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There is no sound under Dao Altar, only the sound of Xiuxian Lang on the high platform in the space.


The aura of all around began to flow faster, and there was a trace of Dao Rhyme gathering in the sky.

The spirit of Xiu Xian on the high platform is a lift, and my heart is ecstatic.

"I didn’t expect my preaching to provoke Celestial Phenomenon. According to rumors, Great Cultivator preached, motivating Celestial Phenomenon, the sky fell in disorder, and the palace fell. Do I already have the foundation of Great Cultivator?


hehe ……

Qiu Huang, what about Core Formation first?

You are no longer in my eyes, my eyes are Ji Tianming......



My eyes are Xu Feibai, I want to surpass Xu Feibai, the highest cultivator of Luofuzong cultivation base must be me, and I will become the most brilliant cultivator of Luofuzong.


I must become the most glorious cultivator in the entire monastic world, Great Cultivator!"

At this time, there is already a buzzing under the high platform.

"Xiu Xian Senior Brother, this is to motivate Celestial Phenomenon!"

"Xiu Xian Senior Brother is so amazing!"

"Fortunately I am today Come to listen to Xiu Xian Senior Brother’s preaching. After listening to Xiu Xian Senior Brother’s preaching, I will definitely be able to Core Formation."

"This is the first time Xiu Xian Senior Brother preached, but we are The first listeners of Xiu Xian Senior Brother. From now on Xiu Xian Senior Brother will become Great Cultivator, and we are also proud of you!"

"I want to follow Xiu Xian Senior Brother as an example."

"Yes! From now on, Xiu Xian Senior Brother will be my idol."

Won Young Soo looked at Xiu Xian on the platform, with a very complicated expression on his face. After a year of hard work, she originally thought that in the inner sect disciple grand competition, she would be able to defeat Xiuxian and become the first in inner sect disciple.


I didn't expect Xiuxian to break through the Core Formation Stage before the inner sect disciple grand competition, so she didn't even have a chance to compete with Xiuxian. I didn't even expect that Xiuxian's preaching would actually cause Celestial Phenomenon.

"Will I never catch up with him?" Yuan Yingxiu sighed faintly in her heart.

"Is there someone Core Formation again?" Xu Feibai stood on the roof ridge, looking into the distance in the sky and the clouds were flying.

"We are going to have a new Junior Sister again!" In the True Disciple area, a Core Formation cultivator is looking at Lingyun Flowing Road.

"How did you know it was Junior Sister, not Junior Brother?" another cultivator asked.

"Hehe...Isn't this expectation!"

Qiu Huang stood in front of his Cave Mansion, his eyes flickering while looking at the flowing clouds in the sky.

"Xiu Xian broke through to the Core Formation Stage a few days ago, who is this time? Is it Won Young Soo?"

The spiritual clouds in the sky flow faster and faster, and The aura of the entire Luofu Island began to flow towards Inner Sect. Sisi Dao Rhyme exudes a colorful glow.


In the inner sect disciple area, the cultivators under the high platform suddenly fell silent. They found that the direction of the spiritual cloud was not converging towards the high platform, and their eyes followed Looking in the direction of Lingyun flowing.

" seems like Yueyuehenyi's residence, right?"

"Yueyuehenyi has a breakthrough again?"

"No way? How long does she have a breakthrough? Huh?"

"But, this momentum is a sign of breakthrough, you see, the spirit cloud vortex is beginning to form."

"Is it really a breakthrough?"

"Why does she break through so fast? Is her Foundation Establishment platform stable? Doesn't she know that the Foundation Establishment platform is unstable, so she conducts a breakthrough, will it cause the Foundation Establishment platform to collapse?"

"It turns out that Celestial Phenomenon was caused by Junior Sister Yue breakthrough, not by the preaching of Senior Brother!"

On the high platform.

Xiu Xian's face is already gloomy as if dripping water.

"I don’t have a breakthrough early, and I don’t have a breakthrough late. But when I was preaching, I had a breakthrough and grabbed my limelight, so I dared to fight against a Core Formation Stage cultivator..."

"Look at that Lingyun vortex, it's more than ten miles, right?" Suddenly a cultivator called out in shock.

At this time, above the house of Qin Shuang, a huge spiritual cloud has been completely formed, and the huge funnel descends downward. Sisi Dao Rhyme hangs down like a yingluo.

"This Lingyun vortex has... a radius of 13 li, right?"

"It is bigger than the Lingyun vortex of Xiuxian Senior Brother breakthrough Core Formation Stage!"


On the high platform, Xiuxian's forehead was blackened, and his gaze at Lingyun vortex was full of shame.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up!"

"Yes! Yes! Don't miss the opportunity to comprehend Heavenly Dao, this kind of spiritual cloud vortex, you can't meet in Inner Sect simply Now, this is a great opportunity."

"Go! Go!"

"whiz whiz whiz......"

In the blink of an eye, Gaotai The people below are empty.

The Xiuxian on the high platform almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, and a spiteful color appeared in his eyes.

"The moon is endless, I will let you know what is the power of the Core Formation Stage cultivator."

He stood up from the high platform and took another look at the Qin Shuang house. In the direction, fiercely flicked his robe sleeves and flew from the high platform towards the True Disciple area.

Lingyun vortex lasted about four hours before slowly dissipating. Qin Shuang sits in the room and looks back at her Phoenix Fire Foundation Establishment platform.

The Phoenix Fire Foundation Establishment platform of Thirteenth Layer is like an open-top platform, showing endless grandeur and magnificence, exuding red and crystal rays of light. On the top layer of the Thirteenth Layer Foundation Establishment platform, a Fire Phoenix is ​​lying there, absorbing the Dao Rhyme that is emitted from the Thirteenth Layer Foundation Establishment platform.

Look at the Xuanshui Foundation Establishment platform on the other side. The three-story Foundation Establishment platform exudes azure light, and on the top layer there are seven water thunder beads.

Outside the house.

absolute silence. ,

Everyone looked at Qin Shuang's door with excitement and gratefulness. This time Dao Rhyme dropped more and more densely, which benefited each of them a lot. More than listening to Xiuxian's preaching.

And they really don't know at this time whether Qin Shuang is the Foundation Establishment Stage or the Core Formation Stage.

Is it Qin Shuang Core Formation?


At the sound of the door, Qin Shuang's figure appeared at the door, and all eyes were on Qin Shuang's body. Xin Suifeng next door to Qin Shuang walked towards Qin Shuang. Huang Caiyi and Gao Zhonglou hesitated, and walked towards Qin Shuang. After all, they entered the Inner Sect within the same period of time, and also played against the outer sect grand competition, and they have the same sect. There was a struggle in Chival's eyes, and eventually clenched the teeth, and walked towards Qin Shuang.

"Endless, congratulations." Xin Suifeng stood in front of Qin Shuang with a smile on his face.

"Endless, congratulations." Huang Caiyi and Gaozhonglou walked in front of Qin Shuang.

"Hentai, what kind of cultivation base are" Chivali looked at Qin Shuang restlessly.

Qin Shuang smiled. She didn't have any hatred for Chivalry. No one killed anyone's close relatives and friends. However, Qin Shuang will not tell him that he is the Foundation Establishment Stage Thirteenth Layer.

"Foundation Establishment Stage Tenth Layer."

"You... want Core Formation?"

Looking at Qin Shuang with complex eyes Frustrated. Think about it before, which is more than a year. At that time, I was able to compete with Qin Shuang in the ring. But what about now?

I am the Foundation Establishment Stage Second Layer, and Qin Shuang is about to be Core Formation. The other party has become the existence she needs to look up to.


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