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Qin Shuang stepped on the platform and walked towards Guangmen. The seven Monster Race cultivators on the platform turned their heads to look at the eyes shined of Qin Shuang, Cracking Sky and Humei Niang.

"Fengming younger sister, did you pass it perfectly again?"

Qin Shuang lightly nodded, Jia Wudi's eyes showed dignity, and his body rose with fighting intent. However, after an instant, he suppressed the fighting intent in his heart and looked at the inheritance on the light gate.

Feng Jiao’s eyes towards Qin Shuang were full of disappointment. She was proud that she couldn’t stand an unknown person surpassing her, and she couldn’t help but squeeze her fists in front of her, secretly said in one's heart:

"I must go farther than her, and get more."

Kong Qiang of the Bi Fang clan flashed complex colors, jealousy, resentment, killing intent in his eyes. , Admire...

Qin Shuang ignored the gazes of the demons, sat cross-legged, looking at the inheritance of the seven-color light. His expression sank slightly. The inheritance of the seven-color light is several times more complex than that of the six-color light. The twelve-fold comprehension spins up quickly, and little by little peels off the profound mystery of the divine ability of the seven-color light. It took three days for Qin Shuang to combine the seven-color light. Completely comprehending the divine ability, immediately transmitted the seven-color light divine ability to Fengming in the Monster Suppressing Tower. Then his eyes swept to the Monster Race cultivator, only to find that no Monster Race had boarded the light bridge at this time.

Time passed in silence, Jia Wudi suddenly stood up, glanced proudly at the other seven cultivators on the platform, strode across the rays of light, and stepped onto the light bridge. Soon after, Lei Tianyi and Hu Meiniang also stepped on the light bridge. After about half a day, Feng Jiao and Kong Qiang also stepped on the light bridge. Finally, the two Monster Race cultivators also stepped on the light bridge. .

Qin Shuang silently looked at the seven Monster Races on the light bridge.

A quarter of an hour!

Two quarters of an hour!

Three quarters of an hour!

Qin Shuang sighed quietly, and Feng Jiao was swallowed by the bloody Black Tortoise on the light bridge. After the bloody vortex swallowed Feng Jiao, it hovered away from the light bridge like a whirlwind, and fell towards the abyss under the light bridge, without a trace in an instant.

After another quarter of an hour, one of the two unknown Monster Race cultivators also fell. However, the remaining five Monster Race cultivators still passed the light bridge with difficulty. As soon as they passed the light bridge, the five Monster Race cultivators immediately fell to the ground and began to adjust their breath and recover.

After seven full days.

Qin Shuang only got the divine ability of the seven-color light transmitted by Fengming in the Monster Suppressing Tower. It took Qin Shuang another day and a half to Full Mastery, and then he wiped out the light gate and stepped on After finishing the optical bridge, walking through the optical bridge all the way, the Fire Phoenix body rose to Grade 6 Peak.

"Fengming younger sister, you are here!" Lei Tianyi looked at Qin Shuang.

"Still perfect?" Hu Meiniang's eyes sparkled.

A invincible, Kong Qiang and another Monster Race cultivator also looked at Qin Shuang.


Qin Shuang nodded, came to Guangmen and sat down, looking at the inheritance on Guangmen. Ignored Kong Qiang's spiteful gaze.

Kong Qiang's eyes flashed with killing intent, but seeing Qin Shuang's indifferent expression, his heart became inexplicably depressed. At the beginning, I had five-color light, but Qin Shuang did not. I am not her opponent. Now although I have improved again, doesn't Qin Shuang have improved?

"Forget it, let's wait until the understanding of inheritance is finished."

This time is still Jia Wudi, first completed the understanding, stepped on the bridge of light, followed by Cracking Sky and Hu Mei mother. Then there is Kong Qiang and the unknown Monster Race. And when Kong Qiang and the unknown Monster Race set foot on the light bridge, Qin Shuang had already comprehended the inheritance of the eight-color light and gave it to Fengming in the Monster Suppressing Tower. She was looking at walking on the light bridge. Conquered Kong Qiang and the unknown Monster Race.


A scream drew Qin Shuang's gaze towards Kong Qiang. The whole body of the unknown Monster Race began to vaporize from the feet. The speed is very fast. In just a moment, the sturdy Monster Race turned into qi. I don't know what divine ability he understood, so scary.


Another scream came, Qin Shuang hurriedly looked around, but saw that Kong Qiang was taken aback by the Monster Race’s death method. Originally, the eight-color light was reluctant to comprehend it, although it was only a slight mistake, and the power of the eight-color light was reduced for a moment, but it was fatal.


The blood-colored vortex under his feet instantly swallowed Kong Qiang, and only one head was left outside. Kong Qiang looked at Qin Shuang ferociously and shouted:


Then...was completely swallowed by the bloody vortex, left the light bridge, and fell into the abyss.

Qin Shuang was speechless for a while, it was the Monster Race that scared you well, why did you call my name spitefully before dying?

Six days later.

Qin Shuang stood in front of the last optical bridge and passed the assessment of the eight-color optical bridge. Qin Shuang’s Fire Phoenix body was upgraded to the mid-Grade 7 stage, and his gaze swept across the platform, leaving only the armor. Invincible, the three Monster Races of Split Sky and Hu Mei Niang.

This time I saw Qin Shuang arrive slowly, Jia Wudi, Cracking Sky, and Humei Niang Monster Race cultivator are no longer surprised. I just glanced at Qin Shuang quickly and fell into comprehension.

Qin Shuang also had no words, sit cross-legged in front of the light gate, and began to comprehend the divine ability of the nine-color light.

The Ninth Layer of the divine ability is almost ten times that of the Eighth Layer. Qin Shuang has been behind for nearly ten days, even with the support of the December fruit, it is too far behind.

Sure enough, after Nine Heavens days have passed. Jia Wudi once again stood up first, passed the light gate, and stepped on the light bridge. At this time, Qin Shuang had just realized the divine ability of the nine-color light and gave it to Fengming in the Monster Suppressing Tower.

Jia Wudi walked very slowly on his light bridge, as if with a lot of help.

A quarter of an hour later, Lei Tianyi and Hu Meiniang opened their eyes almost at the same time, and they stepped on their own light bridges and walked forward. Not far forward, I heard Hu Meiniang scolded her, took out the incense burner, and took out a long whip in her hand, dancing in circles, like a spinning top protecting her inside.

The cracking sky on the other light bridge is also shouted, holding the Panmen broadsword in both hands, and dancing constantly. Later, they saw that Lei Tianyi and Hu Meiniang had chosen to escape backward, wanting to retreat to the platform here.

"Boom boom boom..."

The rays of light on the Swordsman's Knife began to dim, and the incense burner of Hu Mei Niang took out also extinguished the incense. The rays of light of the long whip are also rapidly diminishing.


Hu Meiniang and Cracking Tianyi both turned back to the main body under tremendous pressure and fled frantically towards the platform.

"crack crack..."

The muscles of the two people began to crack, their bones began to break, and blood sprayed out of their bodies.

"peng peng......"

The two people tried their last bit of strength, broke through the light door, and fell heavily on the platform.

Qin Shuang stood up suddenly, with awe-inspiring expression on his face. She swept over to the side of Shuangtianer. Before she could check the injuries of Shuangtianer, she heard the roar of Jia Wudi on the light bridge. Qin Shuang suddenly raised his head and turned towards the Jia on the light bridge. Invincible looked and saw that Jia Invincible seemed to have suffered some terrible attack, but Qin Shuang couldn't see it.


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