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"Sure enough, the further you go, the stronger the mysterious energy on the light bridge!"


With a roar, Qin Shuang was frightened and scared. After following the reputation, he saw the Monster Race cultivator on a light bridge next to him. His body suddenly exploded and died.

The flesh and the residual limbs were quickly absorbed by the light bridge, and the radiant appearance was restored.

A grave expression appeared on the faces of all the demons, even Qin Shuang was no exception. Looking forward, Feng Jiao was not much different when he saw that Kong Qiang had passed the light bridge. Qin Shuang retracted his gaze, and continued to walk forward in a leisurely manner.

Kong Qiang, who passed the light bridge first, looked back at Qin Shuang, his eyes shrank, and couldn't help but be surprised:

"Perfect! She is still perfect comprehended four-color light !"

Feng Jiao, who was still on the bridge, couldn't help but glanced back, and saw Qin Shuang's four-color light shining, brushing away the blood-colored vortex under her feet. I couldn't help being shocked. The four-color light I released became unstable, and there was a pain under my feet. I hurriedly released the four-color light again to weaken the blood-colored vortex, but blood began to shed continuously on my calf.

I stopped seeing Qin Shuang in a hurry, released the four-color light intently, and walked towards the other side. Qin Shuang did not notice her at all at this time. She was full of joy at this time. As expected, the further behind, the stronger the mysterious energy of the optical bridge. At this time, Qin Shuang can clearly perceive her Fire Phoenix body every step forward. Growing.


Not far away, another Monster Race cultivator exploded and died. It's just that Qin Shuang doesn't know at all at this time. The improvement of Fire Phoenix's body has also improved her understanding and control of fire attributes, and she has become more and more proficient in the control of four-color light.

When Qin Shuang bought the platform with one foot, her Fire Phoenix body had already been upgraded to Grade 5 Early-Stage Peak. There are only eighteen left, that is to say, four Monster Races have died. In other words, of the 100 cultivators that entered Secret Realm, now only these 18 are left, and 82 are dead.

"en?" Qin Shuang's heart suddenly moved: "Why didn't you see that insect race chain? It stands to reason that the chain is an insect race, and it shouldn't be caused by Corpse Insect. He won’t die in the words of Corpse Insect. How could he not arrive?

Could it be......"

Qin Shuang heart shivered with cold: "Could it be that the chain entered the Secret Realm? , Simply not for Monster Race inheritance, but for those Corpse Insects?"

She clearly remembers that when she first encountered the chain, the chain was integrated with some Corpse Insect. If he can integrate a Corpse Insect King, the gain is much better than Monster Race inheritance.

"If you encounter Lian Li in the future, you must be more careful!"

Qin Shuang moved to look across from the platform. Seventeen Monster Race cultivators heard Qin Shuang's footsteps. He couldn't help but looked back at Qin Shuang, and his eyes all showed a surprised look. You know, Qin Shuang used to have comprehended divine ability among numerous cultivators. After stepping on the light bridge, she still hasn't comprehended it. Originally, even if Qin Shuang understood, they would only be able to walk on this platform after their comprehended divine ability, but they did not expect Qin Shuang to be so fast. The other fifteen Monster Race cultivators only glanced at Qin Shuang, and no longer paid attention to, and there was lightly contempt in their eyes. After all, Qin Shuang's comprehension speed was much slower than theirs. Only Feng Jiao and Kong Qiang had ugly faces, because both of them knew that Qin Shuang had realized the perfect realm with each layer divine ability.

Qin Shuang came behind Fengjiao and Kong Qiang and sat cross-legged. Begin to comprehend the divine ability of the five-color light above the light gate.

Qin Shuang’s comprehension speed is much faster this time. The Fire Phoenix body of Grade 5 Early-Stage Peak has made her more intimate with the divine ability of five-color light, twelve times The comprehension made her stand at a height that no one else can match. In addition, she can also penetrate the Sea of ​​Consciousness into the universe mirror placed in the Monster Suppressing Tower, visualizing the entire ancestor-level Fire Phoenix pattern. Although the five-color light is more mysterious, it took Qin Shuang less than three quarters of an hour to fully comprehend it, and then began to derive a method suitable for Human Race cultivation.

Deducing a method suitable for human cultivation is more difficult than comprehending the divine ability of the five-color light. At this time, the entire platform was silent, and each cultivator was fully comprehending its own divine ability.

What all cultivators didn't expect was that the cultivator who first understood the ability of divine this time was not the leading leader, but Kong Qiang of the Bifang clan.

Seeing Kong Qiang standing up, shining five colors of light, brushing off the light door, and walking onto the light bridge. Fengjiao's complexion changed, her eyes fixed on Kong Qiang who walked up to the light bridge. Then his face became more ugly. When he passed the first light bridge, Kong Qiang was 90% comprehended, and now he is still comprehended 90%. When Feng Jiao passed the first bridge, it was only 80% comprehended, and now it is only 75% comprehended.

But thinking that Kong Qiang would have the divine ability of the five-color light originally, her heart was a little flat, and she gritted her teeth and said:

"I don’t believe in the inheritance of the six-color light, you can still Keep this realm!"

The words fell, Feng Jiao stood up, she knew that this had reached the limit of her comprehension, and even if she sat here for another ten years, she would not have any more comprehension. Only when I left Monster Realm, relying on the long life essence of Monster Race, I slowly realized it.

Feng Jiao looked to the left, and saw Jia Wudi, Shou Tian Si and Hu Mei Niang also stood up, the four of them looked at each other, no one went to see Qin Shuang anymore, they all walked through. After passing the light gate, stepped on the light bridge.

The moment they set foot on the light bridge, Qin Shuang, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes and sighed. She found that the simple comprehension of divine ability was true for her. Not difficult. However, it is too difficult to derive the cultivation technique that belongs to Monster Race into a cultivation technique suitable for Human Race. This is not to say that she cannot derive it, but it takes a lot of time.

"It seems that I need Fengming’s help!"

Qin Shuang took out a December fruit and sent it directly into the Monster Suppressing Tower, and at the same time gave himself to the five-color light The comprehension and deduction were all transmitted over.

Fengming who was cultivating in the Monster Suppressing Tower opened his eyes, grabbed the December fruit that appeared in front of her, took a few bites, and then closed his eyes.

Qin Shuang simply gave up the derivation of the five-color light, opened his eyes, scanned the light bridges, and watched the Monster Race cultivator that successively walked up the light bridges.


A Monster Race cultivator stepped on the light bridge not very long, and uttered a scream, the light bridge under his feet suddenly disappeared, and the corpse fell towards the abyss. Then the light bridge returned to its original appearance.


The body of a Monster Race cultivator is gradually swollen, but the Monster Race cultivator has no feeling at all. It still walks forward quickly, and its face is full He smiled, and laughed triumphantly in his mouth:

"hahaha...I'm a genius..."

Then he died with a burst of "peng".


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