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Chain Li's figure was rolled by Qin Shuang strikes, and turned into a human form between the rolls. After landing, he spread his legs and flew away. Qin Shuang frowned slightly. While fleeing for his life, Lian Li still did not dare to fly into the air, which showed that the air was even more dangerous. But now, Qin Shuang doesn't know what danger you are in the air, which makes her feel a little uneasy. At this moment, she did not dare to fly into the air, so she flew across the ground, chasing and killing Lian Li.

He was frightened and fleeing, suddenly there was joy on his face, he turned a direction, and ran, while shouting:

"Senior Brother Zhu, help me. "

A rough man, with a Nine-toothed Rake on his shoulders, and three Monster Race cultivators behind him, he couldn't help but be surprised when he saw his embarrassed chain:

"Chain Li virtuous brother?" Then he looked at Qin Shuang who was flying by, shouted in a deep voice: "Stop."

Chain Li immediately ran to the Senior Brother Zhu's side Panting heavily, took out a medicine pill and took it, looking at Qin Shuang with an ugly face.

Qin Shuang’s figure didn’t stop at the slightest moment. Behind Senior Brother Zhu, a Monster Race cultivator, body flashed, greeted Qin Shuang shouted:

"You are deaf Didn’t you hear Senior Brother Zhu telling you to stop?"

Qin Shuang’s figure stopped, two Fire Phoenix under his feet, phoenix wings swaying, little sparks flying in all directions. Qin Shuang looked at the Monster Race cultivator standing in front of him, then looked at the Senior Brother Zhu's body, and finally fell on Lian Li's body, no longer looking at Senior Brother Zhu, but coldly said:

"Get out!"

Senior Brother Zhu looked stunned, and then he said with a smile: "Fengming, right? Do you know who I am?"

Qin Shuang's gaze was taken back from Lian Li's body and fell on Senior Brother Zhu's body. Lightly said:

"Who are you related to me?"

Senior Brother Zhu's look was another moment of astonishment, and then he burst into laughter. He shook his head slightly, with a look of country bumpkin on his face, without speaking.

The Monster Race youth who stopped in front of Qin Shuang coldly snorted disdainfully, took a step forward and stepped heavily on it.


Two ancient vines sprang up on the ground and entangled towards Qin Shuang, trying to bind Qin Shuang together and shouted at the same time:


"Senior Brother Zhu is the Eldest Young Master of the Island Lord of Daxu Island. Get out immediately and save your life."

The two Fire Phoenix at the feet of Qin Shuang opened up. Each spit out a flame, burning the ancient vine released by the Monster Race cultivator to ashes. The Monster Race cultivator stared sharply and stepped on it again.


An ancient vine forest formed around Qin Shuang, and countless ancient vines entangled towards Qin Shuang. At the same time, a Monster Race behind Senior Brother Zhu suddenly raised his arms, holding a wolf fang club in his hand, and instantly came to Qin Shuang’s head, whipped up the wolf fang club, and fiercely towards Qin Shuang’s head. Smashed down.


Qin Shuang's two feet fiercely stepped on, and the two Fire Phoenix under her feet instantly all split up and in pieces, turning into a piece of fire sea, burn the ancient vine all around. He looked up at the wolf fang club that was about to hit his head, and slashed out with a sword.


The Monster Race was smashed out of the sky. Qin Shuang lifted his foot into the air and stepped on the air. Fire Phoenix suddenly came to life under his feet, and his figure came to that in an instant. In front of Monster Race, Feng Yu sword pierced out with a phoenix head slash. The Monster Race couldn't dodge, so Qin Shuang pierced the head, and his body crashed to the ground.

Qin Shuang fell on the ground, and the ancient vine was still burning around. Senior Brother Zhu stood with his hands in his hand, looking at the blurred Qin Shuang silhouette in the flames, there was an interest in his eyes:

"Fengming, you are only alone. With the power of our Daxu Island, you want to kill you, you have no physiology. Just let you go, you refused to go, but killed me a brother . It’s a hot girl, but Ben Shao likes it. Let’s go with me, Ben Shao will spare you the crime of killing my brother."

Chain Li's expression changed, but he was caught by Qin Shuang. Knowing what to do, if Qin Shuang tells his secret...


She must die!

I opened the mouth and said at the moment: "Senior Brother Zhu, this man is extremely arrogant. When you meet me, he will kill him without saying anything. It is too dangerous for such a person to follow you. .. Let’s kill him."

"Oh? It’s even more interesting! Ben Shao likes this tune. Fengming, you and I find a place to have a good time, Ben Shao can’t lose you. ""

Qin Shuang's eyes became cold: "If you don't want to die, let go."

"hahaha..." Senior Brother Zhu said with a big smile: " What a hot girl, how are you going to let me die? You die on your body? hahaha......"

He grabbed the chain-strike with a big hand, restrained the chain-stroke, and looked at Qin Shuang:

"Fengming, I don't care what conflicts between you and Lianli, as long as you follow me and make me cool, I can kill Lianli now. How about?"

Qin Shuang's expression became colder, and as soon as he stepped on his feet, Fire Phoenix suddenly came to life under his feet, and his body rushed towards Senior Brother Zhu like electricity. The Monster Race that had been blocking Qin Shuang's ancient vine technique gave a violent cry, and wickers grew out of his body with runes flowing on them. The wicker twigs drew towards Qin Shuang.

"It turned out to be a Willow Tree Demon!"


Qin Shuang's figure rushed towards the Willow Tree Demon. A fist struck the willow Tree Demon strikes.

Fengfengquan Fourth Layer.

The two shocks are superimposed.


The branches of the willow Tree Demon burst and shot all around. Qin Shuang’s fist fiercely strikes the willow Tree Demon. The back of the Willow Tree Demon suddenly bulged in the heart of his heart, and then with a bang, Qin Shuang's fist burst out from the back of his heart.


Eight Fire Phoenix hovered out, and the willow Tree Demon ignited a raging fire.

Qin Shuang's figure kept rushing towards Senior Brother Zhu. The Senior Brother Zhu's expression condensed, he picked up the Nine-toothed Rake and patted Qin Shuang. The last remaining Monster Race behind him also rushed towards Qin Shuang with a big gun. Lian Li was restrained by Senior Brother Zhu, staring blankly at what was happening in front of him.


Qin Shuang extend the hand grabbed the Nine-toothed Rake, and Senior Brother Zhu felt a surge of vigor towards him along the nail. I just couldn't hold the Nine-toothed Rake in an instant, and at the same time saw Qin Shuang's right fist banging towards his face, he could not help letting go of the Nine-toothed Rake and flew back. Qin Shuang will grab the Nine-toothed Rake and round it up, and draw towards the Monster Race holding the long spear.


The Monster Race staggered back, Qin Shuang swept away, looked towards Senior Brother Zhu and rushed over. The Senior Brother Zhu flew back, with a panic on his face. But at this moment, Lian Li standing behind him suddenly raised a foot and kicked fiercely on the ass of Senior Brother Zhu. Senior Brother Zhu, who was flying back, looked towards Qin Shuang. Come here.


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