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Black Tortoise's spiritual consciousness has spread wildly from the Primordial Spirit, and at the same time, in the inheritance jade ball, That sword was repeatedly slashed out, and the small circulation sword dao moved up and down. Under the perfusion of Black Tortoise spiritual consciousness, it gradually revealed all the details of the small circulation sword dao.

Qin Shuang captures the trajectory of one after another small circulation sword dao, and deduces the law of small circulation sword dao. The small circulation sword dao is becoming clearer and clearer.

"weng weng weng ……"

Under the continuous infusion of Black Tortoise spiritual consciousness, the small circulation sword dao is enlarged again, and the sword marks of the roads are also getting more and more. Thick, stars appeared in Qin Shuang's consciousness, which are the sword marks of small circulation sword dao.

Sword marks are the foundation of sword dao, and sword dao is constructed by more or less sword marks. However, Qin Shuang did not expect that the sword marks hidden in the small circulation sword Dao Accumulation would be so complicated, so mysterious, that there are countless sword marks.

Qin Shuang took a closer look and saw countless sword marks like one after another, big or small stars, small stars revolving around the larger star, and then the larger star With the small stars that revolve around it, they revolve around a larger star, all the stars are moving, and the extremely mysterious and abstruse trajectory presents a simple and magnificent, shocking and spectacular scene.

Gradually, under the infusion of Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit, the small circulation sword dao becomes bigger and bigger. The original subtleties become clearer in front of Qin Shuang’s eyes, but the more you see Clear, the more mysterious and mysterious the sword marks will be felt.


Qin Shuang was not discouraged at all, all he had in his heart was excitement. Although this small circulation sword dao is complicated, it is still a lot worse than visualizing the sky dao chart on Fire Phoenix and Black Tortoise, not to mention the complete Sword Stars Secret Art.

Nine times the comprehension is running wildly, and the Profound Truth of the small circulation is flowing in the heart.

A trace of sword marks were born around Qin Shuang and circled around her.

Black Tortoise is urging inheritance jade ball, Qin Shuang is comprehending. The power of Black Tortoise's spiritual consciousness and Qin Shuang's Sea of ​​Consciousness are consuming frantically. Even without Qin Shuang’s urging of the inheritance jade ball, her Sea of ​​Consciousness was consumed extremely quickly. In just over an hour and a half, Qin Shuang felt that her Sea of ​​Consciousness had broken pain, involuntarily The earth retreated from the inheritance jade ball.

"This sword dao very difficult to deal with!" Black Tortoise's head also left the inheritance jade ball, with a sigh in his tone.

"Really difficult to deal with?" Qin Shuang's spirit was refreshed.

"That's nature!" Black Tortoise nodded and said seriously: "This small circulation sword dao is made by observing the Sun, Moon and Stars, and the operation of Heavenly Dao.

What is it? small circulation?

That is a side universe, which is larger than a side World.

If you practice this sword and take it out, you can win the World's All Living Things. Energy, turn it into your own use. Become a universe on its own."

"Capture the energy of all things?"

"Yes! But to reach that level, two foundations are needed. One is to cultivate the small circulation sword dao cultivation to Great Perfection Realm, and the other is to at least move the cultivation progress to the Core Formation Stage. But now you can’t seize the energy of all things, you can only rely on the power of consuming your Sea of ​​Consciousness To release the power of small circulation sword dao."

"Then if I meet these two requirements, will I be able to release the small circulation sword dao perfectly?"

"There is no perfection, and the power of small circulation sword dao has no end. When you understand small circulation sword dao to a perfect realm, although you are bound by small circulation, as your cultivation base improves, its power will also be Getting stronger."

Qin Shuang thought for a while and said: "Since the power of small circulation sword dao has no end, I just need to work hard to increase cultivation base, so why bother to create great circulation sword dao? "

"Stupid!" Black Tortoise despised: "Does the little Zhou Tian capable compare with great circulation? Their two starting points are different. Under the same cultivation base, the great circulation sword dao can be used. Better than sm all circulation sword dao power is more than a hundred times higher. "

"That's it! "Qin Shuang couldn't help but feel moved: "Waiting for me to realize the great circulation sword dao, and then merge with the starry sky and plains, then I will feel terrifying when I think about it. "

"Dream you! "Black Tortoise said disdainfully: "Now you have not even reached the Small Success Realm of the small circulation sword dao. If you want to integrate the stars and the plains, you must first understand the small circulation sword array to the Great Perfection Realm. And Xing Chui flat and wide also have to comprehend the Great Perfection Realm. "

Qin Shuang's face was a little bit ridiculous: "The stars are flat and wide, and I have just realized Small Success Realm." "

"I've seen your star hanging down and wide. It is only a small part of Sword Stars Secret Art. The level of your Sword Stars Secret Art is better than that of small circulation, maybe even better than great circulation sword dao. "

"Really? "Qin Shuang's spirit is refreshed again.

"And your sword technique starlight shake, don't look at your cultivation to the Great Perfection Realm now, they pulled the sword completely out of the sheath. But its power is definitely more than that. The higher your cultivation base, the stronger its power. "

"I will try small circulation sword dao. "

Qin Shuang grabbed the Black Tortoise One, put it on his shoulder, and walked out of the house happily. As soon as he stepped on the void, his figure rose into the sky.

Two quarters later, Qin Shuang has moved away from Luofu Island and stood on the sea. Thoughts move, the dragon sword in the dantian was held in her hand, her expression was stunned. She unexpectedly found the dragon sword obediently I held it in my hand and honestly, without the slightest resistance. I looked at the dragon sword dao in my hand with joy:

"Dragon Sword, finally recognized me. "


The dragon sword vibrated, as if responding.

Qin Shuang full of energy, holding the dragon sword in his hand, pierced out with a sword I saw a sword humming out, it was a sword-shaped sword qi, there was a little starlight flowing in the sword body, and there was a starlight at the tip of the sword.

Xuan Martial Dao lying on Qin Shuang's shoulder: "You just laid the foundation for the small circulation sword dao, and now you have not even reached the Small Success Realm. Waiting for you to divide this sword into two, two into four, until it reaches thirty Six Paths swords, it will be considered as Great Perfection Realm. And Great Perfection Realm only means that you understand the small circulation sword dao to the Great Perfection, but it does not mean that the power of the small circulation sword dao has reached its limit. You can convert each of the thirty Six Paths swords into thirty Six Paths, and then you can continue to differentiate, endless, but this requires your cultivation base to support. Otherwise, even if you comprehend small circulation sword dao to Great Perfection, the cultivation base is not enough and it cannot be differentiated. "

"This is already very difficult to deal with! ”

Qin Shuang is complacent, looking back at her Sea of ​​Consciousness, her expression is joyful again. Through comprehension of this small circulation sword dao, she actually made her Twelfth Layer Foundation Establishment platform and third floor. The Xuanshui Foundation Establishment station fits perfectly.


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