But she doesn't think that she is "ignorant and inexperienced", because she has just soared not very long, is it strange and inexperienced?

"Guan Ting, what is this longevity liquid?"

Yu Guan Ting explained to Qin Shuang: "Longevity liquid is a treasure developed by Xu Family. What is it? No one knows what is refined. But no matter how many injuries you have suffered, as long as you are not dead, a drop of longevity liquid will allow you to recover completely."

"So amazing!"

Qin Shuang heart startled, this effect is much stronger than myriad forms. She opened the pendant cautiously and saw three wax pellets the size of soybean grains inside. The wax pellets should contain longevity liquid. At this time, Shen Chongguang's voice rang again, and everyone hurriedly covered the pendant, put the necklace on their necks, and looked at Shen Chongguang.

"Also, the cultivator of Demon Race also brought three drops of Demon Soul water. Maybe some people don’t know what Demon Soul water is. Today this Monarch tells you that Demon Soul water is Demon Race The Supreme Treasure, a drop of Demon Soul water can instantly restore the consumed Strength of Primordial Spirit. Of course, this Demon Soul water after taking will not only instantly restore the Strength of Primordial Spirit, but also has a brutal and bloodthirsty mood that will affect the cultivator. The mood.

However, if you can sharpen yourself with this mood, your mood will increase."

"Boom..." The cultivators were excited again.


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