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The shopkeeper cautiously took out the medicine pill from the big bottle one by one. While counting and checking the grade, the heart beat violently.

It turned out to be...all high grade!

The shopkeeper raised his head to look at Feng Ming who was opposite, with an unshakable smile on his face, his eyes full of respect. Cups the hands towards Fengming:

"Fellow Daoist?"

"Fengming!" Fengming said lightly.

"Are you the Fengming who killed the seven sons of the bamboo forest?"

The shopkeeper's face showed a look of surprise, and then he looked at Fengming up and down, secretly said in one's heart: "How can someone who can kill the Seven Children of the Bamboo Grove be a Martial Emperor? Is Fengming playing the pig to eat the tiger?"

After thinking about it, Master Pill Dao has a strange temperament, maybe People are willing to play the pig to eat the tiger. It is estimated that the seven sons of the bamboo forest were also eaten by Fengming as a pig.

For this kind of weird Pill Dao teacher, shopkeeper's is even more cautiously.

"My name is Zhu Gang. You made these medicine pills?"


I heard Fengming admit that Zhu Gang’s My heart beats violently disappointingly. The look on his face is more respectful:

"Feng Pill Master, Hundred Refinements Body Tempering Pill, a high grade Spirit Stone, you are three hundred and twenty-eight, I will round it up for you, Three hundred and thirty high grade Spirit Stone."

"Okay!" Qin Shuang was nodded indifferently.

"That's good!"

Zhu Gang quickly put away the medicine pill, took out three hundred and thirty high grade Spirit Stone, and Qin Shuang put it away. Zhu Gang took out a Bone Token and said:

"This is the Supreme card of our Qingmu Pavilion. With this card, you can get a 30% discount on purchases at any Qingmu Pavilion."

Qin Shuang heard it and immediately sound transmission to Fengming, Fengming listened to Qin Shuang's sound transmission, and reached out to take the Supreme Bone card path: "Zhu shopkeeper, what kind of herbs and herbs do you have here? Seed?"

Zhu Gang's eyes brightened when he heard it. As long as Fengming has a need, it is good to have a need, and there is a possibility of friendship. Zhu Gang flipped his hand and took out a jade slip and handed it to Fengming:

"Feng Pill Master, see if you need it."

Fengming sent out a ray of Sea of ​​Consciousness Zhili, began to read the contents of jade slip. Qin Shuang and Feng Ming in Monster Suppressing Tower communicated their minds. While reading the catalog, they remembered the herbs and seeds they needed. After Fengming finished reading the jade slip, Qin Shuang sent the names of the herbs and seeds to Fengming. Fengming took out an empty white jade jade, delivered the names of the herbs and seeds needed, and then handed it to Zhu Gang, saying:

"These are what I need."

Zhu I just read the jade slip and said: "How much do I need?"

"How much do I need." Fengming lightly saying.

The herbs and seeds that Qin Shuang wants are either rare or rare varieties. Her Monster Suppressing Tower has just been integrated and expanded. It has a radius of hundreds of thousands li and requires a lot of herbal planting.

As for Spirit Stone, those rare herbs are expensive, but since they are rare species, the quantity is naturally very small. As for seeds, even the seeds of rare varieties are very cheap, because the more rare the seeds, the longer it takes to become a talent. Which one does not need hundreds of years of medicine to be effective?

Which cultivator will have the leisure to plant for hundreds of years?

So, no matter what the seed is, it will not be very expensive. After Qin Shuang robbed Green Mountain Sect, there was no shortage of Spirit Stone. And Zhu Gang is nothing strange, just in the heart sighed.

"Pill Dao is still rich!"

In the lobby outside the box, Lei Tianyi and Hu Meiniang are sitting there, looking at the door of the box from time to time. As time passed, the two Great Demons frowned slightly. After looking at each other, they had the intention of knocking on the door. And at this time, I saw the door open, Zhu Gang’s silhouette appeared at the door, stretched out his hand to beckon a little demon, and then handed the jade slip in his hand to little Monster Dao:

"Follow The name on this jade slip, take all the herbs and seeds in stock."


The little demon took the jade slip and left quickly, Zhu Gang’s The figure disappeared inside the door, and the door was closed with a sound of "peng". Shut Tianyi and Hu Meiniang who looked at each other in blank dismay outside the door.

The two people were about to knock on the door and press down again. Originally, they only doubted Qin Shuang's identity as Monster Race, but they did not dare to doubt Zhu Gang's identity. Aoki Pavilion has a great reputation in Monster Realm, and it is impossible to have Human Race. It seemed that Fengming was still in the box, as long as he was in the box, and the two Great Demon waited patiently.

The waiting time is quite long. It took a full one hour to see the little demon hurriedly back again, standing in front of the door, lightly knocking on the door.

When the little demon appeared, the gazes of Tianli and Hu Meiniang followed the little demon. To be honest, the two of them are really curious about Fengming at this time. What business does she want to do with Qingmu Pavilion, it takes so long?

The door opened quickly, and Zhu Gang appeared inside the door and took a storage ring from the little demon. Then the door closed with a "peng" sound. Cut off the gazes of the two Great Demons, Li Tianyi and Hu Meiniang, and let the two Great Demons look at each other in blank dismay again.

The closing time was not long this time. It only took less than two quarters of an hour to open the box door again. Fengming walked in front and Zhu Gang walked in the back.

It doesn’t matter if you walk behind, why is there a very respectful, even a hint of flattery?

Li Tianyi and Hu Meiniang were a little messy in their hearts, they couldn't help standing up, and walked towards Fengming.

"Split Tianyi Senior Brother, Senior Sister Hu, let's go." Seeing Spit Tianyi and Hu Meiniang approaching, Fengming's mouth showed an inexplicable smile, making the two Great Demons unclear so.

Zhu Gang has been sending Fengming outside the gate of Qingmu Pavilion, and he also made an appointment with Fengming, and he will definitely visit Fengming City in the future. This makes the two Great Demons of Lei Tianyi and Hu Meiniang more and more Surprised.

Leaving Qingmu Pavilion, Fengming didn’t pause at all this time, and directly opened the mouth and said:

"Let’s go to Monster Race Hall!"

"Huh?" Lei Tianyi and Hu Meiniang both showed surprised expressions.

"Huh what?" Fengming said with a strange expression on his face: "Aren't we here in the Tri-Clan City just to win the spot? Where should we not go to the Monster Race Hall? Is it you two? Don't want to go anymore?"

"Who doesn't want to go anymore?"

Crack Tianyi and Hu Meiniang reacted, but after reacting, they felt even more weird. Fengming used to shirk in every possible way and refused to go to the Monster Race Hall. Why did he take the initiative to go now? And it still looks like anxiously roaring?

Is there really no problem with her identity?

No matter what!

Anyway, I went to the Monster Race hall, and the real Monster Race can be distinguished.

"Let's go!"

Left Tianyi and Hu Meiniang left Fengming in the middle, in case she suddenly escaped, and walked towards the Monster Race Hall. Halfway through, Hu Meiniang was surprised.


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