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"Well, that's your own business. You can handle it yourself." Humei Niang shook the head and said: "I want to go back to cultivated and try to enter Monster Realm Before Secret Realm, I can have a breakthrough."

"en!" Qin Shuang nodded and said: "I will go back too."

"I will stay on the deck for a while." Split the sky and said.

Qin Shuang and Hu Meiniang walked back to the cabin. The rooms of the two cultivator were next to each other. After entering the cabin, Qin Shuang closed the door with his backhand, and then it was like in the flying pegasus car , Set up a trapped formation, trapped Tian Feng in it, and then placed an isolation formation in the cabin. Only then did the magic Avatar Fengyan be replaced, and he entered the Monster Suppressing Tower.

She didn’t know. At this time, on the deck, the big mouth of Cracking Sky was talking about Qin Shuang. Almost all Monster Races knew about it. There was a Monster Race called Fengming that had a special He has a hobby and likes to play with female slaves. It’s just that there is no Monster Race cultivator too strange. After all, Monster Race all kinds of strange things. It’s no surprise that a Banshee likes to play with female slaves, but Qin Shuang keeps himself locked in the cabin and can’t get out. All these Monster Race cultivators are there. A picture was formed in his mind, a picture of Qin Shuang playing with a female slave.

Qin Shuang is pill concocting at this time, sometimes go to the Medicine Garden in the Monster Suppressing Tower to pick some herbs, and then go back to continue the pill concocting. These days, she has been pill concocting, but refining a large number of different types of Grandmaster Level medicine pill. When she upgraded Pill Dao realm to Level 10 Pill Dao Great Grandmaster, she finally came out of the Pill Refining Room. I came to the Huo Avatar Fengming's side and saw her finally breakthrough to Martial God First Layer.

She didn’t bother Fengming, and took the Flying Swords made from Fire Phoenix feathers and Golden Wings Great Peng feathers to the Sea of ​​Consciousness. The Flying Sword named the Phoenix Feather Sword and Golden Feather Sword, and then left the cabin, preparing to let the wind on the deck.

On the deck, some Monster Race sailors are setting up their nets. Qin Shuang curiously stepped forward and stood aside watching.


The fishing net was pulled to the deck, and the Monster Race sailors cheered loudly. Qin Shuang looked closely and saw a lot of marine demonic beasts piled up on overtime work.

Qin Shuang's eyes narrowed slightly, and she felt a different kind of breath from the bodies of the sea-like demonic beasts, a different kind of breath from the Martial Artist Continent, Sea Demon Beast. This kind of breath is far more violent than Sea Demon Beast on Martial Artist Continent.

Qin Shuang stepped forward and looked at the demonic beasts of the sea species and said: "What are these?"

"They are wild beasts!"

"Wild beast?" Qin Shuang's eyes showed curiosity.

A trace of disdain quickly appeared in the eyes of the Monster Race sailor, and he believed that Qin Shuang was a child of the Monster Race Aristocratic Family born in a greenhouse, but he still said respectfully:

"My lord, the demon beast is a kind of demonic beast of our Monster Realm, but the demon beast is different from the demonic beast. They are stronger than the demonic beast, but they have no wisdom and no divine ability, but the strength of the body, Even our Monster Race is not as good."

Qin Shuang looked at a wild beast on the deck that looked like an earthworm, with arms as thick as five meters long. Can’t help but curiously extend the hand and stabbed it:

"What is this?"

"This is a dragon tendon earthworm!" The sailor said: "Its body is like Tenacious like a dragon tendon."

"Tenacious like a dragon tendon?"

Qin Shuang became interested and extended the hand again to poke the dragon tendon earthworm. The shape is really like a dragon's tendons, and you can't see the eyes, nose, and other organs.

"My lord, be careful!" the sailor reminded.


The dragon tendon earthworm suddenly drew towards Qin Shuang like a whip, Qin Shuang extend the hand grabbed the dragon tendon earthworm The tail that came was caught in his hand. Her expression changed slightly, and she felt a stronger and stronger force coming from the tail of the dragon's tendons and earthworms.


That is a kind of trembling power. From this dragon tendon earthworm, Qin Shuang can feel that its strength is equivalent to a warrior, but its attack power is equivalent to a Martial Master.

Qin Shuang grabbed the dragon tendon worm and stood up, with a look of interest on his face.

This is a way to increase strength through a violent tremor.

"I need all the dragon tendons and earthworms here. How many Spirit Stones do I need?"

The sailors around were staring at Qin Shuang, and then the sailor suddenly In response, opened the mouth and said:

"My lord, although these dragon tendon earthworms are delicious, once they are cooked, they lose their aura and have no effect on cultivation."

Seeing that Qin Shuang did not respond, he showed a flattering look and said: "If you like it, take it, don't need any Spirit Stone."

Qin Shuang nodded, still took out a hundred low The grade Spirit Stone handed the sailor said:

"Take it, maybe I will collect some wild beasts in the future."

"Thank you, my lord!" The sailors were all happy. .

Qin Shuang threw the dragon tendon earthworm in his hand directly into the sea water in the Monster Suppressing Tower, and then took the thirteen dragon tendon earthworms on the deck into the Monster Suppressing Tower, and then turned away go with.

In the Monster Suppressing Tower.

Qin Shuang grasped a dragon tendon earthworm in his left hand, and felt the dragon tendon earthworm's continuous earthquake and tremor attack in his hand, and the right hand threw a punch from time to time.

After deducing for a while, he threw the dragon's tendon earthworm into the sea water, and stood on the beach quietly thinking.


This is a kind of control spiritual power to form a tremor effect. Each time a tremor, the power is superimposed by a cup, and each time this dragon tendon earthworm attacks, it can tremble nine times in a very short period of time. Stack the power nine times.

Qin Shuang stretched out his hand and grabbed it, "oh la la", she caught a dragon tendon earthworm from the sea again, held it in her hand and sensed its attack, feeling the spiritual power in it The way of stacking.

It’s just that the body construction of this dragon tendon earthworm is different from Human Race after all. Although Qin Shuang understands the general principle, she wants to apply it to herself and form a kind of cultivation technique. That still needs her. Continuously derive, derive a cultivation method suitable for Human Race.

"It's just a warrior-level ordinary beast, and it can have this attack method. It seems that the beast is not as simple as the sailor said, only the body is very strong. If I can deduce This attack method will greatly improve my strength."

Thinking about it, now her Fengxiang technique has been cultivation to the Great Perfection Realm, but the Fengfengquan only cultivation to the Great Perfection Realm. There are three kinds of flying phoenix, and the highest realm of Fengfengquan can cultivation out of nine flying phoenixes. Just like Fengming’s sound transmission said:

"Fengming, you have already breakthrough to Martial God, first understand the Fengfengquan, and consolidate the realm."


Fengming was nodded, so he began to cultivation in Fengming City with a thud. And Qin Shuang has been stimulating the dragon tendon earthworms to attack her. In this way, Qin Shuang constantly observes and deduces this attack method.


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