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Time seemed to stand still, and there was silence in the auction room. No one bids loudly anymore, only the breathing of the five-tailed monster fox is getting heavier and heavier.

Qin Shuang on the second floor watched Monster Race all the time, and his face was still depressed. Let those Monster Race hearts feel happy for a while.

"I want to treat us as fools, hmph! You can keep that broken stone for yourself."

Finally, Qin Shuang one after another 1.3 million Top Grade Spirit Stone The price photographed the stone. Although all the next auction items were treasures, they did not attract Qin Shuang’s attention...

In fact, the price of each auction item exceeded 100 million, and Qin Shuang could only watch. write.

After the auction was over, Qin Shuang went to the back and handed in the Spirit Stone, then put the gray stone into the storage ring, and then prepared to leave the Tri-family City. As for Qin Shuang who photographed the stone, there is no who pays attention to it. No one would think that the stone would be a treasure.

Qin Shuang was walking along the street toward the outside of the city, passing by a rune shop, a young man just came out of the shop door, suddenly saw Qin Shuang, could not help but blurt out:

"Qin Shuang?"

Qin Shuang step one stopped, turning his head and looking around, blinking and blinking, finally remembered who this young man in front of me was. It was Qin Shuang who participated in the continental spirit mark grand competition. At that time, Ling Mo, a player representing Frost Empire in the grand competition. I couldn't help asking curiously:

"Ling Mo, why are you here?"

"'s a long story, come in and sit down."

Qin Shuang slightly hesitated, then nodded, followed Ling Mo into the shop, Ling Mo led her directly through the shop, opened the back door, and walked in.

Entering the back door, it’s a detached courtyard. Qin Shuang followed Ling Mo into a door and looked all around. A stone house with a spirit mark on the wall and a house in the middle. A table with four chairs around the table.

Everything is arranged very simple, as simple as simply without any decoration. At first glance, there should be no mistress in this house.

Ling Mo first asked Qin Shuang to sit down, and then moved towards the door on one wall and shouted:

"Sun Wei, come out and see who is here."

"Sun Wei is also here?" Qin Shuang naturally remembered Sun Wei at this time. He was another person who participated in the spirit mark grand competition on behalf of Frost Empire.

Qin Shuang looked at the inner door, and heard a slow sound of footsteps. A silhouette appeared at the door, holding a book in his left hand, while watching, While the right hand gestured in the air, as long as he looked at the trajectory of his fingers in the air, Qin Shuang knew that he was still immersed in the Spirit Mark Technique.

While walking and drawing, he lowered his head and asked: "Who?"

Before I finished speaking, my foot tripped on the threshold.


Sun Wei fell to the ground firmly, the book in his hand "crash-bang" threw it out, and flew towards Qin Shuang .

Qin Shuang reached out to catch the book, didn't know whether to cry or laugh, looking at Sun Wei.

Although Sun Wei is a Spirit Mark Grandmaster, he is also a Martial Artist! A Martial Artist can trip over the threshold, Qin Shuang really doesn't know what to say.

Sun Wei, who was lying on the ground, looked up with a grin, and saw Qin Shuang who didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and his eyes lit up.

"Qin Shuang?"

"Brother Sun, long time no see!" Qin Shuang grinned.


Sun Wei jumped up from the ground: "Qin Shuang, very good, I happen to have something that I don't understand on Spirit Mark Technique."

Ling Mo moved towards Qin Shuang helplessly shrugged and said: "I'm going to cook."

"No trouble..."

"Be sure to stay It’s fate to be able to meet."

Qin Shuang nodded, and at this time, Sun Wei had already sat on the opposite side of Qin Shuang, grabbed the book from Qin Shuang’s hands, and quickly Turned to a page and pointed to the fourth line:

"Qin Shuang, what do you mean by this sentence?"

Qin Shuang took a look and explained it to him When he got up, as Qin Shuang explained, a look of wonder appeared on Sun Wei's face. Moved towards Qin Shuang and said with a thumbs up:

"Qin Shuang, I remember teaching you a few years ago that you are already a half-step Great Grandmaster, and you set up the rune array of Great Desolate City."


"That's it!" Qin Shuang nodded said: "Why are you here?"

" Ling Mo and I are very expensive to research spirit marks, so we two decided to come here Open a shop to maintain the two of us to continue to study the spirit mark."

Qin Shuang frowned slightly and said: "You were the people who participated in the spirit mark grand competition on behalf of Frost Empire, Frost Empire. Don't you support you?"

Sun Wei said with a slight smile: "Neither Ling Mo nor I want to be bound! The spirit mark should be free, just like the clouds in the sky and the wind in space. "

Qin Shuang originally wanted to recruit two people to the Crescent Moon Empire. Hearing Sun Wei's words, he gave up the thoughts in his mind. He asked casually:

"I think what you study is wood attribute spirit mark."

"Yes!" Sun Wei nodded and said: "My cultivation is wood Attribute cultivation technique, the comprehension of wood attribute should be stronger, I think it is better to comprehend everything, it is better to focus on one attribute. I have a guess about wood attribute, and I am studying a kind of awakening spirit mark."

"Wake up the spirit mark?" Qin Shuang wrinkled frowned thinking, confirming that he had never heard of it, and asked:

"What is that?"

Sun Wei's face He showed a look of excitement: "I think everything in the world is alive, especially all kinds of plants. It's just that these plants have a low life level and are usually in a drowsy state."

"en? "Qin Shuang became interested when he heard it, and listened carefully.

"My awakening spirit mark is to awaken the souls of those plants, control them, and drive them to fight for us."

A look of shock appeared on Qin Shuang's face : "You...have researched it out?"

"No!" The look on Sun Wei's face is still excited: "I'm studying."

"To what extent?"

"There is no direction yet."

Qin Shuang's expression can't help but stagnate, you don't even have a direction, you are so excited!

At this time, Ling Mo happily came out of the kitchen carrying the plates, and Sun Wei also stood up and went to the kitchen to help with the dishes. Qin Shuang was not good at sitting, and the three of them quickly The dishes were brought up.

Two dishes of green vegetables, two dishes of demonic beast meat, Ling Mo's craftsmanship is not bad, I haven't eaten it yet, but it smells delicious. There is still a pot of wine, but there is no food. However, the four dishes are very large, and three people may not be able to eat them all.

"Come on, taste my craft." Ling Mo said with a smile on his face.

The three of them each took a few bites of food, and Qin Shuang gave a compliment. Ling Mole hehe picked up the flask and poured a glass for each of the three people, and then said:

"In this troubled world, it is not easy for us to get together. Qin Shuang, I respect you."


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