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Qin Shuang's Sea of ​​Consciousness power spread out, and soon enveloped the entire Monster Suppressing Tower space. Then the eyebrow raised, and the corn syrup was found on the edge of the Monster Suppressing Tower. With a glimpse of his figure, he came to the place of the corn syrup.

"What a big cornfield!"

Since Qin Shuang planted maize corn, he has forgotten them. It hasn’t been a few years in the outside world, but in the past few years, Hundreds of years have passed in the Monster Suppressing Tower. Over the course of hundreds of years, these corn syrup continuously matured, fell to the ground, and germinated and grew continuously. Qin Shuang probably swept it with the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness, and there were tens of thousands of corn syrup. Each corn is the size of a wolf fang club. It's just that because there is no one to take care of these maize, they grow very messy. There is no other way. If it is just a few hundred corns, Qin Shuang can still take the time to take care of it, or let Fengming and Fengyan take care of it. But if Qin Shuang takes care of so many corn syrup, it doesn't need to be cultivated. Even in the Medicine Garden cultivated by Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang seldom takes care of the precious herbs.

"However, the corn syrup is mature and must be harvested! Otherwise, it will fall to the ground, most of it will rot and die, and only a few will become seeds, rooting and germinating."

Qin Shuang Flew into the air and visualized White Tiger. The power of Sea of ​​Consciousness gushes continuously from the center of the eyebrows and turns into White Tigers. These White Tigers are not big, that is, the size of ordinary White Tigers. A wolf fang club-sized corn syrup was broken with two tiger claws, and then picked up with a tiger’s mouth, looked towards an open field outside the cornfield, put down the corn syrup, and then ran towards the cornfield. .

One White Tiger was visualized, and more and more. In the end, there were hundreds of White Tigers running back and forth in the cornfield. Even so, it took a day to harvest all the corn.

Qin Shuang took the White Tiger back to the Sea of ​​Consciousness, then stretched out a hand and grabbed it towards the cornfield. A big hand was condensed in the air, and a suction force came from the big hand. The corn stalks on the ground rose up from the ground. The big hand in the air squeezed into powder, and fell back to the corn field one after another, becoming fertilizer. . The figure flicked across the corn field, with ten fingers flicking, and small pits appeared on the ground. Arranged neatly and equally spaced. Grabbing the corn in the clearing, a cob of corn flew up to Qin Shuang's, holding the corn syrup, the spiritual power gave a slight vibration.


The wolf fang club-sized corn syrup exploded like fireworks, and the corn kernels fell off the corn cob. Qin Shuang had big sleeves. With one wave, one after another corn kernels accurately fell into the small pits on the ground. Then I took a volley of corn syrup and planted it again. In less than two hours, Qin Shuang planted a thousand acres of corn syrup, and when the sleeves were raised, the soil covered the corn kernels.

After doing all this, Qin Shuang's figure fell on the clearing next to the small pile of corn syrup. He reached out and took a corn syrup and hugged it in his arms. He opened his mouth and took a bite. Chew finely.


Qin Shuang’s raised his eyebrows, she felt that the stick of corn syrup she held in her arms was different from the corn syrup that she had eaten in the Immemorial space. I feel that the spiritual energy is more pure and rich, and it has almost reached a critical point of qualitative change.

We thought about it slightly, looked up at the sky, and sensed the aura in the Monster Suppressing Tower. It turned out to be twenty times that of the outside world. You know, Monster Realm's aura concentration is not weaker than the Immemorial space. The aura concentration in the Monster Suppressing Tower is twenty times that of the outside world. How strong should it be?

Furthermore, Qin Shuang can also feel that the concentration of aura in Monster Suppressing Tower is still growing. Although it is extremely slow, it is still growing.

Qin Shuang perceives carefully and finds that Monster Suppressing Tower no longer absorbs aura from the outside world, which means that the concentration of aura in Monster Suppressing Tower has reached saturation.

Then why is it still growing extremely slowly?

Qin Shuang couldn't help but looked at the gray stone in the sky. The gray stone was covered in the gray gas at this time. Beyond the gray gas, there is a crystal clear and jade-like gas. Outside the crystal clear gas is the colorful and magnificent gas, and outside the magnificent gas, is the white mist-like aura. The magnificent gas was transformed into a white misty gas, and the white misty gas dissipated toward the Monster Suppressing Tower. Although the emission has become extremely slow, it is precisely this extremely slow state that makes Monster Suppressing Tower is also very slowly increasing the concentration of aura.

"If you upgrade like this, will the aura in the Monster Suppressing Tower become a fairy Essence Power?"

Qin Shuang didn't feel much happy, but rather worried. If she really becomes the fairy Essence Power, she will not be able to enter the Monster Suppressing Tower in the future. The fairy Essence Power will burst her body.

Looking at the mysterious egg floating in the air, it is already spinning close to the edge of the fairy Essence Power. If you get closer, you are absorbing the fairy Essence Power.

"What kind of egg is this? It can absorb such a strong aura?"

Know that the position of the mysterious egg is the deepest part of the magnificent gas, where Aura concentration is probably hundreds of times that of Monster Suppressing Tower, right?

Looking at the appearance of the egg, I also thought of getting into the fairy Essence Power a little bit and absorbing the fairy Essence Power, which made Qin Shuang very curious about the egg.

Retracted her gaze from the mysterious egg and looked at the pile of corn syrup in front of her. She didn’t know if the aura in the Monster Suppressing Tower would undergo a qualitative change and it would be upgraded to the fairy Essence Power, but But I know that this maize syrup will definitely be able to produce qualitative changes, it's just a matter of time.

Let Fengming refine a few storage boxes, pack up the corn syrup, and move them into his own treasure house. Qin Shuang went to the Pill Refining Room on the southern volcano and started to refine medicine pill with the collected Corpse Insect inner core.

Corpse Insect inner core, jade liquid, various herbs obtained from Immemorial space and under the boundless desert, as well as weak aquatic plants. After taking out one by one, Qin Shuang started pill concocting.

Three-line Chilong Pill, three-line sharp Golden Pill, three-line Azure Wood Pill, weak water pill. Finally, the inner core of the Corpse Insect King was used to refine several furnaces of three-patterned blue water pill.

"These insect-eating insects are worthy of being born and grown up from the demon saint who gnaws on the demon saint. This inner core is too pure."

Qin Shuang did not take all of the Corpse Insect inner cores are all refining Pill Formation medicine. When Transcending Tribulation, too many insects were killed. After Qin Shuang put away the refined medicine pill, he began to secluded cultivation. The direction of the cultivation this time is the Dao aspect of each attribute, not the cultivation Martial Dao aspect.


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