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"I can't do this!"

Qin Shuang's heart was shaken suddenly. If this goes on, I don’t have to encounter other dangers. I have a chance. Gradually dead still.


thoughts move, the Ancient Qin in Haoran's heart played the Dragon Phoenix, and her spirit was lifted up all at once. He glanced at the Haoran liquid in the golden bucket at the top, and frowned slightly, secretly said in one's heart:

"What is the use of this Haoran liquid? Is it just the formidable of Confucianism? Power increased?"

Qin Shuang paused and stood there thinking. She knew it was very strange here, if Haoran's Liquid had a new effect, and she was able to research it out, it would have a great effect on her in this environment.

There was a sudden movement in her heart, she communicated with the fluid of Haoran, and whispered in her mouth: "Thunder!"


Suddenly in the dim space Shining together, a thunder strikes in front of her. The gray death spirit in front of her evaporated into a hole within a radius of ten meters. After the thunder passed, the gray death spirit around her slowly flowed and filled the hole.

Qin Shuang stared at everything in front of him blankly, for a while, and then said: "Speak up as you please!"

Qin Shuang settled down and suppressed himself forcibly Excitement in my heart. Thoughts move, communicate with Grand Virtue Qi, and whisper again:


There is no slight reaction in the surrounding space.

"It seems that Grand Virtue Qi can't do it!"

Qin Shuang once again communicated with Haoran's liquid, and muttered, "Thunder!"

"Boom! ......"

A Power of Thunder burst down. Once again, the gray dead air in front evaporated for a radius of ten meters.


This time Qin Shuang jumped up excitedly, and his small fist waved fiercely in the air. After falling on the ground, his consciousness entered Haoran's heart, to probe the Haoran liquid in the golden bucket at the top. She found that Haoran's Liquid consumed a lot, but only released two "thunders", which consumed one-tenth of the small amount.

This is only Confucianism with very small formidable power. If you release a more mighty Confucianism, I'm afraid it will consume all the Haoran liquid in two or three strokes.

"This thing can't be used casually, it's life-saving!"

Looking forward, secretly said in one's heart: "It is estimated that there will be a dead monster ahead. "

Qin Shuang holds the dragon sword in his hand. He does not walk fast, but walks forward step by step. The Phoenix Fire Spirit Power in his body is running. Every step forward, the Phoenix Fire increases by one point. , The sword body of the dragon sword in his hand turned red gradually, the body rose up into flames, and the death energy around the body was burned and disappeared.

The flames rising around the body gradually turned into tiny Fire Phoenix shapes, flying around Qin Shuang's body.


Qin Shuang's eyebrow raised, she heard the neat footsteps coming from the front, and then she saw the densely packed dead monster At the moment when the two sides faced each other, Qin Shuang felt that he was locked.


The dead monsters on the opposite side turned into a big grey sword, lasing towards Qin Shuang, like an endless expanse Jianhai.

Qin Shuang's knees paused slightly, and the dragon sword was on the pituitary side. His mood was calmer than ever.

next moment!

Qin Shuang’s eyes showed two illusory shadows of Fire Phoenix, her figure suddenly rushed out, dragging the red rays of light, like a Fire Phoenix, the dragon sword in her hand stabbed go out.

"Feng Qingtian!"

A huge Fire Phoenix appeared in the sky, and the Fire Phoenix rose with flames, but the shape of the flame was a dragon sword. It looks like this Fire Phoenix is ​​constructed from a Fire Sword, a hot flame and a sharp sword. When these two powers are built together, the power that erupts is eye-catching.


As if a sky fell, the sea of ​​swords seemed to begin to evaporate in an instant, a gray giant sword, like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun, swiftly melt.

The sound of "Boom" is endless. This is a power confrontation of destruction and death. After the sword and phoenix swept across the sky, the gray sea of ​​swords has disappeared one third.


It is another style of Feng Qingtian, the entire space has only two colors.

Red and gray!

The collision of two forces collapsed each other. However, after Qin Shuang hit Feng Qingtian for the third time, the once boundless sea of ​​swords was swept away.

"Your strength is getting stronger and stronger!" Black Tortoise said in Hao Ranzhi's heart.

"Not enough!" Qin Shuang gasped: "At least in today's troubled times, my strength is not enough."

"Plus me is enough!" Black Tortoise proudly said: "The two of us merge, and your cultivation base is your Martial Sage of this world."

"But not Martial Sage Peak." Qin Shuang whispered: "Do you remember Feng Sound? That time she was just fooled away by me. It really fought, even if it is fused with you, it may not be her opponent. And Monster Race and Demon Race are more than one Martial Sage, maybe there are many Martial Sage Peak. ."

"But at least you can protect yourself."

"What I want is not self-protection. I will stick to those belonging to Human Race. We Human Race disagree, Monster Race And Demon Race can’t be robbed.”

While speaking, she swallowed two patterns of Bishui Pills, restored her cultivation base, and continued to move forward. Along the way, she kept killing Qi monsters and injured her body many times, but with medicine pill, she recovered quickly. And even though those dead creatures can threaten her, and even hurt her, they are still a little worse if they want to cause a fatal threat to her.

The space here is like a huge island, moved to seabed by the great magic power, and then sealed. There are undulating mountain ranges, without any plants, and dead air lingers like gray clouds.

I climbed up a mountain and looked down the mountain. Below was a huge plain. Qin Shuang looked towards the gentle all around. This huge plain was shrouded in the center by a gray mountain range.

"I wonder if this is the center of this space?"


Qin Shuang's eyes suddenly brightened, she saw it Different from gray color.

In the middle of that plain, deep purples and brilliant reds.

It was an oasis, and the oasis was full of flowers of various colors. Full of vitality!

"How is this possible?"

Qin Shuang's face showed a look of shock.

How can there be life in this dead place?

Qin Shuang stared at the color in the center blankly. In addition to shock, he was shocked and said:

"Still so vibrant?"

The spiritual power in Qin Shuang's body converges toward the eyes, and the distant scenery quickly zooms in and zooms in.

The entire plain is huge, and the vibrant central area occupies only about one-tenth of the entire plain.

There are more than a thousand Human Race skeletons sitting or standing in that vibrant place. There is a hole in the middle of these Human Race skeletons.


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