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Jia Wudi stared at Qin Shuang in amazement, and could not help blurting out: "You have so much space for Spiritual Artifact?"

"This is with you It has nothing to do."

"Okay!" Jia Wudi took a deep breath and said: "As long as you can take it away, these are all yours."

Qin Shuang nodded, first will Fengming He Fengyan moved from Monster Suppressing Tower to her dantian, because she knew that once these skeletons were sent to Monster Suppressing Tower, Monster Suppressing Tower would probably be merged again. This is a rare opportunity for herself. give up.


In Jia Wudi’s shocking vision, I saw a golden pagoda being taken out by Qin Shuang, magnified in the air, with a thud, the gate of the tower Turn it on, shoot out the golden light, sweep toward each hole, and collect everything in the hole into the Monster Suppressing Tower.

After two quarters of an hour, Monster Suppressing Tower turned into a stream of light and entered Qin Shuang's eyebrows. Qin Shuang faint smiled at Jia Wudi. The look of shock on Jia Wudi’s face gradually disappeared, and his graceful manner was restored:

"Trouble Fellow Daoist Feng."

Qin Shuang nodded, and then stood at the gate Before, carefully observe the rune chain on the gate. The realm of Great Grandmaster Peak, coupled with the comprehension of the December fruit upgrade, enabled Qin Shuang to quickly find a way to break the chain of runes. Both hands formed a one after another seal, which was hit on the gate. The chains on the gate flowed, and then shattered one after another, revealing the original face of the gate.


Qin Shuang's figure suddenly disappeared in place. Two flying phoenixes hovered on the ground, and a sharp pierced through Qin Shuang just now. The strikes were on the gate, causing the gate to rumblingly open a gap.

Qin Shuang’s figure appeared on the left, smiling and looking at Jia Wudi, who was still holding one arm. Jia Wudi slowly retracted his arm, and a tyrannical color flashed in his eyes. Personable.

"Fellow Daoist Feng, you took out that tower-shaped space treasure, if you force you to kill me, or force me to kill you? Such a space treasure, if you let Monster Realm's other big If you know, I’m afraid you will always be hunted down until you are killed and the treasure is seized. If this news is not spread, you must kill me."

Qin Shuang faintly smiled and said: "Even if I didn't take out Monster Suppressing Tower, would you let me go? I have already walked here. Of the two of you and me, originally only one can or go out. It’s just to make you worry about using me to crack the rune chain on the gate, so I won’t be disturbed by you when I collect those skeletons."


Qin Shuang's Sea of ​​Consciousness buzzed for a while, Qin Shuang's eyes brightened, knowing that the Monster Suppressing Tower was closed again, and the integration began again.

"Yes!" Jia Wudi nodded and said: "Whether you expose the treasure or not, only one can go out from here."

Qin Shuang looked up and down Jia Invincible said: "I am also looking forward to a fight with you, the third place on the Monster God list."

"Third place?" Jia Wudi disdainfully said with a smile: "Long Tonghai Weeping old, Gao Litian has died in the mouth of Corpse Insect. How can you compare with me?"

Qin Shuang nodded said: "I heard that you can be reborn by amputated limbs, and I have seen it with my own eyes. Until your head is gone, you can still rebirth. According to legend, you have an Immortal Body. You need to see it next."

"I'm afraid you are dead before you see it. Want to see it. My Immortal Body must have that qualification. Hehe..."

"Then try it!"


Qin Shuang's His right foot stomped fiercely on the ground, and his figure shot towards Jia Wudi, and a fist blasted towards Jia Wudi without fancy.

"Good come!"

A invincible shouted, also throws a punch without fancy, the two did not use any divine ability, nor did they use any martial skill or Taoism , Is the collision of pure ontological force.


With a loud explosion, Jia's invincible figure flew upside down, fiercely hitting the rock wall, embedded in the rock wall. I could not help but lose my voice:

"Really strong power, your body has already penetrated Martial Sage?"


The answer to him is Qin Shuang's body was shot, and a fist was still unobtrusively toward the Jia Wudi strikes embedded in the rock wall.


A invincible's arms shook, and he flew out of the rock wall, his figure flashed to one side, he already knew in his heart that pure strength He is not as good as Qin Shuang in the competition.

"A invincible, I don’t believe in Immortal Body. The so-called Immortal Body is just that the trauma is not fatal enough!"

Qin Shuang strode forward, each step A Fire Phoenix suddenly appeared under his feet, and his figure pulled out a blurry afterimage in the air, and rushed towards Jia Wudi.

A invincible's figure shook, and Qin Shuang's attack was flashed, thoughts move, and a golden long spear was in his hand, the big spear flew over, and it shot towards Qin Shuang.


Qin Shuang drew out the Fengyu giant sword with his backhand, turning both hands, slashing towards Jia Wudi unreasonably. The giant sword and the big gun continuously collided, and Jia Wudi’s cultivation base reached Martial God’s late Peak, but Qin Shuang’s body reached the Martial Sage Third Layer. This kind of unreasonable play completely suppressed Jia Wudi.

"The tyrant shot through the air."

A invincible shouted, and a shot was directed towards Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang brazenly swung his sword to greet him, cutting Jia Wudi in half with a sword.

"Not good!"

Qin Shuang felt the sword cut out without any force.


Suddenly, Qin Shuang complexion changed and backhand carried Fengyu giant sword behind him.

Back sword style.


With a loud noise, A Invincible appeared behind Qin Shuang abruptly, hitting Qin Shuang’s wide sword behind his back with a shot, and Qin Shuang's body hit and flew forward. Qin Shuang turned around and landed on the ground with a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth. He looked at Jia Wudi who was grinning on the opposite side, and said awe-inspiringly:

"Space Divine Ability."


Human and Spear Unity, like an arrow, shoots towards Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang raised the Fengyu giant sword, showing the gesture style of Fengyu sword.

A invincible was locked instantly, Qin Shuang's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Where are you going this time?"


Jia Wudi, who was shooting towards Qin Shuang, suddenly disappeared Now, even her Fengyu sword gesture style can't lock Jia Wuqi. Qin Shuang was shocked.

"Nine-color light."

The magnificent rays of light shined, revolving around Qin Shuang, enclosing Qin Shuang inside. The tip of a gun appeared abruptly on Qin Shuang's left side, piercing her temple. But I encountered nine-color light. When the nine-color light touched the tip of the gun, it was like a magnificent vortex, trying to brush off the gun.


There was a soft whistle in the space, rippling ripples. Jia Invincible's figure reappeared opposite Qin Shuang, with a big gun in his hand, his face very ugly.


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