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The boss eagerly ran over and said: "My lord, ten Top Grade Spirit Stone."

Qin Shuang then tossed over ten Top Grade Spirit Stone, the boss turned the demon soul, contacted Tian Feng’s slave mark, and then said to Qin Shuang:

"This lord, you can give her a slave mark."

Tian Feng's face showed the color of struggle, and he just wanted to self-destruct and died. I saw Qin Shuang turned and walked towards the carriage:

"Come with me!"

Tian Feng looked at him for a moment, he hesitated, and finally followed behind. Qin Shuang got into the car and looked at Tian Feng standing at the door of the car, lightly said:

"Come on."

Tian Feng struggled a bit, climbed into the car, and knelt. Sitting opposite Qin Shuang, head down.

Qin Shuang looked at Tian Feng up and down, and it came to mind that in the Great Desolate City, Tian Feng who was valiant and formidable looking, and Tian Feng who was unyielding who was fighting with the demonic beast.

But now...

There is still a little bit of valiant and formidable looking?

She could see Tian Feng sitting there kneeling, her body trembling slightly, her hands tightly clasped in front of her knees, and her joints turned white because of the force, showing her last little bit The stubbornness.

"Fortunately, I did not completely lose the persistence in my heart."

Seeing what Tian Feng looks like at this time, Qin Shuang's heart is still happy. It’s just that she can’t tell Tian Feng who she is, only lightly said:

"You will follow me and serve me for a while. After I finish participating in Monster Realm Secret Realm, I will wait for you to return. Martial Artist Continent. As long as you serve well, I will give you freedom."


Tian Feng suddenly lifts the head, with a bright light in his eyes. The light of hope.

The carriage started again, Qin Shuang closed the car door, looked out through the window, and saw carriage gradually approaching the door of the demon, and then passed through the door of the demon, as if passing through A curtain of water, and then the field of vision in front of him became wider. The endless wilderness and mountain range appeared before her eyes. The things here are big, the mountain range is big, the river is big, and even the trees are big.

The aura is very rich. The concentration of aura on Martial Artist Continent is five times that of the past, but the concentration of aura in Monster Realm is five times that of Martial Artist Continent.

"It seems that Martial Artist Continent's aura concentration will increase!"

The flying pegasus car flew again, Qin Shuang retracted his gaze, closed the car window, and looked towards Tian Feng kneeling and sitting opposite. Then Tian Feng's body trembled, and docile said:

"My lord, what are your orders."

After saying this, her face became flushed. Her cheeks were hot, and a strong sense of humiliation rose in her heart. She felt that she had given up her dignity and everything, just for the hope of returning to Human Race.

Qin Shuang looked at her and asked lightly: "What is your name?"

"Tian Feng!" At this point, Tian Feng hurriedly said: "Go back to my lord. It’s called Tian Feng."

"Tian Feng?" Qin Shuang frowned deliberately, and thought for a while and said: "This name, I seem to have heard of it."

Tian Feng Looking up at Qin Shuang in surprise, "My lord, you... have heard my name?"

"You must have heard it, let me think about it." Qin Shuang raised a hand and pressed it. Temple, pretending to be thinking, suddenly eyes shined, looking at Tian Fengdao:

"Are you from the Great Desolate City of Human Race at the time?"

Tian Feng looked stunned, then reacted I came over and hurriedly nodded and said: "Yes!"

"Head of Tianfeng mercenary group?"


Tian Feng's Anxiety arose in my heart and looked at Qin Shuang cautiously. You know, after the Great Desolate City was breached, she was not caught by Monster Race. Instead, she led the Tianfeng mercenary group into the bottom and continued to fight Monster Race, but she killed a lot of Monster Race. Did she kill it herself? Are there any descendants of this Monster Race in Monster Race?

Tian Feng couldn't help getting nervous, and looked at Qin Shuang nervously, not knowing where to put his hands.

"I heard what Bahuang said." Qin Shuang looked at Tian Feng and said, "Well, it was the City Lord of Great Desolate City."

" Cover the City Lord?" Tian Feng said: "Do you know the City Lord?"

"He is my slave."

Tian Feng is hearing this, his expression is like this Fortunately, I did not expect that Gai Bahuang would also become the slave of Monster Race.

" okay?"

"He..." A trace of loneliness appeared in Qin Shuang's eyes: "He is dead."

"Dead?" Tian Feng's voice trembled, and his face and body trembled slightly.

"I was eaten by the seven children of the bamboo forest."

"Ate?" Tian Feng's face became paler.

"The Seven Children of the Bamboo Forest were killed by me." Qin Shuang lightly said.

Tian phoenix eyes shrank, and her heart jumped violently. She didn't understand why the Monster Race in front of her killed the Seven Children of the Bamboo Grove. She had also heard of the Seven Children of the Bamboo Grove. It is said that the Seven are very powerful. Monster God, did she kill seven powerful Monster Races just for the sake of a human?

"This Monster Race is really special."

"Don't worry!" Qin Shuang lightly said: "Since you are a friend of Bahuang, I will count. Wait for the answer. Arriving in Fengming City... By the way, Fengming City is my territory on Martial Artist Continent. If you are willing to stay in Fengming City, you will take the position of the Eight Wastes. If you don’t want to, I will let you go. You are free."

"Thank you, my lord!"

Tian Feng's expression was relaxed, but a strangeness appeared in his heart. Why is this Monster Race so good for Gaibahuang? Is there a human* demon love?

Qin Shuang frowned slightly at this time, Tian Feng's heart was jumping, and he hurriedly lowered his head.

What Qin Shuang is thinking at this time is a bit troublesome. Because she doesn't want to waste time. Although she has reached the critical point of breakthrough, she doesn't want to and cannot immediately break through. Although her state has reached the critical point of breakthrough, Qin Shuang still wants to sharpen herself through battle, so she doesn't want to break through immediately. Moreover, Human Race breakthrough and Monster Race breakthrough are still different. Monster Race will find a weak spot, which will expose Qin Shuang, so it will not be able to break through.

However, even if she can't break through, she doesn't want to just sit here and waste time, she wants to enter the Monster Suppressing Tower to practice Pill Refinement Technique. It's just that Tian Feng is in the carriage, which is very inconvenient.

I thought about it, took out the formation flag and said: "Tian Feng, I will set up a formation to cover you in it, and you will be cultivation in the formation, don't come out."

"en!" Tian Feng gently nodded.

Qin Shuang quickly set up a trapped formation, trapping Tian Feng inside, without seeing the outside from the inside. Then Qin Shuang set up another isolation formation in the carriage, and then released the demon Avatar Fengyan, and then entered the Monster Suppressing Tower by himself.

After entering the Monster Suppressing Tower, she did not immediately go to pill concocting. Instead, she took out the body of Fire Phoenix again. At this time, she already had the Universe Mirror, and copied the Sky dao chart of Fire Phoenix. This Fire Phoenix body was no longer needed. After thinking about it, he pulled out the nine tail section long lings and handed them to the Huo Avatar Fengming said: "Fengming, you refine these nine long lings into a nine-handled long sword, And nine long swords can be combined into a giant sword."


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