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"Junior Sister Yue, congratulations!"

Yan Xiake, Xu Feibai and the others came forward to congratulate, Qin Shuang also said:


"Boss!" Cheng Daqi looked at Qin Shuang with a smile, and said: "Boss, you attract spiritual weapon fast enough, we still Nothing happened, you attracted three."

Qin Shuang reluctantly shook the head and said: "It's a fluke."

"This is not a fluke!" Cheng Daqi Looking at Qin Shuang adoringly, "Everyone knows that if you want to attract the spiritual weapon on the peak of the spiritual weapon, the test is the purity of the power of the cultivator's Sea of ​​Consciousness. The more pure the power of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the more It can attract a spiritual weapon. And the purity of the power of the Sea of ​​Consciousness is closely related to the cultivation technique. It depends on how fast you can attract the spiritual weapon to the boss. Your cultivation technique is not a little bit higher than ours."

Qin Shuang's heart jumped. Although Cheng Daqi is still the same as her original appearance, she is still called her boss, but she always has an inexplicable feeling that the Cheng Daqi in front of her is not the original one. And with Cheng Daqi’s cultivation base, how could it be possible to break into the top ten of Nascent Soul?

Know that in the Nascent Soul Stage dísciple, there are 48 Core Disciples, no matter how round they are, they won’t be able to become a master.

What happened to this Cheng Daqi?


She felt that although Cheng Daqi’s sentence was asked in an admiring tone and look, it was out of order. The cultivator’s cultivation technique is something other people can easily Did you ask? Is it possible to ask in public? This is clearly touching the dark side of the cultivators present, making them covet the cultivation technique of Qin Shuang cultivation.

At this time, all eyes are on Qin Shuang's body, all eyes are intertwined, there is curiosity, worry, greed...

Qin Shuang looked deeply Cheng Daqi , She knows that she must give an explanation here, otherwise it will cause greed of everyone, impossible everyone can suppress their own Heart Demon, greed is human nature. However, the cultivation technique Qin Shuang absolutely cannot say, involving the Tiandao chart case, is too much involved. Qin Shuang dare to say that if she said here that her cultivation was the Tiandao chart case, the news would spread soon. Not talking about others, but the Island Lord Mishima, who opened the door of the demon, will definitely try to capture himself. Ask your own cultivation technique. Therefore, Qin Shuang faintly smiled and said:

"My Sea of ​​Consciousness is indeed very pure."

"hehe......" Cheng Daqi smiled twice: "Could it be more refined than our Nascent Soul Stage cultivator?"

"Cheng Daqi, you don't speak, no one treats you as dumb." Yan Xiake angrily shouted.

Qin Shuang waved his hand and stopped Yan Xiake: "I don’t know how pure the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator is, but I think it’s better than the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness. I’m not as good as Nascent Soul Stage cultivator in terms of reserves. But it’s more refined than the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness, I’m afraid Nascent Soul Stage cultivator is really inferior to me."

"oh?" They all looked at Qin Shuang eagerly.

Qin Shuang turned his head and looked towards Wanzhongshan Road: "Master, do you remember that we encountered a thunder pool in the Red Sea?"

"en!" Wan Chongshan nodded and said, and then the complexion changed: "Have you encountered a thunder pool again?"

Qin Shuang nodded, then turned to the people and said: "Dear senior brother and senior sister, I and my Master at the beginning, And when Martial Uncle and the others passed through the Red Sea, they encountered a thunder pool. That thunder pool was extremely mild. We used to cultivate there, and the Power of Thunder there was so mild that it could be absorbed into the Sea of ​​Consciousness. tempering Sea of ​​Consciousness. This year, I have experienced in the Red Sea and wanted to find a thunder pool. The heavens will not fail those who are faithful. I finally found a thunder pool. Although the thunder pool is very small , But it’s enough for me to use it alone. Therefore, the thread of my Foundation Establishment is not liquid, but solid."


At this time, even Sect Master Yang Yingtian was also lamenting Qin Shuang's good luck. Moreover, there are precedents when Wan Zhongshan, Ju Qing and the others encountered the thunder pool, and no one doubted Qin Shuang.

"This is dogshit luck!"

"Should we also go to the Red Sea to try one's luck?"



"No one has tempered the Foundation Establishment silk thread into a solid state, right?"

"Yes, this month endless can be said to have consolidated the foundation very solidly, as long as it does not die, it is definitely a high grade Shang Lao, maybe he can step into the Great Ascension like his Master!"

In the end, everyone left with mixed feelings. Qin Shuang went to the Master to sit for a while, and then left. However, she did not stay away, but took advantage of the night and returned, heading straight to the sky wall on the peak of trial.

Along the way, he condensed his breath, avoided the demonic beast, stealth silently to the top of the peak, and stood in front of the sky wall.

"Go, become a Peak Great Grandmaster earlier, and fix the sky wall. If there is a chaos today, Demon is flurrying, and Human Race needs to be stronger."

"I understand!"


In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the endless sound of the moon rang out, and a stream of light poured out from the center of Qin Shuang's eyebrows into the sky wall.

Qin Shuang looked up at the bright moonlight in the sky, and the fighting intent in his eyes suddenly rose. Murmured in a low voice:

"The gate of the demon opened, the magic path appeared, the spiritual energy surged, and the Demon danced. This is catastrophe, and it is also Grand Era. Let me leave a strong one in this Grand Era. The color of the pen."

Qin Shuang's figure faded, turning into a gleam of light and disappearing under the moonlight.

Back to her place of residence, no one was there to wait for her this time. Qin Shuang glanced at Xin Suifeng's closed door, then opened his door and walked in.

Sit cross-legged on the bed, Qin Shuang went to take a look at the Monster Suppressing Tower first, and saw that the Monster Suppressing Tower had not yet been integrated, and all her investigations bounced back.

Qin Shuang shook the head, probed his consciousness into the Dao dantian, and saw that there was not much left behind that calf, and his Fenghuo cultivation base had already climbed to the Martial Emperor Fifth Layer Peak, Xuanshui The cultivation base has risen to the Martial King Seventh Layer, the cultivation base of the Fire Avatar Fengming is already the Martial Emperor First Layer, and the cultivation base of the Magic Avatar Fengyan has risen to the Pill Formation Stage Fifth Layer. Estimated, the calf will disappear in a few days.

Qin Shuang couldn't help but sighed softly, and thinking about increasing cultivation base later on, it won't be so easy. And the further you go, the more spiritual power you need.

I took back my consciousness and thought about it. According to the communication with Yueyue endless, it took nearly a month for Yueyue endless to break through to the Core Formation Stage. During this period of time, whether Qin Shuang wants to break through to Martial Emperor Sixth Layer or integrate Fenghuo Core Formation, the time it takes is probably the same as Moon Endless, so he will miss the Moon Endless breakthrough. Qin Shuang doesn't want to miss the breakthrough of Yue endless. During the breakthrough of Yue endless, Yue Wuzhi's perception of Heavenly Dao will make Qin Shuang also realize.


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