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Feng Tian waved his sleeve to open the great hall door, and let Feng Xiaowu who was waiting outside take Qin Shuang down to rest. It seems that Phoenix Clan still attaches great importance to Qin Shuang and arranged an independent courtyard for Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang sent Feng Xiaowu away and entered the room, then set up a formation and stepped into the Monster Suppressing Tower. Now that the Fire Phoenix method has reached the critical point of breakthrough, Qin Shuang also wants to accumulate the Xuanshui method and the Ruijin method to the critical point of breakthrough.

In the Monster Suppressing Tower, a year passed in a hurry. Qin Shuang has pushed all aspects of the cultivation base to the critical point of breakthrough. So he began to comprehend the eight movements of a hundred orders taught to her by Feng Tian.

Qin Shuang only did nine movements, and the muscles on his body exploded with peng peng. Qin Shuang hurriedly put away his movements, took the medicine pill, and then calmly thought about it.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang was suddenly surprised. Your physique is not Monster Race, and the most important thing is that you don’t have Phoenix Race Bloodline. This kind of Phoenix Clan inheritance must be suitable for Phoenix Race Bloodline. I want to imprint the visualized talisman on my bones. How is this possible?

If you stick to it, I am afraid that your bones will be blown into powder.


Qin Shuang's heart moved and he looked in Fengming's direction. When Qin Shuang visualized the 108 movements, Feng Ming naturally understood it. Qin Shuang thoughts move and captured Fengming.

At this time, Fengming was standing on the top of a southern volcano, doing those 108 movements extremely slowly. Qin Shuang's eyes straightened. Although Fengming did it slowly, it was extremely smooth and full of rhythm.

Qin Shuang immediately sit cross-legged, understand Fengming's mind, and carefully perceive Fengming's understanding and physical changes.

While comprehending, I heard a knock on the door. Qin Shuang flashed out of the Monster Suppressing Tower, put away the formation flag, and opened the door. When I saw Feng Xiaowu standing outside and Qin Shuang coming out, he stepped forward and took Qin Shuang's hand: "Fengming elder sister, Great Elder is waiting for you!"

"Xiaowu younger sister, wait a minute, I will come here!"

Qin Shuang closed the door and quickly moved Fengming out of the Monster Suppressing Tower, and she entered Feng Ming's Sea of ​​Consciousness. Qin Shuang has guessed that it was Phoenix Clan Old Ancestor who came this time. She was really afraid that Old Ancestor would recognize her heels, so she was still going to let Fengming go to see Old Ancestor.

Opening the door again, Fengming made his debut: "Xiaowu, let's go."


Feng Xiaowu jumped around. Jumping on the ground while walking, chatting with Fengming chirp chirp twitter twitter:

"Fengming elder sister, did you really kill hundreds of cultivators from the Azure Ox clan?"


"Wow, you are amazing! But..." Anxious expression appeared on Feng Xiaowu's face: "In the past few days, the Azure Ox clan has repeatedly asked We Phoenix Clan asked you. We were both rejected by Great Elder. I don't think they will let you go."

"I know!" Qin Shuang was lightly nodded.

"You have to be careful!"

Qin Shuang listened to Feng Xiaowu chirp chirp twitter twitter with a smile, while walking forward, and soon came to the great hall. But seeing Feng Tian standing on the steps of the great hall, and seeing Qin Shuang coming, he walked down the steps and said:

"Follow me!"

Qin Shuang followed Feng Tian walked towards the back garden, passed through the gates, and came to a small building. Feng Tian took Qin Shuang into the small building and saw a beautiful woman sitting in the small building. She couldn't tell her age. She said she was older, but her appearance was about the same as Qin Shuang, she said she was young. , Those eyes are extremely deep, full of vicissitudes and wisdom. Sitting there, giving Qin Shuang something like a volcano that erupts at any time, making people feel tremendous pressure.

"Farewell to Old Ancestor!" Qin Shuang stepped forward to give a salute.

"You are Fengming?" Old Ancestor's voice lightly sounded.


"Did you know that you caused a clash between Phoenix Clan and Azure Ox clan. In today's situation, clan wars between the two clans will erupt at any time?"

Qin Shuang's slightly bent upper body slowly straightened, looking directly at the Phoenix Clan Old Ancestor opposite. An indifferent smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth and said:

"Old Ancestor, I was originally alone, and I am used to being alone. The nine-color light inheritance I got will be reserved for Phoenix Clan, and then I will Will leave here."

"What do you mean?" Phoenix Clan Old Ancestor complexion sank.

Qin Shuang said with a smile: "It's not interesting. I never stayed in Phoenix Clan before. So, I didn't belong to Phoenix Clan before, and I won't belong in the future. So, Phoenix Clan and Azure Ox There is no conflict in the family. As for the Azure Ox family, I will follow by myself."

Qin Shuang's spine is as straight as a gun, and the fighting intent on his body is booming, and he said loudly:

"One person to one clan, I am looking forward to it!"

Phoenix Clan Old Ancestor said coldly: "Do you know that now only the Azure Ox clan finds Phoenix Clan, and there is no reason for other races to kill you? ?

That’s because we Phoenix Clan!

Do you think that the Azure Ox clan has no friends and no race to make a good alliance with you?

You Believe it or not?

If Phoenix Clan announces that you do not belong to Phoenix Clan and will no longer protect you. Azure Ox will not be a race to chase you down. You will encounter a joint chase of multiple races. Now your reputation has spread all over Monster Realm, known as the blood phoenix. Not to mention the Azure Ox clan and their alliance, the entire Monster Realm cultivator will challenge you like you and want to kill you.

One person to one family?


Qin Shuang was shocked, secretly said in one's heart with a terrible cry.

Old Ancestor said with a sneer: "As long as you leave Myriad Demons City now, you will encounter heavy interceptions. Do you think that Phoenix Clan is not important to you?"

"Old Ancestor!" Fengtian opened the mouth and said: "Fengming is only used to being alone, so a little wild. Don't blame it."

Old Ancestor no longer speaks, just cold Staring at Qin Shuang coldly. Feng Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth and stopped speaking. Qin Shuang is silent. If Phoenix Clan does not accept him, even if he stays in Myriad Demons City, I am afraid he will encounter continuous challenges. Although due to the rules of Myriad Demons City, those powerhouses would not kill themselves, but they would continuously mutilate themselves, finally destroying their own roots and making themselves useless.


How can you protect yourself from Monster Race if you are a Human Race?

Inheritance to Phoenix Clan can be regarded as a reward for Phoenix Clan. After all, I got endless benefits from the ancestor-level Fire Phoenix. I thought that when I was still young, I was able to be one-to-one at Martial Artist Continent. Wouldn't it be that I was scared when I saw Monster Race? A comfortable smile appeared on his face again:

"Old Ancestor, Fengming has been facing everything from birth alone. Asking for shelter is not as good as becoming stronger, even if it is because of body dies and Dao disappears, I don’t regret it. "

"It's so wild!" Old Ancestor yelled suddenly, pressing against his face in a fierce imposing manner.

At this time, Feng Xiaowu’s voice came from outside the door and said: "Old Ancestor, the Azure Ox clan sent a gift to Fengming’s elder sister."

Phoenix Clan Old Ancestor received the imposing manner and shouted: "What gift?"

"It's...a coffin!"


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