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"Your Sea of ​​Consciousness has begun to condense golden gas filaments, and dantian has begun to condense cyclones, but the Metal Spiritual Qi here is not enough to make your cultivation base fast Ascend, go to the White Tiger space!"

Qin Shuang's heart jumped, and he immediately turned to look at his dantian inwardly. Sure enough, he saw that a golden cyclone had been born in the dantian, and went to see Sea again. of Consciousness, when I saw Sea of ​​Consciousness, a 13-foot-long golden gas line was born.

At the same time, I also felt the lack of Metal Spiritual Qi, and immediately came out of the Universe Mirror, walked out of the Monster Suppressing Tower, and flew towards the gate of the demon.

When I came to the gate of the demon, I saw that some cultivators were flying towards the mouth of the White Tiger. Qin Shuang did not stop, with the various Human Race, Monster Race and Demon Race flying into the White Tiger space.

"Black Tortoise, where are we going?"

"The energy in the White Tiger body is balanced. You only need to find a place that is not discovered by others to absorb the remaining energy of the White Tiger It's okay."

Qin Shuang thought for a while, then flew out of White Tiger's mouth, Soul Power radiated, and at a moment when no one arrived, it flew into one of White Tiger's ears. .

"I have no problem hiding here, right?"

"There should be no problem!" Xuan Martial Dao: "No one should be able to come here in a short time, they should all be in White Inside the Tiger space. However, I thought of a better place where no one would go."

"Where is it?"

"White Tiger's **."

"get lost!"

Qin Shuang called out the fire Avatar Fengming and asked her to protect the law in White Tiger’s ears. She took out the Universe Mirror, thoughts move , Then entered the mirror of the universe.

The twelve-fold comprehension assisted Qin Shuang and quickly became immersed in comprehension. The Black Tortoise in Haoran’s heart perceives the rich Metal Spiritual Qi running in Qin Shuang’s meridian and floods in Qin Shuang’s Sea of ​​Consciousness and Dantian couldn’t help but said with emotion:

"Such a high level of comprehension, I have never seen it before. Between Heaven and Earth, how can there be such a comprehension? I’m afraid it was the original Divine. Beast White Tiger didn’t understand the Profound Truth of Metal so quickly!"

Qin Shuang felt that the golden runes had changed and turned into various shapes and danced around her body. The body has double wings, spreading wings and flying. Some are like a dragon, winding by. Some have four legs and run wildly. Some are like big trees, able to support both heaven and earth, almost all living things have the shape, all kinds of strange things.

"Does this let me choose? What do I choose? Since Profound Truth of Metal is carried by White Tiger, then I will choose White Tiger."

Qin Shuang Thoughts move, creatures of various shapes have all turned into White Tigers, running around Qin Shuang, climbing on her body.


The residual energy in the huge White Tiger began to flow, towards the ears of the White Tiger, poured into the Universe Mirror, and was absorbed by Qin Shuang.

The Universe Mirror is like a vortex, continuously absorbing the rich Metal Spiritual Qi and pouring it into Qin Shuang's body.

In the dantian of Qin Shuang.

One by one cyclone generated, and finally buzzed, giving birth to ten cyclones.

Qin Shuang's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Under the control of Qin Shuang, eight water thunder beads surround the thirteen-foot golden gas line in the middle, one after another Power of Thunder penetrates from the water thunder bead, tempering Golden gas line.

Qin Shuang's Martial Artist cultivation base and Tao magic cultivator are both rapidly improving at the same time.

After Nine Heavens.

Qin Shuang's inside of Dantian gave birth to a golden liquid swirl, and a 13-foot golden liquid line was tempered in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

After half a month.

Qin Shuang’s dantian has formed a golden pill with sharp gold, and the tempering of Sea of ​​Consciousness has produced a 13-foot golden silk thread.

Qin Shuang started the Foundation Establishment, a large amount of Metal Spiritual Qi pulled out of White Tiger’s body and poured into Qin Shuang’s body, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi gathered towards White Tiger’s ears, Sisi Dao Rhyme dropped down.

At this time, almost no Human Race, Monster Race and Demon Race have arrived. Those who should have come have entered the White Tiger space, searching for the baby everywhere. Those who are not strong enough do not dare to join in the excitement. Even the somewhat bold Human Race, Monster Race and Demon Race, which have a low cultivation base, came and happened to catch up with the Qin Shuang breakthrough. They discovered the natural phenomenon of White Tiger ears, and wanted one. After finding out, Feng Ming was also beheaded.

About three hours, Qin Shuang broke through to Foundation Establishment First Layer. When Qin Shuang broke through to Foundation Establishment Third Layer, she knew that she could no longer continue to breakthrough. But at this time, her dantian had already condensed ten Golden Pills, which reached the critical point of breakthrough Martial King.

"Then breakthrough!"

Qin Shuang clenched the teeth and let go of his own cultivation base.


In the Universe Mirror, the small White Tigers rushed into each other. After the collision, they merged into a huge White Tiger. Qin Shuang swallowed it in. Qin Shuang suddenly felt that her Sea of ​​Consciousness and soul came from the sea of ​​tigers, dense and magnificent. In this magnificent tiger roar, there are huge and obscure messages, like the Yangtze River towards the Sea of ​​Qin Shuang. of Consciousness and soul poured in, her soul and Sea of ​​Consciousness burst into waves, as if doors were continuously opened, and magnificent worlds were continuously presented before her eyes.

She felt a trace of Profound Truth of Metal imprinted on her Sea of ​​Consciousness, her soul, and her heart, the extremely mysterious and abstruse Great Dao Mark pouring into her like a galaxy.

In Sea of ​​Consciousness, golden, azure and red are three points. In the depths of Soul Space, a trace of golden fluttered in Yin God's body.


In the sky, when the robbery clouds gather, Qin Shuang emerges from the mirror of the universe, flies out from the ears of the White Tiger, and stands on the head of the White Tiger Above, a golden spiritual power came out, looking up at the sky. She steps on the White Tiger, and the pure golden spiritual power in the White Tiger is poured into her body from her feet, her breath is rising rapidly.


The thunder fell, Qin Shuang took out eight water thunder beads, blocked the Power of Thunder, leaked a little Power of Thunder, and fell on Qin Shuang’s body, Qin Shuang's figure dances, and the iron Body Refinement Art unfolds.

After more than three hours, Jieyun dispersed. Qin Shuang swept his eyes to all around, and saw dozens of silhouettes watching her from a distance, including Human Race, Monster Race, and Demon Race.

"Girl, leave." Black Tortoise's voice sounded in the heart: "It's been a long time, those great powers in the White Tiger space should have come out. And you have extracted so many White Tiger bodies. I am afraid that the White Tiger space will become more unstable and may collapse at any time. The three clans inside may already have feelings, but they have not thought that someone will draw the White Tiger energy breakthrough again. When they speculate, they will. Come out."

Qin Shuang's heart was stunned. He turned into a light, and had to leave for a while, leaving only dozens of tribes staring at the direction of Qin Shuang's disappearance.

"It's a pity!" Qin Shuang glanced back at White Tiger, with a look of regret on his face.


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