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Qin Shuang nodded, followed Qín ​​Zheng towards the palace. The two did not stay in the great hall. Instead, Qín Zheng took Qin Shuang into the study room, and then the restriction was activated. After the two of them were seated, Qín Zheng remained elegant, poured a cup of tea for Qin Shuang, and then looked at Qin Shuang and said:

"Shuang'er, you shouldn't come."


"Martial Sect Hall has a very bad impression of you, and the people of Great Qin Empire have a very complicated impression of you."

Qin Shuang pondered for a moment Said: "I just want to come and see the old friend."

"They are not there."

Qin Shuang said silently for a moment: "Then I will leave."

"No hurry!" Qín Zheng waved his hand and said, "No one will reveal your whereabouts without my order. You have to be careful of Wu Dongying."

"I understand." Qin Shuang nodded.

"You took Tian Ci, the enmity and the bloody clothes, which made Wu Dongying embarrassed and angry. He has said many times that when he repels Monster Race and Demon Race, he will definitely destroy you himself The crescent moon empire."

"He has no chance!" Qin Shuang's eyes showed a hint of sarcasm.

"No chance? What do you know?"

Qin Shuang pondered for a while, and said with a serious expression: "Uncle, do you think the cultivator on the other side of the sea will let go of this chaos? A chance for you?"

Qín Zheng's face changed, fell into silence, and finally turned into a long sigh:

"It's going to be a mess."

"Yeah, it's going to be a mess!"

The study room fell silent, and the stagnant atmosphere enveloped the whole study room. For a while, Qin Shuang whispered:

"Go back, return to the Moon Empire, and reserve some seeds for Human Race."

Qin Shuang shook the head said: "I am Will go back, but I will stay for a while."

"Stay? What do you do?"

"I want to face Monster and Demon Races and see Demon's strength."

Qín Zheng nodded, with appreciation in his eyes. Qin Shuang's eyes showed a slight hesitation. Qín Zheng saw the hesitation in Qin Shuang's eyes, and said:

"What's the matter?"

"I... went to the sea before The other side."

"You went to the other side of the sea?" Qín Zheng showed a look of shock in his eyes.

"en!" Qin Shuang nodded and said: "It is precisely because I went to the other side of the sea that I have some understanding of that side. The cultivator will come to Martial Artist Continent, so Grand Era, cultivator impossible will not participate. There, I accidentally entered a historic site and encountered a weird thing in it."

"What weird Thing?"

"In the monument, I met a skeleton and read his memory fragments. After I left the monument, I found that the person was following me all the time. I said it was a person, also Incorrect. It seems to be a shadow, but it is very real. He appears from time to time and always follows me."

Qín Zheng eyebrow raised: "Can you make him appear?"


"What did he do? Or say something?"

"As soon as he appeared, he shouted in grief and indignation, you betrayed Alliance."

"Then what did you read in his memory fragments?"

Qin Shuang hesitated, and finally said, "He was beheaded by Yang Linglong. "

"What?" Qín Zheng stood up suddenly, with a look of shock on his face. Slowly reducing the shock on his face, he did it again. The expression on his face changed, and finally he lowered his voice and said:

"That person may be an ancient bloodline Martial Artist."

"An ancient bloodline Martial Artist?" Qin Shuang stared in shock. Qín Zheng.

"Imperial Family has some secret records that you can't get in touch with. Yang Linglong originally united bloodline Martial Artist to drive the cultivator from Martial Artist Continent to the other side of the sea. Now bloodline Martial Artist status , You also know. It should be Yang Linglong who started the bloodline Martial Artist after winning. Therefore, that person has been crying in grief that you have betrayed the alliance."

"That...uncle You said, the one who has been following me is..."

"Holding, it is obsessing!"


"Yes !" Qín Zheng nodded and said: "The obsession is neither the soul of our Martial Artist cultivation nor the Primordial Spirit of cultivator cultivation, but a kind of inexplicable energy, which is formed by the unwilling emotions of a dead person. One kind of energy, this is obsession. As long as this obsession persists, he will continue to condense badly."

"Then...Is he offensive? Will it hurt me?"

"I don't know!" Qín Zheng shook his head and said: "I just saw some records about obsession in the ancient book. As for whether obsession will harm people, there is no record in the ancient book."

"Is there a record of how to destroy him?"


Qin Shuang's expression stagnated, and finally his face showed helplessness.

"Did he show up lately?"

"No!" At this point, Qin Shuang's eyes showed expectation: "Maybe he left by himself?"

Qín Zheng was not sure, and finally said to Qin Shuang: "You live here, if there is a big battle, I will notify you. Usually you should not go out to avoid being caught by Martial Sect Hall. I found out."

"Qín Lie When will they come back?"

"It should be in these two months. They usually go out for about three months, and then they will come back for a period of time for repairs. "

Qin Shuang nodded said: "Then I will stay here and wait to see them, and then leave."

Qin Shuang was arranged to live in the back garden by Qín Zheng, Qin Shuang has a unique small courtyard. Qín Zheng had to arrange several maids for Qin Shuang, but Qin Shuang refused.

Qin Shuang entered the room and set up a formation in the room, calling out the fire Avatar and Fengming, and entered the Monster Suppressing Tower by himself.

Now she does not have a suitable medicine pill to assist her in cultivation Fenghuo Baodian, so she takes the two-stripe clear water pill cultivation Xuanshui Baodian. The sixty-four days in the Monster Suppressing Tower is the day outside. Within half a year of Monster Suppressing Tower, Qin Shuang has cultivated the Xuanshui treasure to the critical point of the upcoming breakthrough Martial Emperor.

It's just that she suppressed her own breakthrough. Here, breakthrough to the Martial Emperor, with Qin Shuang cultivation's Xuanshui treasure canon, there must be no small disturbances, and it will definitely attract the attention of Martial Sect Hall. Therefore, Qin Shuang came out of Monster Suppressing Tower, but only three days had passed outside.

Qin Shuang took out a hat from the storage ring and put it on her head, left the station of the Great Qin Empire, and strolled around the 36th fortress. She wanted to find something called Chi Xia Cao’s herbal medicine, with Chi Xia Cao, she can refine Liang Wen Chi Fire Core, and with Liang Wen Chi Fire Core, she can continue to cultivation Fire Phoenix Precious Book.

Called a car and drove towards the southern district. All kinds of shops are in the Southern District, so if you want to find materials, you can only go there.

More than half an hour later.

Qin Shuang jumped out of the car, threw a piece of silver to the coachman, and stood at the junction of the southern district and looked towards the southern district.

When I met in the Eastern District, the flow of people in the Southern District was much greater, and people of all colors were also mixed. There are not only seniors, but also old people and children. Qin Shuang just stood there for a while, and several boys and girls came to Qin Shuang one after another, wanting to be Qin Shuang's guide, but Qin Shuang refused.


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