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"48, what's the matter?" Tao Fairy said angrily.

For the long lifespan of Monster Race, 48 years old, it can be said that even a young person is not even a young girl. At this grade, she will set foot on the Level 10 Pill Dao teacher. No wonder she will be proud and hopeful. Xiang Gongliang and Mu Tianlin are all ridiculous in their hearts. Mu Tianlin said lightly:

"Gongliang was already Level 10 Alchemy Dao Master when he was thirty-six years old."

"What?" Tao Fairy's face was stunned. Turned his head and looked at Gongliang.

Gongliang glared at Mu Tianlin, and then shook the head sadly: "At the beginning, my confidence was slow, just like you are now. However, now that I am old, there is still no breakthrough. Pill Dao Master Realm, ashamed!"

The expression on Tao Fairy's face changed. At this moment, her self-confidence was affected. Gongliang was a Level 10 Pill Dao Master at the age of 36, and he reached that realm earlier than he did, but now he is still a Level 10 Alchemy Dao Master. Can he really become an Alchemy Dao Master as he imagined it? ?

Peach Fairy can't help but lose her mind!


I don’t know how long I lost my mind. A buzzing sound awakened the lost Tao Fairy. I suddenly looked up and saw a stove cover hovering into the air. Fly away, at the same time, a pill fragrance drifted away.

"This is..."

Qin Shuang took out a medicine pill from the alchemic furnace and put it into a jade bottle. At this time, with a sound of "Dang", the hovering furnace cover fell down again, and it was in close contact with the alchemic furnace. Qin Shuang waved his hand and raised the alchemic furnace. When he stepped on the void, his figure came to the high platform, put the jade bottle on the table, cups the hands said:

"Please Four seniors tasting!"

The first Pyracantha reached out and picked up the jade bottle. When Qin Shuang pill concocting, the four of them had brilliant faces. It is the layman who watches the excitement and the expert who watches the doorway. From Qin Shuang's fire control and pill concocting skills, they can see Qin Shuang's strength. Although at that time, Qin Shuang had not refined medicine pill, and also knew that Qin Shuang refined medicine pill of Level 1 Alchemy Dao Master, but they had a feeling in their hearts that Qin Shuang was even better than them. high.

That is a kind of charm, a kind of charm that is difficult to describe. Not the teacher of Pill Dao, simply can't pay attention to the charm.

So, the firethorn with the highest realm immediately opened the jade bottle and sniffed it lightly. The medicine pill was filled with splendor, and the medicine pill was poured out. Wan Yanhong next to him waited for three Alchemy Dao. Master, then held breath cold air.


"Top Grade Dan!"

The four Alchemy Dao Masters suddenly looked at Qin Shuang, their eyes full of look of shock .

Top Grade Dan!

Even they can't refine Top Grade Dan!

However, it was this young and excessive girl who stood in front of them, who actually refined a Top Grade pill. One hit Pill Dao Master Level's Top Grade Dan!


Under the high platform, there is a buzz, and every cultivator looks at Qin Shuang incredulously. Tao Fairy's face was full of mistakes, her mouth wide open, and a voice in her heart shouted: "How is this possible! How is it possible!"

Mu Tianlin "hehe" smiled twice Said: "Tao Fairy, see it, Gongliang is right, your experience is still too little! Gongliang..."

Mu Tianlin turned to Gongliang, but saw Gongliang's face full of enthusiasm Looking at Qin Shuang on the high platform.


"Huh?" Gongliang woke up from the frenzy and looked at Mu Tianlin and said: "What's the matter?"

"What's the matter? What did you ask me? What are you doing so enthusiastically looking at the little girl?"

"I..." Gongliang looked at Qin Shuang's back on the high platform again, his eyes He became fanatical again: "Mu Tianlin, I want to worship her as a teacher."

Mu Tianlin looked at him for a moment, and then he said with a smile: "You are lost in your mind. With us both At this age, who would accept us as disciples? We have all begged for the four Masters, but did they accept us as disciples? Do you think Fengming will do it? They are also Alchemy Dao Masters, okay?"

"Always give it a try, otherwise I am not willing to."

The eyes of the representatives of the surrounding forces have also become hot.

Alchemy Dao Master!

I didn't expect it to be an Alchemy Dao Master!

For such a young Alchemy Dao Master, maybe she can persuade her to join her family, then her family will take off.

Even if she can't persuade her to join her family, she must do her best! So young is Alchemy Dao Master, and the future must be greater than that of the four Old Guys of Pyracantha. Maybe it will become the first Pill Dao Sect division in Monster Realm history.

Master Pill Dao Sect!

Even if you can't become a Pill Dao Sect Master, you will only be an Alchemy Dao Master for a lifetime, that's amazing!

You know, in Monster Realm, plus this Fengming, there are only five Alchemy Dao Masters! Realm's highest firethorn and turtle waves are not Level 6 Alchemy Dao Master either.

"This Alchemy Dao Master must be handed in, at all costs!" Representatives of each power began to search for gifts in the storage ring.

On the high platform.

Pyracantha cautiously looked at Qin Shuang and asked: "What is the name of Fellow Daoist?"


"What are you now? realm?"

Qin Shuang pointed to the medicine pill and said: "Isn't this displayed? I just broke through Alchemy Dao Master."

The look of the four Alchemy Dao Masters They all hesitated. Such a Pill Dao genius is someone they desperately want to receive as a dísciple.

But now they are also Alchemy Dao Masters! Although it is only Level 1, it is also Alchemy Dao Master. In terms of levels, they are considered equal. It's just that they walked a few steps earlier than Qin Shuang.

Gong Yuanliang and Wanyanhong shook the head and gave up the thoughts in their hearts. In their hearts, they understand very well that the highest realm here is Pyracantha and Guibo. If neither of them can accept Qin Shuang as a dísciple, they have no hope.

Pyracantha and Guibo are also very hesitant at this time, but they really don't bear the talent of Qin Shuang. Seeing Pyracantha and hesitating there, Guibo was a little uncomfortable: "Fengming, are you planning to find a Master?"

Neither did Guibo Dare to directly ask Qin Shuang as a disciple. If Qin Shuang disagrees, it would be shameful in front of so many cultivators!

How to say, she is also one of only four Alchemy Dao Masters in Monster Realm, and one of the highest realm.

However, as soon as his words were spoken, they were different, but they were better. Not only Qin Shuang understood what she meant, but the cultivators under the high platform also understood what Guibo meant. Could not help but buzz again.

"The tortoise Master wants to take Fengming as a disciple!"

"Fengming has such a great opportunity!"

"Yes, the tortoise Master is Level 6 Alchemy Dao Master Ah!"


Tao Fairy bit her lips tightly, staring at Qin Shuang's back.


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