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Gradually, Fengxiang technique has reached Small Success Realm. Qin Shuang smiled openly. Just as he was thinking about continuing to comprehend, he felt a strong breath and a violent collision in front of him. At the same time, Cracking Tianyi and Hu Meiniang also felt it, and the three accelerated their speed and flew forward.

Above the white clouds, Monster Qi is rolling, and three Monster Race cultivators are playing in full swing. One of the purple robed man is very stalwart. It was only slightly shorter than Cracking Sky, and he held a mountain axe in his hand, with a wide range of moves and amazing power.

The other two Monster Races are besieging the purple robed man, a blue robe male monster and a blue clothed Banshee. That Monster Race male cultivator uses a pair of sledgehammers, the same big opening and closing. But that Monster Race female cultivator uses a set of flying needles, which is unpredictable.


Qin Shuang was taken aback when he saw the blue clothed male monster's neck grow a head, and at the same time grow on his back Out of two arms, each hand holds a golden square mace, like a human-shaped meat grinder.

And the blue clothed woman has also become Two Heads Four Arms. The two extra hands hold two long silks. Every time the long silk dances, a dragon's shadow is swayed towards the purple robe. The big man roared away.

However, the purple-robed man opened the mountain axe with both hands, and the heavy Axe shadows gathered like a mountain, without showing a weak spot.


The blue robe man's double hammer hit the purple-robed man's mountain axe, his body shape turned around, one against four Fang Mace then smashed Go down. In the loud noise, the figure of the big man in purple robe fell toward the ground like a pop.

"ang 鈥︹€?

The blue robe Banshee danced with two dragons, swaying two dragon shadows, and swooped down towards the big man in purple robe.

The big purple-robed man raised an axe, as if splitting the sky, shattering the two dragon shadows.


His figure fell on a mountain peak, his knees bent, and his feet pressed hard.


Mountains burst and ground split, the whole mountain burst and ground split, the figure of the big man in purple robe is like a Flood Dragon, soaring to the sky, the mountain axe in his hand is Continuously splitting out in the air, a mountain of axe gathered together, slamming towards the two Great Demons in the air.

Qin Shuang watched the battle between the three Great Demons carefully, feeling awe-inspiring. These three Great Demons are not only terribly powerful, but also rich in combat experience. I am afraid that any one of them has experienced many battles. In Qin Shuang's view, none of these three people is inferior to the Seven Children of the Bamboo Forest. Even be strong.

"Ha!" Cracking Tianyi opened his mouth and smiled: "It turns out that it was the Blue Storm and Lan You from the Four-Armed Clan ambushing the Heroic Rhinoceros. The Blue Storm and the Heroic Storm were turned into Monster Race double storm, now it seems that the blue storm is not as good as the British storm."

Hu Meiniang slightly narrowed her peachy eyes, turned her head to look at Qin Shuang and Shuang Tian Si:

"The big brother, Feng younger sister, these three guys are fighting hard, which consumes a lot of money. If the three of us suddenly shot at this moment and beheaded them three, there would be three less opponents competing for the spot. "

Split Tiansi's eyes gleamed and said: "The three of us will allocate our opponents."

Humei Niang said with a lovable smile: "The strongest hero will naturally give it to The big brother is cracked, so let me deal with that blue storm."

Qin Shuang gave Hu Meiniang a surprised look, wondering why she didn't choose Banshee Lanyou. However, Qin Shuang still shook his head slightly and said:

"Senior Brother, Senior Sister Hu, you two can clearly see the process of killing the six children in the bamboo forest. But I haven't seen it before. The ability of you two. Now that the three of our alliances, in order to better understand each other, do you want to show your ability to the younger sister?"

Qin Shuang really wants to know about Split Sky Si and Hu Meiniang, after all, these two Great Demons will also become their opponents for the spot in the future. And Lei Tian Si and Hu Mei Niang also understand what Qin Shuang means. That means everyone joins together and must be qualified to join forces. I killed the six members of Zhulin and joined forces. If you two can't kill both of you, it would be a big deal. For the three Great Demons consumed, this combination is unnecessary.

There is nothing to say about this, unless the two Great Demons, Lei Tian Si and Hu Mei Niang, are leaving now. As long as they want to join forces with Qin Shuang, they must show it and prove their worth. The two looked at each other, swept their bodies, and rushed out.

"Lanyou elder sister, my little sister is here to help you!"

Hu Meiniang gave a coquettish cry and rushed towards the heroic violence.

"Brother Blue Storm, I'll help you!"

Cracking the sky also shouted, and his stalwart figure rushed out.

Lan鈥檚 siblings saw Cracking Tianyi and Hu Meiniang rushing out. Although they didn鈥檛 collect any effort in their hands, they also took great care in their hearts. Suddenly joined, still on guard. It鈥檚 just that the two of them are unwilling to let go of the opportunity to kill the heroes. They keep moving and shouted:

"many thanks!"

Cracking the sky In the middle of the air, there was an extra large sword in his hand, leaping high, and slashing towards the heroic storm. The coldness of the huge sword was clear, as if the space was about to be frozen.

Qin Shuang feels awe-inspiring, this cracked sky unexpectedly cultivation the mutation attribute, the method of cold ice.

Looking at Hu Meiniang again, I saw Hu Meiniang took out an incense burner. Cigarettes in the incense burner were tossed, and purple clouds appeared and flowed towards the heroic storm.

Qin Shuang's eyes narrowed, it was not a purple cloud, but purple snakes gathered together, tumbling like purple clouds.


The big sword of the cracked sky smashed fiercely on the heroic mountain axe. Momentum is big, power is deep, just this axe He smashed the heroic violence from the air.

"si si..."

The sky full of purple snakes drowned the heroic storm.


A group of gangs burst from the middle, blasting the cloud purple into all directions, exposing the silhouette of the heroic violence, but at this time the heroic silhouette His body was full of sores, and blood was gurgling.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ 鈥︹€?

A series of sound of bursting the air, the blue storm whirled over, double hammers and double mace continuously strikes on the hero鈥檚 body , The heroic body was smashed into pieces and turned into a rain of blood.

"many thanks..."

Just as Lan You said two words, he saw purple snakes covering the sky like purple clouds.

"Fox Meiniang, you are courting death!" Lan You shouted.

Qin Shuang narrowed her eyes, and she realized that Hu Meiniang could not be seen. The power of Qin Shuang's Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness spread out, but there was still no trace of Hu Mei Niang. Withdrawing the power of Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness and spreading Soul Power, I thought warily:

"Where did she hide? I can't find her!"

"en? There!"

Qin Shuang鈥檚 Soul Power caught a purple snake, which was mixed in thousands of purples, but the purple snake seemed to be wearing it on its head A crown, when you look closely, it is not the crown, but the incense burner.


Qin Shuang couldn't help but smiled, and saw the golden snakes suddenly spit out one after another black liquid. That one after another liquid is full of sharp vigor.


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