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"Probably so!"

Qin Shuang murmured: "It seems that Monster Race is just a powerful appearance, but it is actually on the verge of collapse. The Monster Race that can get these inheritance must be the most powerful house in Monster Race. If there is a problem with these Monster Races, the strength of Monster Race will instantly drop below Human Race."

"It should be so. Well! However, the reason why these Monster Race supreme powerhouses can become supreme powerhouses must be beyond the ages. If they want them to fall suddenly, the probability is almost zero. It's just that they can't do their best. Besides, with them Even if you don’t try your best, who of you Martial Artist Continent’s Human Race is their opponent?"

"No wonder Monster Race has never shot! Monster Race’s strongest shot is only Monster God Peak, it turns out that they are also afraid of completely causing a battle at the Martial Sage level. By the way, doesn’t it mean that I can’t cultivation the nine-color light divine ability at all? If there is a deviation in my deduction, wouldn’t it be the same as those Monster Race supreme powerhouses? "

"You are still different from them."

"Different? What's the difference?"

"This inheritance lacks the tail section. Part, but the part of the fortuitous encounter is complete. The tail section long feather part is the final part of the nine-color light, because the last nine-color light is released from the tail section, but the divine ability of the nine-color light is not in the entire operating part. The tail section is in the body. The body is running, and the tail section is releasing. In other words, the path of the body is just like the cultivation technique you see when running small circulation in the body, and the nine long feathers in the tail section are just like The sword in your hand only serves as a release. Therefore, most of this inheritance map is complete, but lacks the release part. There is no secret for the release part. Art will let the spiritual power and soul vent out like a river with a bursting bank.

Feng Wu and the others are not Divine Beasts of the ancestor level, so they simply have not seen what the Jiu Gen Ling Ling looks like, let alone what the Tiandao chart case on the Jiu Gen Ling Ling looks like. But you know, you have the body of the ancestor of Fire Phoenix, so it is possible to derive a complete nine-color light. "

"Aren't you just visualizing the dao chart on Fire Phoenix's body, is it impossible to derive the divine ability of the nine-color light? "

"Yes, you said just now, just visualize the Fire Phoenix body. But you are not just now! The stone tablet has a relatively complete inheritance, only the nine long feathers of the tail section. You can comprehend the inheritance on the stone tablet first, and then visualize the nine everlasting feathers of Fire Phoenix. Combining the two, it is very likely to be derived. "

"So too! "Qin Shuang's heart moved.

"But there are also dangers. It depends on your perception. "

Qin Shuang's heart not only hesitated, as Black Tortoise said, even if he has the corpse of Fire Phoenix, he can visualize the nine tail section long Ling, even if he has the December fruit Improving the perception is not completely sure to derive the true nine-color light divine ability. Moreover, Qin Shuang also needs to derive the nine-color light divine ability into a cultivation technique suitable for Human Race cultivation. The difficulty is not generally high. Once it appears. Deviations, I walked on the road to death, and for the rest of my life I can only live a life that constantly suppresses my steps toward death.

However, if you just give up the divine ability of the nine-color light, Qin Shuang is very unwilling. Especially seeing the five-color light released by Kong Qiang of the Bi Fang clan makes her feel unbearable.

"Fight! "Qin Shuang's eyes became firm: "Anyway, I have already practiced a lot of cultivation techniques, which is very messy." Not bad this one. "

When I think of my current physical problems, there are not only the conflict between the Dao and Martial Dao, but also the conflict between several attributes. Qin Shuang not only smiles bitterly.

"Then. Add a nine-color light. "

Qin Shuang began to let the Huo Avatar Fengming open his eyes, and began to comprehend the nine-color light inheritance on the stone tablet together with her. The messy runes began to flow in Qin Shuang's field of vision. When I got up, Qin Shuang took a closer look. There were a total of three hundred and sixty runes circulating, forming a Fire Phoenix without a tail. Each rune has nothing common with each other, combining each other into a flowing way.

Qin Shuang saw that these runes have a rigorous flow path, as if the sky is turning, but when it comes to the tail section, it seems to be cut off by a single knife, and the flow of the runes is suddenly lost Restrained, wantonly torrential.

With the assistance of December fruit, and with her realm of Talisman Dao Peak Great Grandmaster, she can easily comprehended the incomplete inheritance of the nine-color light.

But she did not dare to experiment with this flow method right away, because Human Race and Monster Race have different bodies, and she still needs to derive this Monster Race cultivation technique into a method suitable for Human Race.

Qin Shuang took back the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness, and taught her all her insights to the fire Avatar Fengming, so that she can continue to comprehend. But she took out the body of Fire Phoenix from the Monster Suppressing Tower and placed it in front of her eyes , Began to cover Fire Phoenix's body with the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness, and transmitted Soul Power into Fire Phoenix's body, looking for the veins in Fire Phoenix's body, while searching, while communicating with Fengming.

Fengming is refined from the skeleton of Fire Phoenix after all. It has a natural inheritance to Fire Phoenix. So after repeated exchanges with Fengming, Qin Shuang gradually figured out the veins of Fire Phoenix. Then, she So I started to use Soul Power to circulate in the Fire Phoenix body in the same way as the nine-color light inheritance.

It’s just the moment of operation, Qin Shuang felt that the spiritual power that still existed in the Fire Phoenix muscles was converging in the veins, and then it flowed with the movement of Qin Shuang Soul Power, and after running fast in the veins, it moved towards the nine long lings in the tail section. Rushed.


Here, Qin Shuang doesn’t know how to run it. Qin Shuang visualizes the nine long feathers in the Fire Phoenix tail section while trying various possible.

Heavenly Dao of this kind of strong divine ability is extremely mysterious and abstruse, which is extremely difficult to comprehend. The inheritance on nearly a hundred stone tablets in the Monster Race hall are the strongest divine abilities of all races. Now in Monster Realm, there is no ancestor-level Monster Race, but if these divine abilities can be complemented, it is very likely to make Now those supreme powerhouses in Monster Race have formed an ancestral phenomenon, becoming an ancestor-level Divine Beast. One can imagine how difficult this cultivation art is to comprehend. At this time, all the Monster Race heroes in the great hall sit cross-legged in front of a stone tablet, and they understand each other.

It’s just that the inheritance on each stone tablet here is incomplete. In the process of comprehension, a little carelessness will cause the soul to be injured, and even the soul flew away and scattered and died. Therefore, after a lot of great talents discovered this problem, they stopped immediately, not daring to comprehend it deeply, while some great talents who thought they were geniuses still comprehend it forcibly.


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