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The seven breaths of time passed, and no cracks appeared again. Qin Shuang slightly frowned after thinking for a while, it became clear in his heart. There is a stable crack in the flower bone space, but it is unstable on the other side of the crack, and I don't know where it will be transmitted. However, it should still be in this Sea Territory.


Qin Shuang took the Monster Suppressing Tower into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, stamped his feet on the seabed, and flew towards the sea.

"oh la la..."

Qin Shuang's figure rushed out of the sea, looked around, discerned the direction of Martial Artist Continent, released the flying boat, and entered Inside the flying boat, Avatar summon came out. As soon as the demon Avatar Fengyan came out, he excitedly held the eight-arm heavenly demon bone spurs and looked at Qin Shuang:

"Give this to me!"

"Give it to you "

"en!" Feng Yan said excitedly: "This bone spur is very suitable for me. I can refine it into a demonic weapon."

"demonic weapon? Also, do you know how to refine weapons?"

"Demonic weapon is a weapon suitable for Demon Race. It can guide magic well and burst out the strongest power of Demon Race. And this bone spur simply doesn’t It needs to be refined. It is a natural magic spear. As long as I keep it in my body for warming and refining, it is the most suitable demonic weapon for me."

Qin Shuang took the bone spur. Upon closer inspection, it is about one foot and six feet long, and the whole body is dark. It seems that the eight-arm heavenly demon has been cut off by the seal, the bone spur has no longer struggled, and the surging energy is felt from the bone spur, and the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness is approached. But he was bounced back by the bone spur.

"This...can you nurture and sacrifice?"

"Yes!" Demon Avatar Feng Flame Dao: "I was originally the Demon Body, and it has the same origin , It will not repel me. I have tried, not only can I practice and nurture it, but the owner of this bone spur is very powerful. There is a trace of power in this bone spur that is higher than this world, and that power affects my body. The soul, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness have the effect of moisturizing and refining, which will make me gradually improve in all aspects."

Qin Shuang recalled Black Tortoise's words and couldn't help but said: "Black Tortoise said, that The eight-arm heavenly demon is already a semi-immortal body, maybe that trace of energy is Immortal Spirit Energy, or the energy of the demon."

"It must be!" Feng Yan nodded and said excitedly : "It is of great benefit to me."

Qin Shuang thoughts move, and then Black Tortoise summon came out. Black Tortoise lay on Qin Shuang’s shoulder and said lazily:

"Why did you call me out?"

"Look at this bone spur, is it true? There is a trace of demon?"

"Of course!" Black Tortoise said lightly: "It’s just that there are too few demon in it. Even a drop of it will make your Avatar produce Heaven. and Earth turning upside down. However, this is already a great fortune. Let Fengyan slowly nurture and sacrifice this bone spur. Fengyan’s aptitude, innate talent, soul, and Sea of ​​Consciousness will all be strengthened. Cultivation speed will also be rapid progress. The most important thing is that the bone spurs of the eight-arm heavenly demon are very suitable for Fengyan, and the two complement each other."

"With the demon in this bone spur, it is against the phoenix Yan’s tempering is a fundamental change. At least within the realm of this world, it is difficult for her to meet bottleneck again."

Qin Shuang couldn’t help but smash it, she I feel that her Avatar is too deadly. Mu Avatar Yue Xing endless has a sky wall, and now the Demon Avatar also has a demon. If this continues, wouldn't the cultivation base of these Avatars surpass her body?

But after all, I was still happy, and his little hand waved: "This bone spur will be given to you. You stay here to drive the flying boat."

"Thank you!"

Feng Yan excitedly collected the bone spur into his body, and then drove the flying boat while warming up the ritual. Qin Shuang took the Black Tortoise into the heart of Haoran, and then thoughts moved into the Monster Suppressing Tower.

Looking down at my calf, the muscles burst and the bones shattered, I hurriedly took out a myriad forms and took it, and then I couldn't help thinking of the mysterious space that was seabed.

"There are demons in there. I wonder if those Monster Race skeletons have demon spirit? And those Human Race skeletons have Immortal Spirit? If so, If you can make use of those, I am afraid it will become the invincible existence of Martial Artist Continent?"

"Unfortunately, it is too dangerous! Entering there, the chance is ten deaths without life.

What on earth is that huge flower bone flower?"

"en? What about the pure Primordial Spirit liquid that I absorbed in?"

Qin Shuang stood up, the Sea of ​​Consciousness The force spread out, and then his face was startled. I think she used to get countless weapons from the hands of shrimp soldiers and crab generals on the square in the seabed Water Crystal Palace, and collected them into the Monster Suppressing Tower. When I came in last time, those weapons didn't know the reason, and they were automatically piled around the golden pillar, like a hill. At this time the hill piled up by weapons was gone.

Qin Shuang was surprised, thoughts move, and came to the golden giant pillar.


She saw seventeen pieces of metal under the golden pillar, each of which was only the size of a thumb. The colors are different.

"No way!" Qin Shuang opened his mouth wide and said, "Isn't it that a lot of weapons have been disassembled?" In the end, it was just disassembled into how small seventeen? "

Qin Shuang squatted down, grabbed one, and felt heavy at the beginning. A firm pinch, very hard.

"Fengming, come here. "Qin Shuang called.

Fengming ran over peng peng: "What's the matter?" "

Qin Shuang pointed to the seventeen metals and said, "What's the matter?" "

"That bunch of weapons was broken down. "

"Tell me in detail. "

"The pile of weapons decomposed gradually around this pillar. Some weapons were completely decomposed, and nothing was left. After some weapons were decomposed, they formed that kind of metal, and the same kind of metal condensed in Together, they formed this look. "

"Do you know all these metals?" "

"Acknowledge, I compared them to check the inheritance you gave me, these all are very precious metals, they are excellent materials for refining weapons. "

Qin Shuang is naturally very happy to hear that, but to see that such a large number of weapons ended up being disassembled into such a small seventeen pieces, and a little unwilling. Thinking of what Fengming said just now, some The weapons were simply disassembled, and nothing was left. I couldn't help but look at the golden pillar in front of him and said:

"The requirements for this golden pillar are quite high. "

"It's not a normal high! "Fengming said on the side.

"Just put these metals here. You can use them whenever you want. "

"Good! "Fengming's eyes showed excitement.

"Where is my Primordial Spirit liquid?" "

Qin Shuang thought for a while, and flew directly to the pillar of cyan. His eyes were bright. Under the pillar of cyan, there are nine water droplets the size of a little finger nail.


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