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Qin Shuang is also very curious about the egg. She has probed it many times. There is indeed a weak Life Aura inside the egg. These days, Qin Shuang everyday all will detect it. At a glance, there was no trace of enhancement in the Life Aura in that egg. Withdrawing the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness, his eyes are even more curious.

"What kind of egg is this?"


She saw a pair of Monster Races below, and those Monster Races also I found her and flew up towards her, yelling, Qin Shuang sharpened his eyes and raised his palm to take a picture. A Great Hand Seal covering the heavens, shielding the sun took a picture of the pair of Monster Races. .


More than two dozen Monster Races were slapped by Qin Shuang, and they were completely dead without falling to the ground. The remaining dozens of Monster Races suddenly lived in the air. One Monster Race shouted in a deep voice:

"Who is yours?"

"Qin Shuang!"

Qin Shuang started to rush towards the dozens of Monster Race when he said the word "string" in Qin Shuang's mouth. When the word "月" was exited, he had already rushed in front of Monster Race. When the word "Qin" was exited, there was already a sound of "Qiangqiang" in the air, holding a dragon sword into the group of demons. When the last word "double" exited, there were only less than ten of dozens of Monster Races left, and they flew towards all directions.

Qin Shuang did not chase those Monster Races. She deliberately let those Monster Races escape, hoping that they could attract more Monster Races and let her kill them. Even more how, she also needs the corpse of Monster Race to restore the Monster Suppressing Tower.

Qin Shuang lowered the head of the cloud and landed on the ground, collected those Monster Race corpses into the Monster Suppressing Tower, and then did not fly at all, but on the ground toward the 36th fortress Walk away.

On this road, Qin Shuang has completely gained her reputation. She started from the low-level Monster Race at the beginning, leaving a few Monster Races to escape each time, and then went back to report. This made those Monster Races think that Qin Shuang's strength is not high, otherwise it would be impossible to let those Monster Races escape and escape. Therefore, Monster Race always sends a slightly stronger Monster Race to chase and kill Qin Shuang every time, but each time it sends a lot of them. From Monster Race’s point of view, even if Qin Shuang’s strength is higher, With the amount of Monster Race, Qin Shuang can also be killed.

From the beginning of the hundreds of Monster Races, it slowly increased to thousands, and finally reached over 10,000. From the Monster Race without Monster King, to the beginning led by Monster King, to Monster Emperor, Finally, Monster God led the hunt and killed Qin Shuang, but they were all beheaded by Qin Shuang.

This road from the first fortress to the thirty-sixth fortress is a Bloody Path killed by Qin Shuang. She has killed tens of thousands of Monster Race and killed three Monster God.

Qin Shuang's reputation spread throughout Martial Artist Continent, and its reputation has surpassed Tian Ci, Jin Longxing, Qín Lie, Han Ling and other former young talents.

"This is the thirty-sixth fortress?"

Qin Shuang is standing on a high ground, looking forward, kilometers away from her, the magnificent thirtieth The six fortresses crouched there like a huge ominous beast, and the whole fortress exudes a bloody atmosphere. At this time, the gate of the fortress is open. Martial Artists come in and out from time to time. There are two tall watch towers on both sides of the gate. If you find a Monster Race or Demon Race attack, you will be attacked by the watch tower. The sentry found out early.

The two pillars of the gate are a kind of test pillars, because Human Race has never seen Demon Race before, and has not yet researched out to test Demon Race disguised as Human Race. Therefore, they produced a test column for testing the Human Race. As long as it is not Human Race, whether it is Monster Race or Demon Race, pass the gate and the two pillars will glow. This ensures that there will be no Demon Race or Monster Race mixed in.

Seeing the thirty-sixth castle and the people entering and exiting at the gate, Qin Shuang lightly sighed in relief, and seeing the familiar Human Race, let Qin Shuang fight all the way from the first fortress, Have a sense of security.

Qin Shuang took a deep breath, the air was filled with a stinging smell of blood. Walking towards the gate of the thirty-sixth fortress.

This is already the border of Frost Empire. The cold gale blowing on the face makes the surrounding environment even more terrifying.

Someone walked out of the city gate and passed by Qin Shuang, but no one knew Qin Shuang, and Qin Shuang stepped into the gate of the 36th fortress.

The sky is azure blue, like a huge sapphire, and the white clouds are like flaws on the azure sapphire. Under the azure sky, is a huge mountain towering into the clouds.

Holy Mountain.

At this time, on the mountainside of Holy Mountain, there stands a tall tower, this is the spirit mark tower of Martial Sect Hall.

spirit mark tower all around very quiet place, there are no people.

At this time in Holy Mountain, 2/3/2021 people have been transferred to the life line and the second line of defense. The huge Holy Mountain appears empty, especially in unimportant places like the spirit mark tower. , And there is no one.

Not nobody!

On the up ahead gate of the spirit mark tower, sit cross-legged a Martial Artist, who is the Martial Sect Hall Martial Artist who monitors Qinjiao. Since Qin Jiao entered the spirit mark tower, he has not come out. Nearly half a year has passed since the time, and the Martial Artist lowered his eyes, as if he had entered the concentration.

As if a gust of wind was blowing, the Martial Artist suddenly raised his eyes and looked towards the spirit mark tower. I saw a silhouette appearing on the spire of the Spirit Mark Tower. That person was the Qin Jiao who had been in the Spirit Mark Tower for nearly half a year. The Martial Artist looked down. He had no idea when and how Qin Jiao appeared. Above the spire.

"Finally come out!"

Qin Jiao whispered, and then saw a spirit mark appeared under her feet, supporting her figure. A beam of light was transmitted from the center of her eyebrows, a palm-size disc Spirit Peak appeared on her left palm, and on that disc Spirit Peak there was also a reduced spiritual platform. The spirit mark tower below shrank quickly and flew towards Qin Jiao’s left palm, and finally landed on the spiritual peak. The Spirit Peak, the spiritual peak and the spirit mark tower were three in one, turning into a stream of light and shot into the piano. Prideful eyebrows.

"Qinjiao, what are you doing?" The Martial Artist who sits cross-legged above the gatehouse was shocked and shouted.

Qin Jiao tilted his head slightly and looked at the Martial Artist with cold eyes, as if looking at something that interests her.

"A Martial King!"

Qin Jiao whispered, then raised his right hand to the Martial King upstairs and grabbed a piece of spirit mark. The Martial King whizzed away. That Martial King simply didn't have the strength to fight back, his body was bound by a trace of spirit mark, unable to move even a little bit, his mouth was sealed by a spirit mark, and he couldn't make a sound. Pieces of spirit marks in the air are like knives, hovering around his body, cutting off pieces of muscles on his body. Qin Jiao’s eyes stared at the Martial Artist for an instant, until the muscles on the Martial Artist’s body were shaved off. thoroughly, revealing the intact bones inside. Qin Jiao flicks with the finger, those spirit marks cut off the bones of that Martial Artist, Qin Jiao showed a trace of disappointment in his eyes.


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