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"Boom boom boom..."

Two huge Primordial Spirits continuously collide, you bite me, I grab you, for a while This Primordial Spirit increased a little, and after a while, the other Primordial Spirit increased again.

The tiny Fire Phoenix, the size of a little finger, fell on the ground, and stepped on the ground, cautiously approaching the Longevity Tree. Qin Shuang thoughts move, took out all the remaining talisman from the Grandmaster realm and Great Grandmaster realm, and was ready to release it at any time.

When sweat leaked from Qin Shuang's back, the tiny Fire Phoenix finally came under the Longevity Tree, and then gently fluttered its wings and flew toward the Longevity Tree.


When two huge Primordial Spirit collided, another crack appeared on the light ball. Qin Shuang quickly threw all the talisman out of the crack. Throw it towards the right side of the ball of light.

The tiny Fire Phoenix has already flown to the top of the Longevity Tree and came to the Longevity Fruit. The body suddenly grew palm-size, and he held the immature Longevity Fruit in his mouth in one bite, then spread his wings and flew quickly to the sky.


The two huge Primordial Spirit collided again, and a crack appeared in the light ball.


All the talisman in the ball of light exploded in an instant, attracting the attention of two huge Primordial Spirits who were fighting. Qin Shuang moved his hands repeatedly, one after another talisman spawned between his hands and landed on the crack in the ball of light. Although Qin Shuang couldn't crack the runes and formation marks on this ball of light. However, when the cracks on the ball of light appeared, she was able to delay the closing of the cracks.

The fierce crack in that Fire Phoenix is ​​getting closer and closer, and the crack on the ball of light is getting smaller and smaller. Qin Shuang's forehead was covered with sweat, trying his best to stop the crack in the light ball from healing.


The two huge Primordial Spirits in the light sphere suddenly looked up, and both eyes looked in the direction of Fire Phoenix. Then there was a roar, and each stretched out a big hand and patted the Fire Phoenix.


The Fire Phoenix spit out the Longevity Fruit from its mouth, lasing towards the crack in the light ball.


The Fire Phoenix was slapped and dissipated, and the power of Qin Shuang's Sea of ​​Consciousness transmitted from the center of the eyebrows, like a snake , Penetrated into the cracks, and took a roll of Longevity Fruit close at hand, then took it back, grabbed the Longevity Fruit, stomped his feet fiercely on the ground, and the Fire Phoenix suddenly came to life under his feet, and his figure moved toward the transfer platform like a pop Flew upside down in the direction of.


With a roar that pierced the sky and the earth, the two huge Primordial Spirits threw up their punches and struck towards the light ball strikes with only a line of gaps left. .


The first huge Primordial Spirit, a punch strikes the slender crack on the ball of light, the crack vibrates, and then expands. Come. The second Primordial Spirit, with a crack in the palm of his hand, grabbed Qin Shuang, who was flying upside down.

"Get up!"

Qin Shuang continued to yell, and the formations of phoenix flames burst out, or turned into a thick wall, or turned into a thick wall. Be a high mountain, blocking it in front of that palm.

"Boom boom boom..."

The wall fell, the mountain collapsed...


Qin Shuang's double The foot landed on the Transmission Formation, and with a wave of the hand, six Top Grade Spirit Stones fell into the holes of the Transmission Formation. Transmission Formation shines with rays of light, and Qin Shuang's figure disappears.

The next moment.

Qin Shuang has appeared in the Inheritance Land in Monster Realm Secret Realm. He jumped off the teleportation platform when he swept his figure, and pulled out the Feng Yu giant behind him with a "chung" sound. sword, slashed towards Transmission Formation.


Transmission Formation all split up and in pieces, Qin Shuang just sighed in relief, he saw a black vortex appeared in the space in front of him. Black Tortoise on his shoulder yelled in horror:

"He can shuttle through space and run!"

Qin Shuang's heart beats violently, Fire Phoenix body instantly turns on, Xuanshui Integrate with Phoenix Fire Spirit Power, and the Fengxiang technique can be used to the extreme. After turning around, she flew along the Panshan Passage, leaving a series of Fire Phoenix flying behind her.

"How can he travel through space?" Qin Shuang have one's hair stand on end shouted.

"His kind of power, being able to travel through space is normal."

"Then why don't you find it?"

"How do I know he can It’s been so long to rush out of that ball of light?"


Qin Shuang took a turn along the winding mountain pass, and the big hand behind it suddenly strikes on dodge, the entire passage is As Qin Shuang began to trample, the mountain wall began to smash, and large chunks of rock chased and fell behind Qin Shuang. A huge impact crashed on Qin Shuang's back. Qin Shuang's back is full of flesh and blood, skeleton cracks are broken, the inner palace is shattered, a mouthful of blood mixed with organs is sprayed out. The conscious mind showed a coma. It was just the aftermath of the palm slapped on the mountain wall hitting her back.

Black Tortoise saw Qin Shuang’s Qiqiao spurting blood continuously, and hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and eat Longevity Fruit."

Qin Shuang backhanded Longevity Fruit into his mouth. He swallowed it with his mouth, and kept running along the mountain road.

"Boom boom boom..."

The entire Inheritance Land prohibition began to collapse, and Qin Shuang gritted his teeth and rushed forward. Black Tortoise, who was lying on Qin Shuang’s shoulder, glanced back, and then shouted to Qin Shuang:

"The big hand has only one blow, and it should have been closed by the cracks of the ball of light now. Inside. Even if you want to make a crack again, you can’t break through the space and track you accurately. But, don’t stop, the prohibition of this Inheritance Land is collapsing, if you are caught up by the prohibition of collapse, you will You must run in front of the forbidden collapse, otherwise it will be a dead end."

Qin Shuang gave birth to the Fire Phoenix step by step, flying along the mountain like lightning, behind them, the entire passage is It collapsed, forming a black void vortex, chasing and devouring Qin Shuang.

At the same time, the energy of Longevity Fruit exploded in Qin Shuang's body, repairing Qin Shuang's body hundreds of times faster than myriad forms fruit. Her internal organs, skeleton, muscles, etc. quickly recovered, allowing Qin Shuang's speed to return to Peak.

But this is not over yet.

The spiritual power in the body, the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the Soul Power are all increasing frantically. Qin Shuang's heart moved. If this continues, I am afraid that her Martial Dao Cultivation Base will be greatly improved, and will get closer and closer to the realm of Martial Sage, but once the breakthrough Martial Sage, the various attribute spiritual power in her body will disperse from the martial phase. If it overflows, the dantian will explode, causing Qin Shuang to explode and die.

Really when it rains, it pours, at this time, the only solution is to immediately Visualization Technique, so that all the energy of Longevity Fruit can be absorbed by Sea of ​​Consciousness.


She is on the run at this time, not in retreat. During the breakthrough, if you are not careful, you will cultivation deviation, the Sea of ​​Consciousness will shatter, and your head will explode with a "peng" sound.


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